
The man brought back fresh strawberries, and his wife almost died in one gulp, doctor: These types of people should be careful

author:Möngke talks about health

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On the weekend, Li Qiang bought a basket of fresh strawberries for his wife Zhang Jing with a happy mood.

Zhang Jing loved this bright red and attractive fruit, and tasted a few without hesitation. But not long after, she felt chest tightness and difficulty breathing, and her family rushed her to the hospital.

The man brought back fresh strawberries, and his wife almost died in one gulp, doctor: These types of people should be careful

In the hospital, after careful examination, doctor Wang Lin found that Zhang Jing was not allergic to strawberries themselves, but a special constitution, that is, "calcium oxalate stone constitution".

Strawberries are high in oxalic acid, and for people with this type of constitution, excessive consumption of strawberries may lead to calcium oxalate deposition in the body, triggering health problems.

The man brought back fresh strawberries, and his wife almost died in one gulp, doctor: These types of people should be careful

Dr Wang Lin explained that this is not uncommon. Many people may not be aware that they have a particular constitution, so they need to be extra careful when eating certain foods.

Wang Lin also pointed out that in such cases, it is very important to seek medical attention in a timely manner. He advises families to have basic first aid knowledge, such as recognising the symptoms of an allergic reaction and the initial steps to take.

The man brought back fresh strawberries, and his wife almost died in one gulp, doctor: These types of people should be careful

Even foods that seem ordinary in everyday life can pose risks for people with a certain physique. Although Zhang Jing in the story likes strawberries, she does not know the ingredients in them, which reflects the public's cognitive blind spots in terms of dietary health.

That is, when faced with an uncertain history of food allergies or special constitutions, one should exercise caution and seek professional medical help if necessary. During Zhang Jing's recovery, Dr. Wang Lin discovered a phenomenon worthy of attention.

The man brought back fresh strawberries, and his wife almost died in one gulp, doctor: These types of people should be careful

He pointed out that in modern society, people increasingly rely on external information to guide their eating Xi, ignoring direct dialogue with their bodies.

He suggested that everyone should learn to listen to their own body and be aware of the effects of food on them. In Zhang's case, for example, she instinctively felt unwell.

The man brought back fresh strawberries, and his wife almost died in one gulp, doctor: These types of people should be careful

But if you can realize the link between this reaction and strawberry consumption earlier, you may be able to seek help earlier. This is not only an ability to protect oneself, but also a deep understanding of health.

Dr. Wang Lin also emphasized that modern people's perception of food is often oversimplified. People often divide food into "good" and "bad" foods, ignoring each person's unique reaction to food.

The man brought back fresh strawberries, and his wife almost died in one gulp, doctor: These types of people should be careful

For example, food that is good for one person may be a potential threat to another. Therefore, he encourages people to think more about their individual constitution and reactions when it comes to their dietary choices.

In modern society, people tend to rely too much on "health information" on the Internet and media, and ignore the actual experience and wisdom in life.

The man brought back fresh strawberries, and his wife almost died in one gulp, doctor: These types of people should be careful

He believes that while information technology has provided us with convenience, there is no substitute for personal experience and intuition when it comes to health.

Even the most mundane things can hide hidden complexities. Strawberries are a popular fruit, but there are details behind them that require our attention.

The man brought back fresh strawberries, and his wife almost died in one gulp, doctor: These types of people should be careful

Life is not just about health, it's about a deep understanding of yourself and the world around you. Everyone's body is unique, and what we need is not just external guidance, but more inner listening and understanding.

The man brought back fresh strawberries, and his wife almost died in one gulp, doctor: These types of people should be careful

What do you think about fresh strawberries?

The man brought back fresh strawberries, and his wife almost died in one gulp, doctor: These types of people should be careful

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