
"Wife Kefu, written on the face": these types of women make men's lives hard

author:Kelsey Emotional

"Wife Kefu, written on the face": these types of women make men's lives hard

Author: Starlight

Source: Dian Dian Starlight (diandianxingguang888)

There is a folk saying: "Marrying a bad family member harms three generations." It means that marrying a woman in the family with incorrect views will inevitably harm three generations. Woman, determines the feng shui of a family.

Indeed, looking at those families who live well, most of their families have a positive and optimistic hostess who loves life; They are like a ray of sunshine that illuminates the hearts of every family member. On the contrary, if the hostess of the house sighs, hangs her head, and is full of negative energy every day, the family will also be shrouded in gloom.

Not to mention anything else, in marriage, the wife's personality greatly affects the man's attitude towards life; While everyone's marriage model is unique, some marriages are indeed worth dissecting.

"Wife Kefu, written on the face": these types of women may unintentionally make a man's life hard.

"Wife Kefu, written on the face": these types of women make men's lives hard

01. Nagging wife

A nagging wife will make her husband bored with her; Whether it is in life or work, always repeating the same, the same complaints, the same problems, and ignoring the feelings and moods of the listener, no matter what kind of relationship it is, it will feel stressful, and even affect the other person's life and work.

The essence of nagging is actually to transfer one's anxiety to others, so that the other party can share their own anxiety, so as to gain emotional empathy and comfort. Excessive nagging not only does not solve the problem, but also exacerbates the contradictions and conflicts between couples.

In the nagging for a long time, a man may gradually lose his enthusiasm and motivation for life; As the most intimate lover, you should learn to listen to your husband's opinions and suggestions moderately, rather than emphasizing your own views and opinions.

"Wife Kefu, written on the face": these types of women make men's lives hard

02. A wife with a strong desire to control

A very controlling wife who tries to control everything around her, even her husband, as well as his social circle, behavior, etc. In life, they like to dictate to their husbands and do not allow him to have his own thoughts and independent space. This excessive desire for control can be repressed and suffocated, leading to a gradual estrangement between the couple.

A very controlling wife, in essence, is not confident in herself, and she gains a sense of security by controlling everything in her husband to ensure that her status and interests are not threatened. The reality is that such behaviour hurts the dignity and freedom of the husband and destroys the trust and affection between the husband and wife.

As a husband and wife, you should trust and respect each other unconditionally, give each other enough personal space, and create a good family atmosphere together.

"Wife Kefu, written on the face": these types of women make men's lives hard

03. Overly dependent women

There are women who, before getting married, are omnipotent, live bravely, and bravely face the storms of life; Once married, you will become a "canary" behind the man, stay away from society and return to the family.

Whether it is financially or psychologically completely dependent on men, they regard men as their only center of life; They lose their thoughts and pursuits in order to provide emotional value to men.

Once there is a change in their relationship, all they can do is cry and cry; Such a woman will not only not be able to be a virtuous helper, but will also be a burden to men. Over time, love dissipates, and men's feelings for them turn into disgust.

No matter when and where, independence should be a woman's pursuit; Maintain independence financially, ideologically, and in life, and allow yourself to radiate self-confidence.

"Wife Kefu, written on the face": these types of women make men's lives hard

Wives, like husbands, play an extremely important role in marriage, and their words and actions affect the harmony of a family. As a wife, you should strive to improve your personal quality and cultivation, respect your husband's words and deeds, and create a beautiful family together.

Husbands and wives should maintain a good communication system, solve problems and challenges in life together, and enjoy happy moments together.

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