
The United States united 12 countries to issue an ultimatum to the Houthis in Yemen!

author:Bo Ming decrypted
The United States united 12 countries to issue an ultimatum to the Houthis in Yemen!

The United States has joined 12 countries to issue a joint statement, and the theme of the joint statement is that the Houthis in Yemen must stop blockading the Red Sea, and if they still want to attack and grab cargo ships at sea, the 12 countries led by the United States will form a joint fleet to strike at them.

The United States united 12 countries to issue an ultimatum to the Houthis in Yemen!

What is surprising is that this time the Middle Eastern country of Bahrain was involved, and Bahrain was also involved in the joint cruise fleet formed by the United States some time ago. In addition to Bahrain there are Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Italy. This time Japan has come in, and South Korea has not yet come.

The United States united 12 countries to issue an ultimatum to the Houthis in Yemen!

Except for Germany, the rest of these countries were brought in by the United States with both hard and soft measures. It is impossible to fight the Houthis in Yemen. Because it really hurt the Yemeni Houthis, the cargo ships of these countries will definitely not let go of the Yemeni Houthis in the Red Sea in the Gulf of Aden in the future. So most of them are verbal and hands-on. If you really do it, you will be cowardly immediately.

The United States united 12 countries to issue an ultimatum to the Houthis in Yemen!

Moreover, in the Middle East, it is not only the Houthis in Yemen who oppose the United States and Israel, but also the Lebanese Allah, Syria and Iran, who are not afraid of the United States at all.

Therefore, the 12 countries led by the United States have basically made ultimatums to the Houthis in Yemen, who are barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes.

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