
Managing Energy (In-Depth Article)

author:Art Scene
Managing Energy (In-Depth Article)

Have you ever had a similar experience:

Before he had taken a few steps, he was already out of breath;

After only an hour of work, I began to think crankily and had difficulty concentrating;

When I get home from work, I just want to snuggle up on the couch and don't want to do anything......

These physical exhaustions, work problems, in the final analysis, are due to lack of energy.

A person's lack of energy can greatly reduce their quality of life.

Psychologist Jim Lohr pointed out that energy management is more important than time management.

Living in the world, people always have to face all kinds of difficulties in life and complex social relations.

Learning to manage energy and do things efficiently is the easiest way for adults to live.

Managing Energy (In-Depth Article)


Physical energy

Zhihu blogger @小野 once told his experience in a post.

He is a paralegal in a leading law firm in China, running cases all over the country, and working overtime all year round to catch up with the progress.

Every time I get off work late at night, when I get home and order a takeout, I go to the sofa, watch videos, and stay up until the early hours of the morning.

Some time ago, he found that he was always out of shape, his body was constantly ailmented, his brain was also slow to react, and he frequently made mistakes at work.

After the team leader criticized him a few times, he saw that he was not getting better, so he talked to him directly: "Go back and find out your state, if you don't adjust well, don't come back." ”

At this time, he suddenly woke up: if he doesn't have enough physical energy, he will talk about any work in vain.

If you look closely at the people around us, there are quite a few people who are like this.

I always can't get up at work, and I look tired.

Occasionally, I work overtime a few times, and I can't slow down for several days.

When the body can't keep up with the pace of work, life will be disordered and get worse and worse.

I once thought that engaging in a career depended on qualifications, connections, and performance......

But in the end, I realized that it was my body and energy that I was fighting.

As Zuckerberg put it:

Only by maintaining good health can we have more energy and have the energy to do more meaningful things.

To stay fit, try these three things.

1. Take a deep breath for 15 seconds

Liu Xin, a professor at Tianjin Medical University, said:

"Deep breathing relies on muscle movements, which can be described as the most convenient exercise. It also stimulates cell vitality and relieves fatigue. ”

Whether in the office or outdoors, whenever you're feeling tired, take a set of deep breaths.

Each deep breath is controlled for about 15 seconds, and you can quietly feel the rhythm of your body between one breath and one inhale.

After a minute or two, you'll be back in shape and you'll be able to get back to work.

2. 30 minutes of comfortable jogging

As the old saying goes, the hub is not beetle, and the flowing water is not rotten.

The same is true for the human body, the more sedentary you are, the more tired you will be, and the more likely you are to have fatigue.

Just jog for half an hour every day at the most comfortable pace to slowly recharge your body.

When you sweat out, your energy and stamina will be more abundant.

3. 7.5 hours of regular sleep

Have you ever had this experience?

After an all-night overtime, even if we slept for ten hours, we were still groggy during the day.

Because people's energy is not only about the length of sleep, but also about regular sleep.

According to the International Society of Sleep Medicine, the best sleep for the human body should be 7.5 hours between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Sleeping too long, too short, or not at this time can exhaust the body.

Sleeping well may seem like a simple thing, but it can change your whole energy state.

Managing Energy (In-Depth Article)


Emotional energy

In psychology, there is a term called "emotional exhaustion".

Meaning, if a person's emotional resources are overdepleted, they will be tired and lose energy.

Whether it's anger or frustration, once you get caught up in negative emotions, eventually your energy will quickly dry up.

World tennis stars McEnroe and Connors were once doubles partners.

The duo's skills are equal, but McEnroe is always slightly inferior in personal honors, because McEnroe's mood is always up and down.

The sweat-absorbing white powder wiped on his hands was not to his liking, and he began to lose his temper;

When his partner didn't catch the ball, he immediately cursed;

If you make a slight mistake, you will fall into endless self-blame and become depressed.

Even if he still has physical strength after every game, he is made unable to fight by all kinds of bad emotions.

As a result, his entire career was inconsistent and he retired early at the age of 34.

Later, McEnroe regretted that anger had squandered my energy.

Negative emotions are like a poison that will continue to erode our hearts and make us more and more depressed.

In the sea of life, no one will inevitably be beaten by the waves, and there are always many unsatisfactory things in life.

If you want to manage your emotions and energy and cope with the ups and downs of life, Wanjun recommends trying the following three methods.

1. Accelerate emotional transformation

Writer Orison Madden writes in The Capital of a Life:

At no time should all actions be subject to one's own emotions, but should be controlled in turn.

Emotions can be controlled and transformed.

For example, if you encounter a bad thing, you go for a meal and go out for a ride.

For example, when you are about to get angry, immediately do what you like, and your mood can be calmed.

Only by speeding up the transformation of emotions can we reduce consumption and save energy.

2. Expand emotional capacity

Psychologist Jim Lohr believes that human emotions have a capacity.

The emotional capacity is not large enough, and a little little thing will set off waves in people's hearts.

In the face of life's grievances, please exercise restraint and continue to endure.

When encountering setbacks in life, learn to adjust your mindset and allow everything to happen.

When you continue to expand your capacity and put on bad moods, you won't be overwhelmed by negative energy.

3. Improves emotional resilience

Liu Run, a well-known corporate consultant, once mentioned the term "emotional resilience".

People who are not emotionally flexible enough are like vases, which seem glamorous and break when they fall.

And the so-called high elasticity of people is like a rubber ball, which can bounce up immediately when they fall to the ground.

Be an emotionally resilient person who can recover quickly no matter what happens.

When you are sad, you can hide and cry, but after crying, you must be strong immediately;

When you are angry, find a place where no one is, let out a loud roar, eliminate emotions, and restore your mood.

Emotionally relaxed, even if you are under great pressure, you can bottom out and live a good life.

Managing Energy (In-Depth Article)


Thinking energy

Psychologist Tony Schwartz told a real-life story.

Sarah is a hospital administrator who gets to work so busy that she sometimes doesn't even bother to take care of lunch.

Even so, she saved up more and more work.

Over time, when her boss saw that she had no work performance, he criticized her for being lazy at work, and her colleagues also questioned her ability.

Sarah was very aggrieved, and people became anxious.

So, she consulted Schwartz, a psychiatrist.

Schwartz hit the nail on the head: "It's your lack of mental energy." ”

It turns out that when Sarah is working, there are always many people looking for her.

As soon as she heard the appeal of others, she immediately put aside the matter at hand and turned her head to be busy with another matter.

This kind of change between things consumes a lot of Sarah's energy.

Eventually, Sarah was so tired that she didn't say anything, and she didn't get anything done.

reminds me of Luo Zhenyu's words: People who can't focus on their thinking often don't achieve anything.

I want to do everything, but I often can't take care of anything, and I will only consume energy repeatedly.

It seems to be very diligent, but in fact it is busy, and it is difficult to transform it into real productivity.

Learn the following three methods to save thinking energy and improve work efficiency.

1. Set goals and tasks

Studies have shown that the average duration of continuous attention is only 8 seconds.

A large part of this is due to the fact that many people lack a sense of purpose and are distracted.

Learn to use the "four-quadrant rule" to divide the events in your hands into four types each day:

Urgent and important, urgent but not important, important but not urgent, not important and not urgent.

Then set them into tasks in turn, and focus on one thing at any given time.

When you have a goal in mind, you can move forward without distractions and complete the task with the least amount of energy.

Managing Energy (In-Depth Article)

2. Block out information interference

In the age of the Internet, everyone is surrounded by a clutter of information.

If it is not shielded, it is easy to be disturbed by this and spend a lot of energy on it.

Here is a "Pomodoro Technique" to help you effectively isolate the intrusion of excessive information.

Set a continuous 45-minute time limit to concentrate on the task at hand.

This is followed by a short break of 5-10 minutes for processing mobile phone information, drinking water, going to the toilet, etc.

In this way, you can actively block out external distractions and your mind will be in order.

Managing Energy (In-Depth Article)

3. Build a meditation space

In the book "How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci", it is mentioned that "the key to mental recovery is meditation." ”

Meditation is a space for our brain to rejuvenate.

You can find a quiet place to sit, close your eyes, feel your breath in and in, and then slowly relax.

Walk around and imagine yourself strolling through the forest, lying quietly on the lawn.

Finally, when your brain is completely empty, your mind will slowly focus.

Managing Energy (In-Depth Article)

Steve Jobs once said: One of the most important things in life is to manage your energy.

To manage energy is to manage life.

Whether it's physical, emotional, or mental, it needs your careful care.

If the energy is not distributed properly, it will make life more and more messy, and life will get worse and worse.

Only when you learn to manage your energy, nourish your spirit, and take care of your body, can you keep your life in order and do more valuable and meaningful things.

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