
Nutritional specialty: Assorted tofu: the soup is white, the fish flavor is mellow: the twentieth secret recipe

author:Eat a family
Nutritional specialty: Assorted tofu: the soup is white, the fish flavor is mellow: the twentieth secret recipe

Procedure steps:

1. Choose 300 grams of soybeans and tender tofu, remove the skin and spread finely.

2. Chicken tenderloin 50 grams, white fish 25 grams, fat 25 grams chopped very finely chopped, together with tofu add 10 ml of rice wine, 2 grams of refined salt, 3 egg whites, 50 ml of chicken broth, stir vigorously, steam over low heat, draw rectangles.

3. Add 50 grams of cooked lard to a hot pot, 5 grams of minced shallots, 15 grams of cooked dried scallops, 10 grams of cooked ham, 20 grams of cooked tongue, 20 grams of pulp shrimp, 10 grams of minced mushrooms, 10 grams of cooked winter shoots, 5 grams of minced pine nuts, 5 grams of green beans, stir-fry, add 15 ml of wine, 2 grams of refined salt, 2.5 grams of sugar, 125 ml of chicken broth and tofu, boil, 20 grams of water starch, 10 grams of sesame oil.

Taste and flavor:

The finished tofu is white in color, delicate and tender in texture, and fragrant in taste. If the ingredients are incomplete, just choose your own materials.

Nutritional specialty: Assorted tofu: the soup is white, the fish flavor is mellow: the twentieth secret recipe
Nutritional specialty: Assorted tofu: the soup is white, the fish flavor is mellow: the twentieth secret recipe

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