
Homemade salted egg yolk assorted tofu, duck egg yolk salty fragrant tofu soft glutinous, eating is too addictive

author:Small taste

Homemade salted egg yolk assorted tofu, duck egg yolk salty fragrant tofu soft glutinous, eating is too addictive

Nowadays, young people rarely pickle salted duck eggs themselves, but the previous generation pickled a little salted duck eggs every year for the family to enjoy. Salted duck eggs also have an ancient name called salty clams, and it is said in the "Record of Quitting Cultivation and Salty Weeds": "Nowadays people use rice soup and salt grass ash to make duck eggs, which is called salty weeds." After the duck eggs are salted, there will be qualitative changes, especially the salted duck eggs, which make people have an urge to eat at the moment of opening, and even the salted duck eggs with white porridge are delicious.

Homemade salted egg yolk assorted tofu, duck egg yolk salty fragrant tofu soft glutinous, eating is too addictive

I believe that many people take salted duck eggs directly with staple food to eat, this is a very simple meal, but because of the good taste of salted duck eggs, even such a simple meal can make people eat very comfortable. Salted duck eggs can not only be made into a small dish to accompany the meal, but also its practical salted duck eggs as ingredients, and the dishes made are just as delicious. If you have salted duck eggs at home, you can make salted egg yolk assorted tofu together with inner fat tofu to ensure that the salted duck eggs become more delicious. 【Dish name】: Salted egg yolk mixed tofu

【Ingredients required】: salted egg yolk, lactone tofu, assorted vegetable diced, etc

【Cooking process】:

Step 1, a box of fat tofu cut into small cubes, pay attention to lactone tofu is relatively soft, pay attention to when cutting, especially from the box to pay attention to be careful to break.

Homemade salted egg yolk assorted tofu, duck egg yolk salty fragrant tofu soft glutinous, eating is too addictive

Step 2: After filling the pot with water, turn on the heat to boil the water in the pot, and cook the diced lactone tofu after the water is boiled.

Homemade salted egg yolk assorted tofu, duck egg yolk salty fragrant tofu soft glutinous, eating is too addictive

Step 3: Then put the diced vegetables off the pot, boil them together with the diced tofu, and then drain the water.

Homemade salted egg yolk assorted tofu, duck egg yolk salty fragrant tofu soft glutinous, eating is too addictive

Step 4: Make a small bowl of sauce, cut the garlic into minced garlic, add salt, sugar, soy sauce and an appropriate amount of cold white and stir well.

Homemade salted egg yolk assorted tofu, duck egg yolk salty fragrant tofu soft glutinous, eating is too addictive

Step 5: Find a clean bowl, add an appropriate amount of water starch to it, then pour water and stir.

Homemade salted egg yolk assorted tofu, duck egg yolk salty fragrant tofu soft glutinous, eating is too addictive

Step 6: Take 3 salted egg yolks, pour oil into the pan, put the salted egg yolks into the pot, pay attention to the stir-fry salted duck egg yolks on low heat.

Homemade salted egg yolk assorted tofu, duck egg yolk salty fragrant tofu soft glutinous, eating is too addictive

Step 7: Pay attention to using a shovel to fry the salted duck egg yolk, and add a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell of the salted duck egg yolk when it is almost fried.

Homemade salted egg yolk assorted tofu, duck egg yolk salty fragrant tofu soft glutinous, eating is too addictive

Step 8: After sautéing the salted duck egg yolks, blanch the inner fat tofu and assorted vegetables in the pot and shake the pot a few times to make the ingredients more even.

Homemade salted egg yolk assorted tofu, duck egg yolk salty fragrant tofu soft glutinous, eating is too addictive

Step 9: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, be careful not to overdo it, bring the water to a boil and gently push the ingredients with the back of the spatula.

Homemade salted egg yolk assorted tofu, duck egg yolk salty fragrant tofu soft glutinous, eating is too addictive

Step 10: Before finally leaving the pot, drizzle in the mixed water starch and thicken the soup in the pot.

Homemade salted egg yolk assorted tofu, duck egg yolk salty fragrant tofu soft glutinous, eating is too addictive

Step 11, finally after mixing evenly, you can put it out, the taste is very fragrant, scoop a spoonful of rice and mix it is very fragrant.

Homemade salted egg yolk assorted tofu, duck egg yolk salty fragrant tofu soft glutinous, eating is too addictive

【Cooking Skills】:

1, lactone tofu is very soft, so take out from the box to pay attention to, you can cut a small opening in the bottom four corners of the box, so that after the inverted buckle, it is easy to take out the entire inner fat tofu.

2, make this dish to pay attention to, must not use a shovel to flip the lactone tofu, so that it is easy to crush the inner fat tofu.

3, salted duck egg yolk can buy ready-made, you can also use their own home pickled salted duck eggs, after cooking only use egg yolk, salted duck egg white can be used for other purposes, do not waste it.

4, sautéed duck egg yolk should pay attention to, be sure to fry the duck egg yolk to scatter, stir-fry after the dish and then into the inner fat tofu and assorted vegetable diced, and finally hook is also very important, the soup juice received thick after turning off the heat.

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