
Assorted tofu soup to prepare

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Assorted tofu soup to prepare

This is a light and nutritious home-cooked soup suitable for children and the elderly.

by Shaya Kiki 【Douguo Food Official Certified Master】

1 box of inner fat tofu

1 asparagus

Pork tenderloin 100 g

Cooked corn kernels 30 g

Half a carrot

Starch to taste

Salt to taste

Assorted tofu soup to prepare

1. Prepare the materials as shown in the picture.

Assorted tofu soup to prepare

2: Soak the tofu in hot water.

Assorted tofu soup to prepare

3: Dice the carrots and cut the asparagus into small circles.

Assorted tofu soup to prepare

4: Cut the lean meat into small cubes, add the appropriate amount of starch and mix well.

Assorted tofu soup to prepare

5: Cut the tofu into small cubes.

Assorted tofu soup to prepare

6: Take a bowl and add a spoonful of starch and half a bowl of water and mix well.

Assorted tofu soup to prepare

7: Heat the oil in a hot pan and heat it to 80%.

Assorted tofu soup to prepare

8: Add lean meat and stir-fry to change color.

Assorted tofu soup to prepare

9: Stir-fry carrots and corn for 10 seconds.

Assorted tofu soup to prepare

10: Add a bowl of water and bring to a boil.

Assorted tofu soup to prepare

11: Add tofu and asparagus, add salt and cook for about 1-2 minutes.

Assorted tofu soup to prepare

12: Pour in the water starch and bring to a boil to turn off the heat.

Assorted tofu soup to prepare

13, rich in color!

Assorted tofu soup to prepare

14. Light nutrition!


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