
Recipes during pregnancy: Assorted tofu casserole for the third week of pregnancy

author:Help you get pregnant

By the third week of pregnancy, many numbness began to appear morning sickness, and it was impossible to eat. Go to the hospital for examination, and even find malnutrition. A good recipe is especially important at this time.

For nutrition at this time:

1. Nutritionists have found from clinical case studies that if the mother's eating habits when pregnant are not good, the baby is prone to often show no appetite, dislike to eat, often spit up milk, indigestion and malabsorption, partial food and other phenomena after birth. If the expectant mother hopes that the baby can have good eating habits in the future, she must pay attention to developing good eating habits first.

2. While supplementing folic acid, strengthen the uptake of a variety of trace elements, because trace elements such as zinc and copper are also involved in the development of the central nervous system. You can eat some bananas and animal offal appropriately.

Today I recommend a list of recipes that are nutritionally especially suitable for pregnant mothers during this period: assorted tofu pot

Directions: It's very simple!

1. Stew ham, shrimp or silver fish with tofu.

2. Add green vegetables when almost cooked (optional cabbage, rape or lettuce),

3, then add sesame oil (can not stand the fragrance can not add), salt, spring onion, etc.

Seasoning is mainly based on the taste of each pregnant woman herself. The ingredients are simple and nutritious, with a light taste.

Recipes during pregnancy: Assorted tofu casserole for the third week of pregnancy

Efficacy: Rich in nutrients, beneficial to fetal brain development.

Follow-up is successively released a simple recipe suitable for pregnancy, for the reference of pregnant mothers. Thank you.

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