
Zhuzhou Lusong assorted tofu preparation

Zhuzhou Lusong assorted tofu preparation

  Assorted tofu is delicious, beautiful and nutritious. Its raw materials are: 250 grams of tofu, 50 grams of carrots, 100 grams of beef, 200 grams of fresh tofu, 100 grams of mushrooms, 250 grams of soybean oil (75 grams of actual consumption), 25 grams of cooking wine, 50 grams of soy sauce, 2 grams of refined salt, 10 grams of sugar, 10 grams of green onion, 5 grams of ginger, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 15 grams of starch.

    How to do it:

    1, cut the tofu, peeled carrots and beef into large dice of peas; peel the peas; peel the green onions and ginger, and chop them into minced pieces;

    2, wok high heat, put in soybean oil, burn 50% hot, put in the diced tofu slightly stir-fry, fish out, control dry; diced carrots and peas are put into the pot of boiling water, blanched, fished out, controlled dry;

    3, after the frying pan is clean, put in 25 grams of soybean oil, when it is hot, add beef, minced green onion, minced ginger, sauté a few times, add a little water, then put soy sauce, salt, sugar, cooking wine, after the soup is boiled, put in diced tofu, diced carrots, peas, monosodium glutamate, with starch, you can.

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