
Assorted tofu pot, delicious to eat, eat more can also make the skin more delicate

author:Little Seven Foodie

Introduction: Dear friends, hello, today Xiaobian to share with you this dish is called assorted tofu pot, which is a food that can calm the mind, eat delicious and delicious, tender and delicious meat, people have to love. And the nutritional value of this delicacy is also very high, and eating more of this delicacy can also play a role in beauty and beauty, so that our skin becomes more delicate, and then Xiaobian will share the production method of this delicacy to everyone.

Assorted tofu pot, delicious to eat, eat more can also make the skin more delicate

Food name: assorted tofu pot.

raw materials

150 grams of fresh shrimp, 750 grams of tender tofu, 100 grams of oyster yellow, 100 grams of fresh eye fish, 15 grams of dried scallops, 15 grams of sea rice, 50 grams of net winter shoots, 1 green garlic, 5 shiitake mushrooms. Appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of garlic cloves, appropriate amount of pepper, appropriate amount of monosodium glutamate, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of soy sauce, appropriate amount of water starch, appropriate amount of oyster sauce, appropriate amount of vegetable oil and appropriate amount of soup.

Assorted tofu pot, delicious to eat, eat more can also make the skin more delicate


First: first take out a pot, add the right amount of water to the pot, adjust to the high heat, wait until the water in the pot is boiling, then put the tender tofu into the pot of boiling water, blanch it, remove the bean smell in the tofu, and then fish it out, drain the water, put it soft and then cut into small pieces.

Second: Take out the garlic, put it in clean water, wash it, then drain it, cut it into small pieces, put it in a bowl, and set aside.

Third: Put the winter shoots and shiitake mushrooms in the same water and wash them, then drain the water and cut into diamond-shaped pieces.

Fourth: Wash the fresh eye fish and cut into small pieces.

Fifth: Remove the shell and head of the shrimp, wash it and keep it for later.

Assorted tofu pot, delicious to eat, eat more can also make the skin more delicate

Sixth: put the purchased oyster yellow into the water for soaking, and then wash it, then take out a pot, add water to the pot, wait until the water in the pot is boiled, then put the soaked oyster yellow into the boiling water pot and blanch it, and then fish it out to drain the water.

Seventh: Put the sea rice and dried scallops into warm water for soaking, wait until the foam is soaked, then wash it, then fish it out and drain it into the bowl, then add a small amount of water to the steamer basket, steam it, and then take it out.

Preparation method

Step 1: Take out a clean pot, add the right amount of vegetable oil to the pot, adjust to a low heat, wait until the oil is about 60% hot, then put the garlic segments and garlic cloves into the pot to continue sautéing, after a while, pour the sea rice and dried scallops into the pot together, and then add oyster yellow, sea shrimp, eye fish pieces, wait until the soup in the pot is boiled, you can put in the appropriate amount of edible salt, cooking wine, white soy sauce, soup to consume oil.

Assorted tofu pot, delicious to eat, eat more can also make the skin more delicate

Step 2: Wait until the soup in the pot is completely boiled, you can prepare the medium heat, cook for about 5 minutes on medium heat, you can add the right amount of pepper and MSG, stir it well, and then add the right amount of water starch to outline the sauce, then you can get out of the pot, put it into a bowl, and this gourmet assorted tofu fort will be made.

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