
Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

author:Popular Science Bear


Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

Thousands of years ago, ancient humans could already cook.

Ancient humans in ancient times discovered that meat tasted better when it was cooked over fire.

Later, with more and more practice, ancient humans have accumulated more experience in how to heat food, such as thin, flat stone slabs that can easily cook food.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

The soil mixed with water becomes as hard as a stone when it is fired by fire, and it will not melt again when it comes to water, so it is more suitable for heating ingredients.

So the "pot" appeared in the lives of the ancients.

Later, with the development of the times, the forms and materials of "pots" became more diverse.

Clay pots, copper pots, and iron pots appeared one after another, as well as flat-bottomed, round-bottomed, and steamer-bottomed ones.

Today, with the high development of science and technology, there are more types of pots.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

While the category of pots is constantly subdivided with consumer needs, there is also a comprehensive pot that integrates multiple functions - rice cookers.

Whether in the city or in the countryside, whether it is middle-aged or young, as long as the fire is turned on for cooking, almost every family will have a rice cooker.

Not for anything else, just because the rice cooker is really powerful. Steaming, boiling, stewing, simmering, simmering and other cooking methods can all be achieved with just one rice cooker.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

What's more convenient is that it can not only heat food, but also keep warm, clean well, and have a reservation function, you can make an appointment for the next day's breakfast the night before, so as not to get up early.

However, it is such a kitchen appliance that brings great convenience to people, but it is rumored to be "carcinogenic".

Because the coating of the rice cooker contains toxic substances, long-term consumption of rice cooker can cause liver cancer.

Are these claims true or false? Chinese medicine will tell you the truth.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

1. Where does the harm of rice cookers come from?

If we just look at the rice cooker from the perspective of considering the tool, it really brings us a lot of convenience.

The time saved by cooking rice with a rice cooker allows us to do many other things or to take a break on the sidelines.

In the face of such a cooking "weapon", of course, we must figure out whether "carcinogenic" is indeed a matter or a rumor.

A rice cooker generally consists of three parts: the heating element, the temperature control and timing device, and the pot body. The pot body is generally divided into two layers, inner and outer or three layers.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

What really needs to be in direct contact with the food and heat the food is actually the innermost layer of the pot, which is commonly known as the inner tank.

There are many different materials for the inner tank, and each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are three main types of rice cooker liner materials on the market.

The first material is stainless steel, and its most important advantages are durability, corrosion resistance, and oxidation resistance. And its thermal conductivity is also very good, there is no coating, so there is no need to worry about the coating coming off.

But the disadvantage is also more obvious, that is, it is easy to stick to the pan, and it is very troublesome to clean. And when we buy a rice cooker with a stainless steel liner, we also need to pay attention to the category of stainless steel.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

Many black-hearted merchants will use inferior stainless steel to disguise themselves as high-grade 304 stainless steel as the inner liner of the rice cooker.

Such inferior liners may precipitate harmful metals, so we should try to choose a big brand stainless steel liner rice cooker with guaranteed quality when buying.

Ceramic liner is a safe inorganic material, which has a good effect on oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance, heat preservation and other aspects.

And because ceramics can retain the nutrients in food well, it is very suitable for soup, stew, and porridge.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

The only drawback is that it is too fragile and can be shattered or cracked, so it needs to be treated with care during use.

Coated liners, this liner does not stick to the pan, does not rust, and is easy to clean. But the durability will be a little worse and it is easy to scratch, so you need to pay extra attention during use and cleaning.

When it is said that rice cookers can cause cancer, they often refer to this kind of rice cooker with a coated liner.

Of course, non-stick pans are sometimes thought to cause cancer, and the fuse is naturally the coating of non-stick pans.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

The coating used in rice cookers is generally "Teflon". This substance has a barrier and anti-adhesion effect, and its properties are stable, non-toxic, and not easy to decompose.

To break down the coating, you need to heat the pan to more than 250 degrees, but in general, the temperature inside the rice cooker will not exceed 180 degrees.

In other words, as long as the coating does not fall off, no harmful substances will be produced when the rice cooker is working normally.

If the coating is broken, will the rice cooker still be able to be used? The answer is that it is better not to use it again.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

The material under the coating is generally aluminum, which is not a nutrient element that the human body needs. If the coating is broken, then the food will come into direct contact with the aluminum pan.

Especially when cooking rice, the inside of the pot will be in a relatively high temperature, which can easily allow some ingredients of the inner liner material to enter the food, which can cause diseases.

Moreover, the coating itself is also a foreign body to people, and if it is accidentally eaten, it will also have a negative impact on health.

Therefore, if it is a rice cooker that can be used normally and the inner tank is not broken, then there is no need to worry about what problems will occur.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

If you are using a rice cooker with a broken liner, you have to replace it quickly. Not because it can cause liver cancer.

Just long-term consumption of food made from "aluminum gallbladder" may cause nervous system lesions and affect the body's absorption of calcium and vitamin D.

This increases the probability of suffering from Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, osteomalacia and other diseases.

Second, the real causes of liver cancer are these

Our liver is one of the most important organs in our body.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

Its regenerative ability is particularly strong, as long as the human body still has 1/4 of the liver, then it can regenerate back to its original size, and it is functionally intact.

The liver produces bile, which is an important substance for fat metabolism. The liver also produces heat, which plays a key role in maintaining our body temperature.

In addition, the food that enters the body is also filtered by the liver.

It absorbs nutrients, metabolizes toxins, alcohol, etc., regulates blood pressure, maintains constant blood sugar levels, and strengthens immunity.

The role of the liver on the human body cannot be ignored, and at the same time, it is also more "damaged" and more prone to problems.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

Liver cancer can be divided into two categories, one is the liver itself cells are diseased, and the other is that after other parts of the liver become cancerous, the cancer cells metastasize to the liver and the liver also has cancer cells.

The former is called primary liver cancer, and the latter is called secondary liver cancer, and this classification is relatively easy to understand.

There are many causes of liver cancer, and there are four main categories. The first cause is viral hepatitis, which is also subdivided into types, A, B, and C.

The latter two types of hepatitis are considered to be catalysts for liver cancer, as about 30% of patients have had hepatitis B or C.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

The second type of factor is cirrhosis, which has no symptoms in the morning, but can cause discomfort in the middle stage. Hepatitis and alcohol abuse can lead to cirrhosis.

The third category is chemical factors, that is, some carcinogens.

One of the more typical substances is called aflatoxin, which is usually found in moldy food. A large intake of aflatoxin may lead to liver cancer.

In some contaminated drinking water (such as river water), although there is no mold, it is also very unclean and may contain all kinds of miscellaneous things.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

Therefore, in the wild or in the countryside, do not drink water from rivers and ditches. If possible, it is best to drink well water.

The fourth category of factors is alcohol, in addition to drinking alcohol can cause alcoholic cirrhosis, alcohol itself is not good for the body.

Especially in Europe and the United States, people drink more alcohol and get more chronic liver disease, and many of these patients with chronic liver disease later develop liver cancer.

3. This can be done to prevent liver cancer

On weekdays, we can use some public account articles and self-media tools to learn about the prevention and treatment of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

Also remember to vaccinate your newborn against hepatitis B to minimize the chance of your newborn getting hepatitis B in the future.

The food stored at home should be ventilated and moisture-proof, and once it deteriorates and moldy, throw it away immediately, and don't eat it at all.

People who have the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol should best quit smoking and drinking, and if they can't do it, then try to smoke less and drink less.

Early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment are very important. The early or late detection of liver cancer may determine whether a life can continue to survive.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

Therefore, if you have liver problems on weekdays, it is best to go to the hospital regularly for check-ups to grasp the condition of the liver in time, and if there are bad signs, then treat them as soon as possible.

If you don't have liver problems on weekdays, you should also have regular physical examinations, so that early detection and early treatment can stifle many physical problems in the cradle.

In our daily diet, we should also pay attention to balanced nutrition, including staple foods, fish, meat, eggs, milk and vegetables.

Vitamin C and vitamin E contained in vegetables have antioxidant properties, which can reduce oxidative stress damage to human cells, which is good for the body, and should be eaten more appropriately.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?


Rice cookers have brought a lot of convenience to our lives. Cooking, soup, and stew can all be done with a rice cooker.

However, it is such an "all-rounder" tool, but it is rumored to cause liver cancer, which makes many people who are used to using rice cookers panic.

Actually, the problem is not so serious, saying that rice cookers can cause liver cancer only refers to rice cookers with coated liners.

But in addition to coated liners, rice cookers with stainless steel, ceramics and other liners can also be our choice without causing any negative impact on health.

Stop using the rice cooker, otherwise it will induce liver cancer?

The rice cooker with the coated liner is not a flood beast, but we must be careful not to break the coating during daily use.

Long-term use of a rice cooker with a broken coating may have adverse effects on the body, but it is not as serious as liver cancer.

Liver cancer is caused by hepatitis, cirrhosis, aflatoxin, and alcohol. We should pay attention to preventing liver diseases in our daily life, drink clean water, and do not eat moldy food.

Friends, are you usually used to using rice cookers? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.

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