
Wang Fan: How major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics affects the world

author:Chang'an Street Reading Club
Wang Fan: How major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics affects the world

Wang Fan: How major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics affects the world

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Wang Fan: How major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics affects the world


The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that China should comprehensively promote major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, firmly uphold international fairness and justice, and advocate the practice of true multilateralism. In the face of a new era and a new journey, how can China's diplomacy improve its overall layout and promote the building of a new type of international relations? How does China's diplomacy affect the world? First, grasp the general trend of the times and stabilize the world with China's choice. In the past decade, the international situation has been turbulent, with various contradictions superimposed, risks and challenges. The international community is at a new crossroads, and certain major countries are trying to turn back the clock on history on the basis of the principle of putting their own interests first; some countries have reverted to the Cold War mentality, engaged in bloc politics in a big way, created and exploited international crises, and tried to set off a new wave of confrontation and conflict. Trade protectionism, anti-globalization and other trends of thought were once very popular, and even evolved into trade wars and science and technology wars at the policy level. At present, the new crown pneumonia epidemic has not passed, and the epidemic and geopolitical crises are superimposed on each other, causing new uncertainties in the international situation. The deficit in global governance, trust, peace, and development continues unabated, and countries have more urgent demands for a fair, just, and balanced development environment. In the current international environment, China's diplomacy plays an irreplaceable role and has become an important and positive force in the international community, exerting a unique influence on promoting a more reasonable international order. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out: "At present, the changes of the world, the times and history are unfolding in an unprecedented way, and human society is facing unprecedented challenges. Once again, the world stands at a crossroads in history, and where it goes from here depends on the choices made by the people of all countries. This shows that in the complex international situation, some countries have lost their way, and some countries may still be waiting and hesitating, but China has made a clear, firm and sustainable choice: "China has always adhered to the foreign policy purpose of safeguarding world peace and promoting common development, and is committed to promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind." "China has added certainty to an uncertain world and injected tremendous positive energy into the international community. Second, China needs to strengthen its development and contribute to the world through its own development. China has always promoted its own development in the grand pattern of common development of mankind, and at the same time, it is also necessary to view and understand China's own development from a global perspective. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized the global significance of China's development, and China has fulfilled the historical task of alleviating poverty and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. This is a historic victory won by the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people in united efforts, and it is also a historic victory with far-reaching impact on the world, making a major contribution to the cause of global poverty reduction. China's development has strengthened confidence for China and the world. "The mainland's economic strength has achieved a historic leap, with its GDP growing from 54 trillion yuan to 114 trillion yuan in the past 10 years, and the mainland's total economic output accounting for 18.5 percent of the world economy, an increase of 7.2 percentage points, ranking second in the world, and its per capita GDP increasing from 39,800 yuan to 81,000 yuan." China's path of modernization exploration and development is of global significance, and Chinese-style modernization provides a new choice for mankind to realize modernization. Third, we need to build a community with a shared future for mankind and create a new form of human civilization. Human beings live in the same global village, and their destinies are closely linked. In the face of pressing global challenges, silos will not only fail to solve the problem, but will make it even more severe. In the face of common challenges related to the survival of mankind, no one and no country can be immune, and only by strengthening solidarity and cooperation can mankind have a better tomorrow. A community with a shared future for mankind is a common concept and goal shared by China to the world, which will promote the emergence of a new form of human civilization. In order to fundamentally solve the problem of unfair, unjust and unbalanced development, it is necessary to promote the implementation of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind. Promote the reform of the global governance system and promote the development of global governance in a more just and reasonable direction. China's Global Development Initiative (GDI) and Global Security Initiative (GSI) have provided new solutions for peace and prosperity for mankind. It is emphasized that security and development are inextricably linked, and it is necessary to jointly solve the human problem of development and security. A community with a shared future for mankind is the direction of human development and a beautiful vision put forward by China. President Xi Jinping pointed out that to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, it is not about replacing one system with another, not about replacing another civilization with one civilization, but about the symbiosis of interests, rights and responsibilities among countries with different social systems, ideologies, histories and cultures and different levels of development in international affairs, so as to form the greatest common divisor for building a better world. These concepts have gradually been echoed and accepted by various countries, and have won high praise from the international community. As international friends have said, a community with a shared future for mankind can fundamentally solve the four major deficits of trust, peace, development and governance. Fourth, we should actively build a new type of international relations and draw the largest concentric circles. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China stressed that the mainland firmly pursues an independent foreign policy of peace, promotes the building of a new type of international relations, and safeguards the common interests of developing countries. The new type of international relations is based on mutual respect, fairness and justice as the norm, win-win cooperation as the means, and a community with a shared future for mankind as the ultimate goal, promotes the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom for all mankind, adheres to cooperation instead of confrontation, openness and non-closure, adheres to mutual benefit and win-win results, does not engage in zero-sum games, and opposes hegemonism and power politics. Mutual respect, fairness, justice, equality and mutual benefit are the keys to the new type of international relations, and expanding the convergence of interests and drawing the largest concentric circles are important means and path choices. Only by making the cake of common interests bigger and bigger, instead of basing the expansion of one's own interests on the basis of weakening the interests of other countries, and only wanting to share the cake instead of making it bigger, the cake will only get smaller and smaller. Building a new type of international relations is inseparable from the diplomatic tradition of promoting the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and continuing to build a global network of partnerships. Building a new type of international relations is also inseparable from practicing true multilateralism and promoting democracy in international relations. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee has made a comprehensive plan to promote diplomatic and multilateral cooperation among major countries, neighboring countries and developing countries, and continue to build a more inclusive and constructive global partnership, enhance trust and dispel doubts, and expand the convergence of interests with other countries. The new path of state-to-state exchanges, in which dialogue is not confrontation and partnership is not aligned, fully reflects the distinctive characteristics and values of global partnership.

[Wang Fan: Member of the Chang'an Street Reading Club, Dean of the Foreign Affairs University]

Note: Authorized to publish, this article has been selected and included in the "Chang'an Street Reading Club" theoretical learning platform (People's Daily, People's Political Consultative Conference Daily, Beijing Daily, Chongqing Daily, Xinhuanet, CCTV, National Party Media Information Public Platform, Vision, Beijing Time, Surging Government Affairs, Phoenix News Client "Chang'an Street Reading Club" column synchronization), reprinting must be uniformly marked "Chang'an Street Reading Club" theoretical learning platform source and author.

Editor-in-charge: Ma Jiajun, preliminary review: Cheng Ziqian, Chen Jiani, review: Li Yufan

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In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we are now jointly carrying out relevant party building reading and learning activities for the party schools (administrative colleges), cadre colleges, Marxist colleges, and new era civilization practice centers (institutes, stations) where the central and state organs, central enterprises, and provinces, cities, counties (districts) are located. Recently, with the approval of relevant departments, it has been officially agreed that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, the Organization Department of the Central Committee, the Working Committee of the Central Committee and State Organs, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and other designated units have joined the "Chang'an Street Reading Club" Party Building Reading Cooperation Mechanism, and jointly undertook the "Chang'an Street Reading Club" series of reading and learning activities.

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