
See you this month!The moto X50 Ultra AI phone is connected to the network, and it is equipped with the third-generation Snapdragon 8s mobile platform

author:Technological aesthetics
{"info":{"title":{"content":"本月见!moto X50 Ultra AI手机入网,搭载第三代骁龙8s移动平台","en":"See you this month!The moto X50 Ultra AI phone is connected to the network, and it is equipped with the third-generation Snapdragon 8s mobile platform"},"description":{"content":"不久前,摩托罗拉手机官方宣布:“联想motoX50UltraAI手机邀请您一起感受科技与速度的完美融合!motoAI手机...","en":"Not long ago, Motorola officially announced: \"Lenovo motoX50UltraAI mobile phone invites you to feel the perfect integration of technology and speed!"}},"items":[]}

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