
Zhang Yimou is rumored to have an illegitimate child, why does he look more and more like Gong Li?

author:Meat and meat gossip

First, the current situation is elaborated

In today's society, Zhang Yimou has entered the middle-aged stage, and his life course has gradually become idealized. Chen Ting, a nobody-like dancer, has become his companion, and the two have joined hands to build a family full of laughter and laughter, sharing family fun with their children.

On major social media platforms, Chen Ting often shares the warm daily life of their family, proudly showing her identity as Mrs. Zhang Yimou and the mother of the children. At this time, the corners of her mouth would always rise unconsciously, revealing the joy and satisfaction in her heart.

Zhang Yimou is rumored to have an illegitimate child, why does he look more and more like Gong Li?

Chen Ting's eyes were full of satisfaction and gratitude for her current life.

However, beneath the seemingly peaceful surface of life, there is a little-known past. A photo has aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens, and the appearance of Zhang Yimou's eldest son Zhang Yinan in the photo is eye-catching, and Gong Li when he was young is like a mold carved out, which is amazing.

"Could it be that this is the illegitimate son of Zhang Yimou and Gong Li? It's so similar! The speculation of netizens is like a long-buried time bomb, which detonated in an instant, setting off layers of waves and revealing the ambiguous emotional entanglements in the past.

Zhang Yimou is rumored to have an illegitimate child, why does he look more and more like Gong Li?

In the face of speculation and questions from netizens, Zhang Yinan did not make any response, he closed his lips tightly, and seemed to deliberately avoid this sensitive topic. However, this silence only exacerbates curiosity and suspicion about the mystery of his origins.

2. Review history

That was many years ago. Zhang Yimou, who was young and promising, was in the prime of his youth at that time, and worked hard with his wife Xiao Hua in Beijing. Xiao Hua is Zhang Yimou's most solid backing, devoting himself to her husband's film career and undertaking all the trivial affairs at home.

Zhang Yimou is rumored to have an illegitimate child, why does he look more and more like Gong Li?

At that time, Zhang Yimou was diligent and hardworking, and with Xiao Hua's full support, his works gradually emerged. However, just when his film career was about to take off, fate played a huge joke on him and made him meet Gong Li.

Everything seems to unfold slowly but ritually, gradually brewing a fiery emotional temperature. When filming "Red Sorghum", 22-year-old Gong Li first appreciated Zhang Yimou's demeanor, and was instantly attracted by his handsome appearance and capable temperament; And then, they once again joined hands to create the masterpiece "Ancient and Modern Wars of the Qin Warriors", and silently, the undercurrent between the two has quietly occurred.

At that time, Zhang Yimou's appreciation for Gong Li was beyond words, and on the set, he always skillfully took advantage of the opportunity to study the script, and naturally approached this talented and beautiful young woman.

Zhang Yimou is rumored to have an illegitimate child, why does he look more and more like Gong Li?

And Gong Li was also deeply attracted by Zhang Yimou's unique charm, and quickly fell into the love trap of this man who was 15 years older than him and already had a family.

However, one day, Zhang Yimou's secret relationship with Gong Li was accidentally discovered by Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua's eyes were full of anger and sadness, the beautiful life she had once fantasized about was shattered, and the cruel reality hit her heart mercilessly.

At this time, Zhang Yimou was already deeply involved in it, unable to distinguish right from wrong, and only hoped to be by Gong Li's side at all times.

Zhang Yimou is rumored to have an illegitimate child, why does he look more and more like Gong Li?

So in 1988, the once loving couple finally chose to break up. Xiao Hua left with tears in his eyes and left this once warm home with his daughter. Her heart was in pain, but Zhang Yimou found new creative inspiration and motivation in Gong Li, and he began to devote himself to new film creation, pushing Gong Li to the top of the screen again and again.

3. It's hard to help yourself

For Gong Li at that time, it was undoubtedly a supreme honor to be able to work with an artistic giant like Zhang Yimou. She was deeply impressed by Zhang Yimou's outstanding talent and personal charm, and quickly fell into an obsession with this man who was 15 years older than herself and already had a family.

Zhang Yimou is rumored to have an illegitimate child, why does he look more and more like Gong Li?

In the daily life of the crew, she gradually realized Zhang Yimou's deep friendship with her. At first, she retained a shred of reason, knowing that she should not destroy other people's families.

However, in the face of Zhang Yimou's passionate and lingering pursuit, she failed to resist the temptation after all, and finally indulged in this secret emotional whirlpool.

Time flies, and 8 years have passed in a blink of an eye. Gong Li has entered the stage of life at the age of 30, and she began to desire to officially marry Zhang Yimou, enter his life, and become the hostess of his home.

Zhang Yimou is rumored to have an illegitimate child, why does he look more and more like Gong Li?

So, she mustered up the courage and cautiously asked Zhang Yimou for marriage.

At that time, Gong Li was full of hope, firmly believing that as long as she persevered, Zhang Yimou would eventually change her mind and realize the expectations in her heart. But Gong Li suffered a heavy blow, and tears kept rolling in her eyes.

She didn't expect that her sincerity would be exchanged for such a ruthless response.

Zhang Yimou is rumored to have an illegitimate child, why does he look more and more like Gong Li?

However, not long after, an unexpected change suddenly happened - Zhang Yimou and his ex-wife's daughter Zhang Mo suddenly broke in, angrily accusing Gong Li of "She intervened in our family and ruined my childhood!" These words were like a thunderbolt from the sky, which made Gong Li suddenly realize and completely sober up.

She realized that in Zhang Yimou's heart, maybe she was really just a passerby.

So in 1995, the movie "Shake, Shake, Shake to Grandma's Bridge" became the "breakup work" of the two. A year later, the news of Gong Li's announcement of entering the marriage hall spread all over the world, and this relationship that had gone through twists and turns came to an end.

Zhang Yimou is rumored to have an illegitimate child, why does he look more and more like Gong Li?

Fourth, the flower cluster peony

Since Gong Li left, Zhang Yimou's peachy news is still endless. Almost every time he cooperates with any actress, he will be ridiculed by netizens as "Lao Mouzi is not shallow".

One of the most eye-catching is the scandal with the "International Chapter" Zhang Ziyi, the two frequently went in and out of the hotel to discuss the "script" during the filming of the film "My Father and Mother".

Zhang Yimou is rumored to have an illegitimate child, why does he look more and more like Gong Li?

The outside world has speculated about the two and interpreted their relationship in an ambiguous direction. Although Zhang Ziyi has always been silent about these rumors, netizens have seen it really and ridiculed her for "borrowing Zhang Yimou to get to the top".

This is undoubtedly an unprovoked attack on this excellent actor, and she can only choose to turn a blind eye.

The rumors intensified, and soon Zhang Yimou had scandals with almost all the actresses he had worked with. The atmosphere gradually heated up, and netizens seemed to have become accustomed to it and began to joke about Zhang Yimou and his "Peach Blossom Luck".

Zhang Yimou is rumored to have an illegitimate child, why does he look more and more like Gong Li?

Until March 2013, an explosive news shocked the whole network! It turned out that Zhang Yimou had already been famous, and his original wife was such an ordinary little woman Chen Ting. This news is undoubtedly a bombshell, which completely shatters all kinds of speculations among netizens.

Before Zhang Yimou was publicly recognized, Chen Ting was only a slightly well-known dance artist. However, at the moment when she auditioned for the film "Happy Times", Zhang Yimou's eyes were instantly attracted to her and launched a strong and fiery pursuit of it.

At that time, Chen Ting was in her youth, and she was powerless in the face of the fierce offensive of the great director Zhang Yimou. Soon after, she fell into Zhang Yimou's gentle trap, and even became pregnant with his flesh and blood.

Zhang Yimou is rumored to have an illegitimate child, why does he look more and more like Gong Li?

The relationship between Chen Ting and Zhang Yimou was deliberately hidden by Zhang Yimou at first. However, as time went on, the truth gradually emerged. Chen Ting, as Zhang Yimou's secret lover, endured all this silently and spent more than ten years of dark life.

For Zhang Yimou, she gave up her studies and career, and let her precious youth pass.

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