
The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

author:Liu Luqiang law
The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

On May 6, Coconut Tree Group was fined 400,000 yuan for advertising "rubbing edges". On the 9th, Coconut Tree Group responded strongly, saying: I have "two dissatisfactions".

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

This is not the first time that the coconut tree has been punished for "rubbing the edges" of the advertisement, but it has been repeatedly taught, it says that it is not convinced, where is the disobedience?

1. Advertising "rubbing edges" was fined 400,000 yuan

According to the official website, on February 6 this year, the Longhua Branch of the Haikou Municipal Administration for Market Regulation filed a case for investigation into the publication of improper promotional graphics and texts on the Coconut Tree Group's own website.

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

In the promotional graphics, the Coconut Tree Group used advertising slogans such as "rubbing milk with coconut" and "South Pacific beauties rarely 'airport'", which was regarded as a violation of public order and good customs and was suspected of violating the advertising law.

In this regard, on May 6, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau made a penalty decision to fine Coconut Tree Group 400,000 yuan.

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

Soon, "Coconut Tree was fined 400,000 yuan for side advertising" appeared on the hot search on various platforms, but compared with the scolding, netizens' comments were more ridiculous.

"The coconut tree has to be fined once a year, and it won't be changed if it's fined."

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

"Spending 400,000 yuan on another wave of advertising, it's really cost-effective!"

"I suspect that the call to report the report was made by Coconut Tree himself."

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

It's not all to blame netizens for watching the lively mentality, it's really because in the past two years, coconut trees have been repeatedly concerned, almost all of which are related to the words "rubbing edges" and "being punished".

Coconut palm coconut water is regarded as a "national" drink that has accompanied several generations, and in the eyes of the Chinese people, it is clean, healthy and pure, and has always had a place in the beverage industry.

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

But in fact, since 2013, the revenue of coconut palm has not been optimistic, the growth rate has slowed down significantly, and it has even been negative for 5 years, hovering around 4 billion.

In 1999, the market share of coconut palms was as high as 75%, but in 2019, this figure was only 26.3%.

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

It wasn't until 2021 that Coconut Tree really turned the corner, with a sales increase of 16.82%, and it was also this year that Coconut Tree fell into a public opinion storm because of advertising.

The promotional advertisements of the coconut tree have always been evaluated by netizens as "maverick and from the beginning", and it is difficult not to look at the design of a small street advertisement, saying "You are really a talent".

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

In 2019, Coconut Tree Group was accused of vulgarity and false advertising for appearing female models in swimsuits in advertising videos, as well as the accompanying texts of "a cup in the morning and evening, white and tender" and "drinking from childhood to adulthood".

In the end, the coconut tree was fined 200,000 yuan, but after being fined, it still retained the slogan "drink from small to big" on the packaging.

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

In 2021, Coconut Tree was fined 400,000 yuan for "obstructing social public order or violating good social customs" for expressions such as "having a car, a house, a high salary, and definitely being chased by beautiful women and handsome guys" in recruitment advertisements.

Later, Coconut Tree deleted the words "there must be beautiful and handsome guys chasing".

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

In 2022, Coconut Tree once again caused controversy over the design of the advertisement, and CCTV criticized the Coconut Tree advertisement for being exaggerated and following the visual style of some unhealthy websites, calling the Coconut Tree Group "the 'old fritters' of the vulgar advertising industry".

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

In the first half of 2023, Coconut Tree will find a new way, inviting a bunch of "handsome, 1.8 meters tall, with chest muscles, and abdominal muscles" male models to come to the live broadcast room to live dance and fitness.

In the past, the coconut tree live broadcast room was brought by beautiful women in tights.

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

Under such publicity, in 2023, the sales of coconut palms will rise to 5 billion yuan.

2. Punished in response to "I am not satisfied"

For the illegal behavior of coconut trees, the outside world has not made too fierce accusations for the time being, but the vast majority of people also agree that the advertising of coconut trees is indeed suspected of "rubbing the edges".

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

But I don't know if I really feel that I am right, or if I am deliberately hyped, Coconut Tree issued a statement on the evening of the 9th, responding strongly to the punishment.

The statement said that for the fine, Coconut Tree has "one worry" and "two dissatisfaction".

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

"One worry" is the fear that the brand will be destroyed, which will lead to the loss of economic resources for the group's employees and Hainan coconut farmers.

"Two dissatisfactions" refer to: one is that "rubbing milk with coconut" and "there are few 'airports' for South Pacific beauties" is popular science education, not commercial advertising, and self-set websites have the right to stand in popular science education.

The second is the evaluation of coconut trees by politicians, which is a factory history education, not a commercial advertisement.

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

Despite the tough attitude, the "coconut water breast enhancement" expressed by the coconut tree does not have enough scientific basis, and many medical experts have also said that the coconut water does not have breast enhancement ingredients.

Therefore, defining it as "popular science" is actually somewhat untenable and may be suspected of false propaganda.

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced

In addition, the Advertising Law clearly stipulates that advertisements shall not use or covertly use the name or image of state organs or state functionaries.

Regarding the coconut tree incident, "Jimu News" commented that enterprises should not adhere to the path of "black and red", illegal publicity will one day affect the brand image, and marketing should also take a long-term view.

The coconut tree advertisement "rubbing the edge" was fined 400,000 yuan, and the coconut tree responded strongly to the "rubbing edge" and was fined: I am not convinced


The coconut tree responded strongly to the punishment of "rubbing the edge": I am not convinced

Advertising slogans such as "rubbing milk with coconut" violated public order and good customs, and Coconut Tree Group was fined another 400,000 yuan! Previously, the controversy of "rubbing the edge" continued, and it was sold for 5 billion yuan last year

Coconut Tree Group was fined 400,000 yuan for edge advertising, and it was time to make up its mind to change its marketing ideas

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