
Criminal Investigation 4 shocked and revealed: her love was eclipsed by Qianqian's sacrifice!

author:Tudou 8R1Z


Criminal Investigation 4 is a high-profile crime drama that has been critically acclaimed for its brilliant plot and haunting characters. In this drama, we witness a touching but heartbreaking story that depicts her deep love for Xu Fei and the unfortunate reality that this love has become pale in the face of Qianqian's sacrifice.


Her love is in full swing, but Qianqian's sacrifice overshadows everything

In "Criminal Investigation 4", Xu Fei is a charismatic and intelligent criminal policeman. Beneath his cold and resolute exterior lies a gentle heart, and she is attracted to this heart. From the beginning of the series, her love for Xu Fei is in full swing, and no matter what difficulties he faces, she always stands firmly by his side. However, fate gave them a cruel test.

In the plot, Qianqian is the girl Xu Fei admires, and is known for her intelligence and beauty. Her deep affection for Xu Fei is moving, and the relationship between the two has gradually sublimated. However, when the criminals threatened Xu Fei's relatives, Qianqian did not hesitate to choose to sacrifice herself to protect Xu Fei's family. This act that broke all moral codes pushed her to a glorious and tragic situation.

Criminal Investigation 4 shocked and revealed: her love was eclipsed by Qianqian's sacrifice!
Criminal Investigation 4 shocked and revealed: her love was eclipsed by Qianqian's sacrifice!

The cruel reality of the paleness of love

In the face of Qianqian's sacrifice, no matter how strong her love for Xu Fei was, it seemed pale and weak. Her dedication and sacrifice made it unbearable to watch her go from joy to despair. No matter how hard she tried, how she expressed her love, and how she saved Xu Fei, in the end she still couldn't change the cruelty of fate. Xu Fei woke up like a dream, realizing that the once pale love could no longer make up for the pain in his heart.

Criminal Investigation 4 shocked and revealed: her love was eclipsed by Qianqian's sacrifice!
Criminal Investigation 4 shocked and revealed: her love was eclipsed by Qianqian's sacrifice!

Reflections and discussions triggered by "Criminal Investigation 4".

This TV series sparked in-depth thinking and heated discussions among the audience on topics such as love, sacrifice, and fate. People pay tribute to the choice of this character, while also reflecting on the various sacrifices people make for love in real life. Such a pale and powerless love story shows us the cruel truth behind love and evokes people's reflection on social ethics and morality.

Criminal Investigation 4 shocked and revealed: her love was eclipsed by Qianqian's sacrifice!


Her love for Xu Fei as depicted in "Criminal Investigation 4" presents a heartbreaking and irreversible pale powerlessness in the face of Qianqian's sacrifice. The story brought an unusual touch to the audience, awakening deep thoughts about love and sacrifice. Whether or not we relate to real-life characters, the play gives us a lot to think about and re-examine our emotional bonds with others.