
Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!

Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!

Horsen Brooks

2024-05-28 07:07Published in Guangxi Sports Creators

Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!

British divers Jack Laugher and Noah Williams (Noah Williams) have uploaded some unspeakable photos and videos on an online platform less than a week after they were announced to be selected for the British Olympic team for the Paris Olympics......

Although the two athletes are men, it seems that this behavior is not incomprehensible, given that some of the British tendencies have been called stereotypes on the Internet.

However, the crux of the matter lies in the motive of these two buddies for "going to the sea" - they claim that the reason why they did such a thing is all to raise funds for the Paris Olympics!

It may sound like a bit of a stretch, but Jack Lovell is no ordinary diver, but in 2016, he won the men's double three-meter springboard title at the Rio Olympics with his partner Mills – the first diving gold medal in British Olympic history!

Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!

At the Rio 2016 Olympics, Jack Lovell (first from left) was in tears when he learned that he had won the gold medal

Such a top athlete will also be short of money?

But what's even more ridiculous is that the British national diving team and the diving club where the two buddies work fully agree and understand the statement given by the two, and say that this is a last resort caused by financial problems.

According to The Sun, the two male bodhisattvas could earn at least thousands of pounds through pornography, a sum that is more than enough to help them prepare for the Paris Olympics.

How to say that...... Is it really a bit hard to evaluate?

But while eating melons, we also need to dig deep into the incident itself to see who is forcing the athletes to such a path.

Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!

01 Where did all that money go?

According to the principle of "asking questions in a fixed manner", it is natural to torture the British government first, but when the accounts are checked, it seems that they seem to be a little innocent?

Since the London Olympics, Great Britain has been in the top four of the Olympic medal table in almost every edition – a feat that would have been a result of the country's investment.

Especially after the Tokyo Olympics, in order to motivate the Olympic athletes to reach the peak in Paris, Boris Johnson, then British Prime Minister, announced for the first time that the government would allocate 77 million pounds a year to support all Olympic athletes.

Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!

Great Britain is a standard sports powerhouse and an Olympic gold medal powerhouse

77 million! That's a lot of money!

How could an Olympic gold medalist who could make history for the British diving team get away with a few thousand pounds?

On closer inspection, it turns out that the British Sport Bureau said that the 77 million pounds will be used for more than 1,200 athletes in 51 Summer Olympic sports, as well as teams at the Winter Olympics and Paralympics.

On average, there are only tens of thousands of pounds to be distributed to each athlete - is that still a lot of money?

Congratulations on discovering the blind spot.

The fact is that the money is not divided equally, and the distribution power is not in the hands of the athletes.

02 British Sport, an alternative national system

To explain how the British special investment in the Olympic funds came from, we must start with the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.

At that Olympics, the total number of gold medals won by the British team was ...... 1。

It's embarrassing that Britain can't be found in the top 20 of the medal table at all, and even North Korea (2) is in front of Britain.

Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!

Medal table for the 1996 Atlanta Olympics

This is certainly unacceptable for the empire on which the sun never sets, which has always been proud, and the situation must be changed!

How to change? Throw money!

As a result, the British government decided to set aside a portion of the proceeds from the national lottery issued at the time as a special fund for the Olympic Games, known as the "National Lottery Fund".

This funding has been further increased in 2005, when London was confirmed as the venue for the 2012 Olympic Games.

So, who holds the money?

是英国体育局(UK Sport)。

This is a civilian institution with an official background, and as for the purpose of its existence, its former president, Liz Nickel, made it very clear -

“不仅仅是参与,关键是要赢。 ”(This is not about taking part. It's about winning)

Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!

In recent years, it has been criticized by Chinese public opinion for "gold medal theory", but after changing its name, it has a very good market in the UK

Even the official website of the British Sport Board introduces itself like this-

"Our task [at UK Sport] is to ensure that there are enough resources to support British athletes competing at the Olympic and Paralympic Games to maximise their chances of winning medals."

To put it simply, the British Sporting Board does allocate funds for athletes participating in the Olympic Games, but there is only one criterion for the priority and amount of their funding, and that is: whether they can win the gold medal.

03 Don't suffer from widowhood but unevenness

So, in the UK's traditional strengths, such as rowing, sailing and cycling, as well as for athletes who are more likely to win medals, the British Sport Board's funding is generous, as warm as spring.

Rebecca Romero, who won a silver medal in rowing at Athens 2004, was encouraged to switch to track cycling because she was considered extremely athletic by sports bureau analysts, and invested a lot of money and good coaches, and sure enough, she won the gold medal in this event at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!

Romero (second from left) won a silver medal at the Athens Olympics before moving to cycling to gold in Beijing

However, for athletes who have low hopes of winning a medal, or even have little hope of winning a medal due to age or form, it is ...... I'm sorry, but the landlord's family doesn't have any food left.

For example, more than a dozen members of the British gymnastics team have joined forces to launch a lawsuit against the coach of the gymnastics team and the sports board for the long-term systematic abuse of them by the coach and the gymnastics team, forcing them to take drugs, and mentally PUA them......

Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!

Amanda Redding, the former coach of the British gymnastics team, has been sued by athletes for "systemic abuse".

As for why the coach did this?

Of course, it is for the results, and only when the results are produced can you apply for more project grants from the Sports Bureau - for a niche event like gymnastics, the amount of funding almost determines the life and death of the team.

Sounds cruel, right? But for this naked jungle distribution principle, the British Sport Board also gave it a nice name, called the "zero compromise" principle.

But if you think about it carefully, isn't this the "gold medal theory"!

04 Athletes with rich and poor differences

To be honest, the country's money is not for nothing, and since you can't win the championship, there is naturally no need to waste money on you, which is understandable......

But being completely interest-oriented will eventually lead to some minor problems.

For example, team sports like the three balls tend to be more influential in the Olympics, but in terms of actual results, you need to invest in a few, or even a dozen athletes, and you can only win one gold medal.

On the contrary, in swimming or track and field, investing in a talent like Adam Peaty may win several gold medals, focusing on a full cost performance.

Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!

Adam Peaty, the frog king, is one of the most cost-effective investments for the British Sporting Board, but he has not been able to win the sport's favor in this Olympic cycle

If you were an official of the British Sporting Board, what would you choose?

The answer is self-explanatory.

An even more serious consequence is that this pattern of jungle distribution will inevitably lead to extremely serious agglomeration effects.

Those of the UK's Olympic strengths, even if they don't require much money, are still competitive enough; But on the contrary, if the investment in those less successful sports is reduced, the consequences will not only be the hopelessness of winning Olympic medals, but may even lead to a drastic deterioration of the living environment!

For example, the 77 million pounds in preparation for Paris this time, some ace athletes have enjoyed it early in the morning -

Jason Kenny, British track cyclist and seven-time gold medallist, told reporters that the funding from the British Sport Authority will give talented people a chance to perform, which is a very positive and necessary move.

Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!

British legend Jason Kenny, who belongs to a niche sport of track cycling, has never bothered about training money

Tom Dean, a swimmer who won two gold medals at the Tokyo Olympics, is adamant that his success comes entirely from the money provided by the British Sporting Board, which has helped him and his family through the most difficult times of their lives.

On the other hand, Britain's No. 1 hammer thrower, Taylor Campbell, had to auction off souvenirs from his Tokyo Olympics on e-commerce platforms in order to maintain his daily training routine, including a Samsung Galaxy S21 limited edition phone engraved with the Olympic logo and wireless Bluetooth headphones.

Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!

Athletes like Campbell are actually the majority of life

He told Sky News: "Although I have received funding from the British Sporting Board, the amount is too small to make a living. ”

Why less? It's not because your Campbell's results are enough to hit the top eight in the hammer throw event, and there is almost no hope of winning gold, so naturally you can't get money......

And the main owner of our article, poor Jack Lovell, even if he is the world-breaking No. 1 celebrity in the British diving world, and still holds the title of "MBE" granted by the queen in his hand, but after all, he is an old man, and Paris is estimated to have no results, and of course there is no money allocated to you.

No wonder I can only be a male bodhisattva......

Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!

What kind of system made such an excellent athlete finally go to the platform?

British men, walking on this road, don't chill!

In the face of reporters' questions, Nikle, the former president of the British Sports Agency, replied like this -

"We're not going to give in, we're not going to give everyone a point, we're going to put in the same amount of money as we do in the order of the rankings."

'We're investing in medals, we're totally centered on that, and there's no guilt about it.'

"We have to make a difficult choice."


In fact, in addition to the British government and the British Sport Board, there is another hidden behind the scenes of the IOC, and there are many evils.

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  • Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!
  • Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!
  • Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!
  • Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!
  • Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!
  • Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!
  • Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!
  • Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!
  • Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!
  • Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!
  • Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!
  • Raising money for the Paris Olympics? The British diving champion was forced to sell his hue on an adult website!

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