
Tian Liang: 45-year-old maintenance is super good! took his children to Cambridge, England, and together with his son, he couldn't tell who was the father

author:A rabbit who is grateful for life
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Recently, some netizens photographed Tian Liang appearing in Cambridge, England with Sen Die and Xiao Liangzai, and was recognized by many netizens in the UK.

Tian Liang: 45-year-old maintenance is super good! took his children to Cambridge, England, and together with his son, he couldn't tell who was the father
Tian Liang: 45-year-old maintenance is super good! took his children to Cambridge, England, and together with his son, he couldn't tell who was the father

Netizens said that Tian Liang and his son are exactly the same as looking for Liangzai.

Tian Liang: 45-year-old maintenance is super good! took his children to Cambridge, England, and together with his son, he couldn't tell who was the father

Tian Liang's children are winners in life, the children have grown up but their parents are not old, this is happiness!

Tian Liang: 45-year-old maintenance is super good! took his children to Cambridge, England, and together with his son, he couldn't tell who was the father

Some netizens saw the photo of Tian Liang and his daughter and son standing together, jokingly saying that Tian Liang and Xiao Liangzai are like father and son, they are clearly a pair of twin brothers [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying] I have to say that Tian Liang is indeed good at staying in the face!

Tian Liang: 45-year-old maintenance is super good! took his children to Cambridge, England, and together with his son, he couldn't tell who was the father

Originally, the two looked alike, Tian Liang was a little younger, and his young son looked not only like peers, but also like brothers [flash of inspiration]

Tian Liang: 45-year-old maintenance is super good! took his children to Cambridge, England, and together with his son, he couldn't tell who was the father

It's just that the three of them look so dark, and sure enough, they are from a sports family, and their complexion is normal!

Tian Liang: 45-year-old maintenance is super good! took his children to Cambridge, England, and together with his son, he couldn't tell who was the father
Tian Liang: 45-year-old maintenance is super good! took his children to Cambridge, England, and together with his son, he couldn't tell who was the father

It is said that Sendie is preparing to go to Cambridge University, and sure enough, the children of rich families are more diligent and hard-working than ordinary children, and their goals are clearer! I have to sigh again, in today's era, it may be really difficult to produce a noble son!

Tian Liang: 45-year-old maintenance is super good! took his children to Cambridge, England, and together with his son, he couldn't tell who was the father


Tian Liang: 45-year-old maintenance is super good! took his children to Cambridge, England, and together with his son, he couldn't tell who was the father

Sunny, healthy, and energetic Sendie has always been loved by everyone, and under the attention of netizens, she has gradually grown into a versatile girl, a good family and parents, plus her own excellence, and she will definitely have a wonderful life in the future!

Tian Liang: 45-year-old maintenance is super good! took his children to Cambridge, England, and together with his son, he couldn't tell who was the father


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Tian Liang: 45-year-old maintenance is super good! took his children to Cambridge, England, and together with his son, he couldn't tell who was the father

May you be indomitable in the Year of the Dragon, two dragons are high-spirited, Sanyang Kaitai, four seasons of wealth, five blessings and Yingmen, six fortunes and prosperity, seven stars shining, eight directions into the treasure, ninety-nine auspicious, perfect, everything is smooth, a thousand things are satisfactory, everything is prosperous!

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