
EU containment is useless! China's EV exports are still soaring, but the "number one" has changed hands

EU containment is useless! China's EV exports are still soaring, but the "number one" has changed hands

Xiao Ning talks about weapons

2024-05-29 07:19Published in Henan Senior Military Media Editor-in-Chief

EU containment is useless! China's EV exports are still soaring, but the "number one" has changed hands

It is reported that with the G7 group finance ministers' meeting on the 26th, all countries unanimously pointed the finger at China, claiming that they unanimously agreed to "respond to China's harmful practices of dumping goods" and consider measures to ensure a level playing field. The European media believes that this move has released an unusual model: this time the EU seems to really want to consider really attacking China, but it is not known how much the tax hike against China will be. No matter how much the EU raises taxes, the sales of Chinese electric vehicles in Europe will definitely drop sharply compared to before, because the EU's measures will cause many customers to worry about it, and at the same time, they will not have enough confidence in buying Chinese cars.

EU containment is useless! China's EV exports are still soaring, but the "number one" has changed hands

On the 27th, China announced the export data of overseas electric vehicles in April, which is the first round of investigation report after the EU has made it clear that it may launch anti-dumping duties against China, which is of reference significance. The table shows that China's exports of new energy vehicles to Brazil reached 40,159 in April, a year-on-year increase of 12.02%; This means that Brazil has overtaken Belgium to become China's largest exporter of new energy vehicles. Among the EU countries, except for Belgium, the number of imports from other countries to China has decreased significantly; However, due to the rise in imports from Brazil, Mexico, Uzbekistan and other countries, China's top 10 exports in this table have increased by about 70,000 units.

EU containment is useless! China's EV exports are still soaring, but the "number one" has changed hands

British media reports also revealed another information: at present, China's electric vehicles can be said to have fully occupied the Brazilian market, South American countries under the banner of actively promoting local car production, Brazil plans to gradually increase the import tax on new energy vehicles from July this year. Compared with the "violent taxation" of the United States and the so-called anti-dumping investigation of the European Union, Brazil is expected to adopt a milder tariff rate that will not cause much irritation to China. Inevitably, however, China's EV exports to Brazil will also fall, but not as much as in the EU.

EU containment is useless! China's EV exports are still soaring, but the "number one" has changed hands

Analysts said that industry insiders previously believed that the global competitiveness of China's electric vehicles was "super first", because of its mature technology, perfect supply chain and high self-production rate of parts, making the comprehensive cost much lower than that of the West, and the quality is not bad, and there are no competitors in any country. So it's time to take control of Brazil. At this stage of the Mexican market, it will trigger a rush of buying from these countries, and if Brazil develops electric vehicle technology independently, it is reasonable to increase tariffs. In addition, if the EU's countervailing investigation is not outrageous, as Chinese companies gradually adapt to the impact of European countervailing, Chinese car sales will still rebound in Europe, which is the result of market adjustment.

EU containment is useless! China's EV exports are still soaring, but the "number one" has changed hands

It is also worth mentioning that foreign media have disclosed that China has made countermeasures, and Chinese car companies have begun to plan to transfer some production capacity to Brazil. BYD has begun construction of a large production base in Brazil, with the new plant expected to be operational by the end of 2024 or early 2025. These will largely compensate for the increase in tax revenues in Brazil, although they are still in the training phase. "It's normal for Brazil to want a piece of the pie, but the countervailing duties in Europe must be very distorted," he commented. Because there are no competitors in the protection circle, the technological development of enterprises protected by taxes will inevitably slow down, and the additional costs caused by the trade barriers that are set will ultimately be borne by domestic consumers. ”

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  • EU containment is useless! China's EV exports are still soaring, but the "number one" has changed hands
  • EU containment is useless! China's EV exports are still soaring, but the "number one" has changed hands
  • EU containment is useless! China's EV exports are still soaring, but the "number one" has changed hands
  • EU containment is useless! China's EV exports are still soaring, but the "number one" has changed hands
  • EU containment is useless! China's EV exports are still soaring, but the "number one" has changed hands

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