
Rush to the hot search! Yu Minhong said that "Dongfang selection has done a mess"


June 3, #俞敏洪称东方甄选做得乱七八糟#的话题冲上热搜.

Rush to the hot search! Yu Minhong said that "Dongfang selection has done a mess"

Recently, Yu Minhong, who has not appeared for a long time, appeared in the live broadcast room of Wumart founder Zhang Wenzhong. When Zhang Wenzhong mentioned learning from Yu Minhong's experience in live broadcasting, Yu Minhong said, "Dongfang Selection is doing a mess now, and I don't have any ability to make suggestions to you."

During the conversation, Yu Minhong also talked about the negative impact of the Internet on him, saying that in the past year, he has suffered more abuse, accusations and insults on the Internet than in 100 lifetimes combined. In the future, I plan to stay away from the business and leave more time for myself to go sightseeing, not wanting to struggle for my life or getting entangled in disputes.

Has the style of Oriental Selection's live broadcast changed?

Yu Minhong once said that he looked down on the howling noise of "buy, buy, buy".

Recently, the style of Dongfang Selection's 618 live broadcast has caused widespread controversy, and the topic of "After Dong Yuhui left, the style of painting in Dongfang Selection's live broadcast room has changed" rushed to the hot search.

According to the video, in the live broadcast room of Oriental Selection Beautiful Life, the anchor shouted at his own products, "You are here, buy an order and then go", and the closing sentence became "321, on the link!" Some netizens said that this is the true face of Dongfang Selection, and now it is finally no longer pretending. Some netizens said, "How did the most cultured live broadcast room on the whole network become like this" and "It really refreshed my perception of Dongfang Selection, I hope to return to the original cultured live broadcast room".

Oriental selection of beautiful life live broadcast room picture

It is worth noting that, according to the Securities Times, Yu Minhong admitted frankly in March last year that he looked down on the howling noise of those "buy, buy, buy" in the online live broadcast, and the live broadcast in his heart should be calmly explaining the product and spreading knowledge, the first live broadcast of Oriental Selection was done by him personally, at that time, New Oriental did not know how to select products, and selected the most expensive agricultural products in China, but he still held a map and a history book, and told the story behind each product to the buyers of Oriental Selection, and later everyone commented, I'm not here to buy something, I'm here to attend a lecture.

"That's what I want. Even though it didn't sell much, I kept going. Yu Minhong said. According to the Financial Associated Press, on June 10, 2022, many netizens came to the live broadcast room of "Oriental Selection" just to watch the "bilingual delivery" of New Oriental teachers. The anchor interacted with the audience in English, and netizens left messages saying "although I don't understand, I really want to buy it", supporting this novel and interesting marketing model.

After the "small composition turmoil" at the end of last year, on December 26, 2023, Dong Yuhui's new account "Walking with Hui" was certified by the platform, and the authentication information is "Walking with Hui (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd." According to public information, Youhui Walk (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. was established on December 22, 2023, with a registered capital of 10 million, and the legal representative is Dong Yuhui, which is 100% owned by Beijing New Oriental Xuncheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., and the legal representative of the latter is Sun Dongxu, which is 100% controlled by New Oriental Education Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Yu Minhong revealed in the live broadcast that the income generated by the account will be included in Dongfang Selection, but if Dong Yuhui leaves Dongfang Selection, the ownership of the account will belong to Dong Yuhui.

Rush to the hot search! Yu Minhong said that "Dongfang selection has done a mess"

"Walking with Hui" live broadcast room

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Rush to the hot search! Yu Minhong said that "Dongfang selection has done a mess"
Rush to the hot search! Yu Minhong said that "Dongfang selection has done a mess"
Rush to the hot search! Yu Minhong said that "Dongfang selection has done a mess"

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