
The United Front Work Department of the Huaiyuan County Party Committee organized and carried out the "Three Summers" condolence activities

author:Anhui style

During the wheat harvest season, the sun is scorching. On the morning of June 3, the United Front Work Department of the Huaiyuan County Party Committee organized the Huaiyuan County Youth Hui Chamber of Commerce, the Huaiyuan County New Union, and the Huaiyuan County Women Entrepreneurs Association to carry out the "Three Summers" condolences and care and help ban burning and promote production activities in villages and towns.

During the activity, more than 10 people from the condolence group successively came to the town government of Xianghe Town, Malu Village of Xianghe Town, Jiwei Village of Xianghe Town, and Jingqi Village of Bairuquan Street, and visited the front-line straw burning ban workers.

The United Front Work Department of the Huaiyuan County Party Committee organized and carried out the "Three Summers" condolence activities

A total of about 10,000 yuan worth of condolences such as mineral water, instant noodles, eight-treasure porridge, watermelon, wind oil essence, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, towels, mosquito coils and so on were donated to the villages and towns. At the same time, under the guidance of the United Front Work Department, some member companies of the Chamber of Commerce of Wanfu Town, Huaiyuan County, also donated heatstroke prevention medicines, instant noodles, mineral water and other materials to the local government of Wanfu Town to help the ban on burning.

The United Front Work Department of the Huaiyuan County Party Committee organized and carried out the "Three Summers" condolence activities

In recent years, the United Front Work Department of Huaiyuan County Party Committee has actively played the role of a magic weapon of the united front, and has continuously organized caring entrepreneurs and united front groups to carry out grassroots condolence activities every three summers to help the summer harvest and summer planting work, showing the strong sense of social responsibility and mission of the county's united front representatives, highlighting their social value, and drawing the largest and most beautiful concentric circles.

The United Front Work Department of the Huaiyuan County Party Committee organized and carried out the "Three Summers" condolence activities
The United Front Work Department of the Huaiyuan County Party Committee organized and carried out the "Three Summers" condolence activities
The United Front Work Department of the Huaiyuan County Party Committee organized and carried out the "Three Summers" condolence activities
The United Front Work Department of the Huaiyuan County Party Committee organized and carried out the "Three Summers" condolence activities

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