
The theme forum of "Co-construction and Sharing, Creating a New Ecology of Integrated Development in the Field of Special Assets" was held in Shanghai

author:Shandong financial and economic circles

On the afternoon of May 31, the theme forum of "Co-construction and Sharing, Creating a New Ecology of Integrated Development in the Field of Special Assets" was held in Shanghai. The guests at the meeting exchanged and discussed on the joint construction and sharing of a benign interactive ecosystem for the special asset industry, injecting new momentum into promoting the long-term mechanism of empowering the disposal of special assets through ecological construction.

Zeng Gang, director of the Shanghai Finance and Development Laboratory, said in his speech that the special asset industry has obvious cross-cyclical characteristics, that is, counter-cyclical acquisition and storage, and pro-cyclical disposal, so as to fully realize the value restoration and exploration of assets. In the future, the market size of the special asset industry will become larger and larger, and the scope of assets will become wider and wider, and more investment opportunities will be born. This means that the special asset sector needs a stronger cross-cycle investment capacity to match its development.

The theme forum of "Co-construction and Sharing, Creating a New Ecology of Integrated Development in the Field of Special Assets" was held in Shanghai

The picture shows Zeng Gang, director of the Shanghai Finance and Development Laboratory, delivering a speech

Peng Langhui, former business director of China Cinda Asset Management Co., Ltd., pointed out that with the continuous development of the non-performing asset market in the mainland, the mainland financial asset management company has developed from a policy-oriented financial institution in the past to a financial service provider in the non-performing asset industry and a financial service provider in distress. Focus on the main responsibilities and main businesses, and play a role in filling in the gaps for the high-quality development of the mainland's finance.

The theme forum of "Co-construction and Sharing, Creating a New Ecology of Integrated Development in the Field of Special Assets" was held in Shanghai

The picture shows Peng Langhui, former business director of China Cinda Asset Management Co., Ltd., delivering a keynote speech

Wei Li, former general manager of Guangdong Yuecai Asset Management, analyzed the current market environment faced by the special asset industry, as well as the difficulties and challenges encountered by asset management companies in the process of returning to their main business, and put forward countermeasures to promote the return of asset management companies to their main business and effectively resolve financial risks. She suggested that the assessment mechanism should be optimized and an incentive mechanism should be established that conforms to the laws of economic development and the characteristics of the industry; Establish a unified platform for the trading of non-performing assets in the country, reduce information asymmetry and increase market transparency; Moderately relax franchise rights, allow more entities to participate in the primary market, and promote market efficiency and fair competition.

The theme forum of "Co-construction and Sharing, Creating a New Ecology of Integrated Development in the Field of Special Assets" was held in Shanghai

The picture shows Wei Li, former general manager of Guangdong Yuecai Asset Management, delivering a keynote speech

Liao Wenjie, General Manager of Ali Asset Finance Business, shared the popularity, scale and distribution of foreclosure asset transactions and debt asset transactions with the theme of "Analysis of Foreclosure and Debt Transactions", and focused on the value-added services of foreclosure and debt transactions, including accurate customer acquisition, capital allocation, valuation maps, management systems, and mini programs, based on the opportunities and challenges faced by the special asset industry.

The theme forum of "Co-construction and Sharing, Creating a New Ecology of Integrated Development in the Field of Special Assets" was held in Shanghai

The picture shows Liao Wenjie, general manager of Alibaba Asset Finance Business, delivering a keynote speech

Gu Chong, Vice President of Shengli Industrial Development Group Co., Ltd., shared the investment opportunities, core investment logic, constraints and solution strategies of the non-performing asset industry, and introduced the company's large-scale fundraising strategy, capital investment strategy, compound talent strategy and comprehensive management ability improvement plan around the core capacity building of capital, talent and management, so as to provide new ideas for the development of the special asset industry.

The theme forum of "Co-construction and Sharing, Creating a New Ecology of Integrated Development in the Field of Special Assets" was held in Shanghai

The picture shows Gu Chong, vice president of Shengli Industrial Development Group Co., Ltd., delivering a keynote speech

During the forum, China Economic Information Service and Shanghai Finance and Development Laboratory held the opening ceremony of the "China Special Assets Industry Development Report (2024)". The report aims to systematically introduce the current situation, trends, opportunities and challenges of the development of the special asset market, and comprehensively reflect the new characteristics, new methods and new trends of the development of the special asset market.

At present, the special asset market has entered a critical period of rising supply, reshaping the pattern, and improving the system, and how to better play the synergistic effect, build a special asset industry ecosystem, and create a new ecology of integrated development has become a must-answer question for the high-quality development of the industry. In the roundtable forum, Wu Guohua, Director of the Banking Research Center of Shanghai Finance and Development Laboratory, Zheng Shuyu, Founding Partner of Shenzhen Bagui Investment Co., Ltd. and President of Guangdong Provincial Institute of Distressed Industries, Zhou Junyi, Chairman of Shanghai Lijing Asset Management Co., Ltd., Chen Xiaodong, Partner of Jiangsu Feicheng Do Not Disturb Asset Management Co., Ltd., and Wang Chao, Secretary-General of Qingdao Non-Performing Assets Disposal Association, discussed "Building a New Ecology of Cooperation and Empowering the High-quality Development of the Special Asset Industry". Feng Yi, vice president of Zheshang Asset Research Institute, presided over the meeting.

The theme forum of "Co-construction and Sharing, Creating a New Ecology of Integrated Development in the Field of Special Assets" was held in Shanghai

The picture shows the roundtable forum of the theme forum of "Co-construction and Sharing, Creating a New Ecology of Integrated Development in the Field of Special Assets".

It is reported that the theme forum of "Co-construction and Sharing, Creating a New Ecology of Integrated Development in the Field of Special Assets" is jointly sponsored by China Economic Information Service and Shanghai Finance and Development Laboratory, supported by Qingdao Non-performing Assets Disposal Association, and undertaken by Tianzhu Industrial (Qingdao) Group Co., Ltd.

Xinhua Credit Shanghai, June 1 (Shi Honglei, Cui Fucheng)

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