
The 60-year-old teacher went undercover in the Golden Triangle for 11 years, passed on more than 900 pieces of information, and was almost made into bloody pants by drug dealers

author:Pillow Lever

He once managed to be at ease among the famous drug lords in the "Golden Triangle", and obtained a lot of important information for the country by relying on the identity of the "army" endorsement, but those drug lords did not realize until the end that he was actually just a retired Chinese teacher for many years - he was Fu Yankun, a figure who has lived his life into a legend.

What made Fu Yankun determined to go to the dangerous Golden Triangle, and what thrilling experiences did he have during his undercover time?

The 60-year-old teacher went undercover in the Golden Triangle for 11 years, passed on more than 900 pieces of information, and was almost made into bloody pants by drug dealers

The "Golden Triangle", the flower of sin nourished by the intersection of the Three Kingdoms

Speaking of the serious drug problem on the Yunnan border of the mainland, we must start with the chaos in the "Golden Triangle" region, which is closely related to it. The "Golden Triangle" is an area where the borders of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos meet, and are strung together by the Mekong River.

Due to the favorable climate and environment for the growth of opium poppies, coupled with the catalysis of people with good intentions, this region has been an important area for the fight against drug trafficking since the first upsurge of drug production in the 50s of the twentieth century.

When it comes to the development history of the "Golden Triangle" region, you can't escape Kunsha. Khun Sa was born in Shan State, Burma, and was involved in the remnants of the Kuomintang in his early days. As early as the age of 30, Khun Sha had already started the idea of poppies in the Golden Triangle region - it can be said that he would do anything to make a profit.

When he needed to build his own private army in his early years, he took refuge with a leader in the Golden Triangle and married his daughter; But later, when the Kuomintang reactionary forces increased their prestige in the local area, Kun Sha did not hesitate to kill his father-in-law in order to surrender.

The 60-year-old teacher went undercover in the Golden Triangle for 11 years, passed on more than 900 pieces of information, and was almost made into bloody pants by drug dealers

There are also traces that such a cruel and profit-seeking person would choose all kinds of evil drugs as the starting point for making a fortune.

As mentioned above, the Golden Triangle region belongs to the junction of three countries, and it is originally a type of complex jurisdiction and difficult to operate, and the terrain is also "easy to defend and difficult to attack" - if it is attacked with firepower, it will appear that "anti-aircraft guns will fight mosquitoes", and under the cover of trees, it may not be able to accurately hit these private armies;

If troops are sent there, it will not only involve political issues, but also the price paid by troops from other places stationed in this area to fight can be imagined. Conversely, this is the reason why drug lords such as Kun Sha have been able to run amok in the Golden Triangle, establishing their own warlord territories and intricately complicating the power of the region.

Of the three countries involved, only Thailand has cracked down on drugs in its own territory relatively strongly, making the Thai region in the Golden Triangle somewhat stable. The other two countries, especially "northern Myanmar", have become hotbeds of crime.

The 60-year-old teacher went undercover in the Golden Triangle for 11 years, passed on more than 900 pieces of information, and was almost made into bloody pants by drug dealers

Those closest to them are devastated by drugs and are determined to embark on the path of fighting drugs

On the border between Myanmar and the mainland, there is another important place, and that is the Kokang Autonomous Region. This area belonged to China in ancient times, but was forcibly occupied by the British during the colonial period and later assigned to Burma.

But one thing that has remained the same in Kokang since ancient times is that it has always been a difficult area to govern because of its distance from the central governments of the two countries, and drug trafficking in this area can almost be said to be connected to the Golden Triangle, except that the Golden Triangle focuses on opium, and the Kokang region is an important stronghold for heroin production.

Fu Yankun's younger brother Fu Yanpeng has been engaged in anti-drug work in Yunnan and knows the complexity of this area, and because of the particularity of anti-drug work, he entrusts his son Fu Legan, that is, Fu Yankun's nephew, to him to take care of him.

Fu Yankun had military experience in his early years, but after he was discharged from the army, he chose to become a Chinese teacher in Liaocheng, Shandong, and his small family also had a son and a daughter.

The 60-year-old teacher went undercover in the Golden Triangle for 11 years, passed on more than 900 pieces of information, and was almost made into bloody pants by drug dealers

Soon, the time came to the age of Fu Yankun's retirement. At that time, Fu Yanpeng's work over the years has also come to an end, out of concern for his brother's thoughts and physical condition, and he hopes to make up for the regret that his son has not been around since he was a child, so he proposed to his brother that he could take his nephew to live in Yunnan for a period of time, and Fu Yankun readily agreed.

No one thought that this decision would cause a drastic change in the life trajectories of Fu Yankun and his nephew Fu Legan. When he first arrived at the Yunnan border, Fu Yankun also had a period of recuperation, which was undoubtedly a happy time for a retired teacher.

But as time passed, Fu Yankun found that his nephew who lived with him was abnormal: he looked weak and mentally depressed during this time; And as a middle school student, Fu Legan's focus is not on studying, but always thinking about going out to play with "friends" outside.

The 60-year-old teacher went undercover in the Golden Triangle for 11 years, passed on more than 900 pieces of information, and was almost made into bloody pants by drug dealers

Combined with the special situation at the border, Fu Yankun's heart suddenly became alarmed, and he immediately got the distressing news by following and interrogating Fu Legan: Fu Legan was infected with drugs.

Fu Legan cried when he admitted his mistake, his father was not by his side since he was a child, and after he came to Yunnan to study, because of the secrecy of his father's work, his normal friends were looked at strangely, and he avoided class more and more; Later, he found that his "friends" outside the school could take him on a thrill-seeking basis, so he embarked on this path.

While it is surprising and sad that the relatives of the anti-narcotics workers have been infected with drugs, the grim situation of the anti-narcotics work at the border can also be seen; those drugs seem to be tangible, but when they penetrate into the lives of normal people, they can be "invisible", how terrifying!

The 60-year-old teacher went undercover in the Golden Triangle for 11 years, passed on more than 900 pieces of information, and was almost made into bloody pants by drug dealers

After confirming his nephew's condition, Fu Yankun took him to a professional drug rehabilitation center in Beijing in 1993, hoping to make the 13-year-old boy turn back from a detour.

At the same time, this experience made Fu Yankun, who was full of a sense of justice and compassion, feel that he had to do something for the anti-drug cause on the national border, he wanted to "avenge" what happened to his nephew, and he wanted to go to Myanmar to "go inside" for the safety of the border people.

In fact, before leaving for Beijing, Fu Yankun had been to Kokang once, trying to find the drug trafficking gang that lured his nephew to degenerate, but he also realized in this experience that if he ran forward and backward by himself, he would not be able to achieve the expected crackdown;

The 60-year-old teacher went undercover in the Golden Triangle for 11 years, passed on more than 900 pieces of information, and was almost made into bloody pants by drug dealers

Closer contact with the frenzied drug dealers and the people who died because of the drugs also strengthened his ambition. After learning about Fu Yankun's thoughts and actions, Wang Zhimin, president of the Chinese Secretaries Association, decided to give Fu Yankun a chance to take charge of the offices in the two small towns on the border.

And provided Fu Yankun with a more professional disguise, so that he had regular soldiers around him, special cars to pick him up and go in and out, coupled with the endorsement of his official identity, Fu Yankun, who returned to Yunnan, became an "officer" within China.

The 60-year-old teacher went undercover in the Golden Triangle for 11 years, passed on more than 900 pieces of information, and was almost made into bloody pants by drug dealers

Walking on thin ice, in exchange for precious intelligence news

Naturally, the drug dealers at the border will not let go of the opportunity to interact with "talkers" like Fu Yankun, and if they can successfully bribe such people, they can provide a lot of convenience for their drug trafficking operations; If they are the upright type, these drug trafficking organizations will also have corresponding preparedness and murder plans.

After Fu Yankun released a "friendly" signal, he soon received a group of drug dealers who came to "surrender". In the real and false dealings with these people, Fu Yankun discovered an important piece of information, that is, among the people who came were the subordinates of Yang Maoliang, an important drug lord in the Kokang region.

Fu Yankun quickly reported the situation to Zhuo Feng, who was in charge of anti-drug work at the time, so that Zhuo Feng couldn't help but sigh at his courage and will. Fu Yankun promised to break into the Kokang drug cartel for the sake of the motherland, and Zhuo Feng also promised to provide him with the help that the country could.

The 60-year-old teacher went undercover in the Golden Triangle for 11 years, passed on more than 900 pieces of information, and was almost made into bloody pants by drug dealers

Fu Yankun, who determined the plan, quickly won Yang Maoliang's "approval", and on the eve of Yang Maoliang's son's wedding, one of his subordinates sent a message to Fu Yankun, asking him "whether to go", and the intention could not be more obvious. Fu Yankun also resisted the pressure, not only went generously, but also gave 38 sets of body armor as a "congratulatory gift".

This surprised Yang Maoliang, who did not expect that such a powerful Chinese "officer" would also be willing to participate in their drug trafficking activities and provide them with support. With Yang Maoliang's approval, Fu Yankun's action to break into these drug trafficking gangs naturally went smoothly.

Fu Yankun walked on thin ice in every step he took bravely, but despite this, he never forgot his original intention of helping the motherland fight drug crimes.

He used his savings for many years and the money he had painstakingly raised to build a private arsenal to alleviate the drug lords' suspicions about him; His daughter didn't know why her father had no news at the border, and she was sent back by Fu Yankun not long after she arrived in Yunnan by car.

The 60-year-old teacher went undercover in the Golden Triangle for 11 years, passed on more than 900 pieces of information, and was almost made into bloody pants by drug dealers

Such a thorny lurking path also gave Fu Yankun the rewards he deserved: the drug dealers who let down their vigilance took him on a tour of the drug park, giving him the opportunity to write down all kinds of information about these drug gangs and drug factories, and pass it on to the Chinese anti-drug police officers. In the past ten years, Fu Yankun has delivered nearly 1,000 pieces of effective information, and the greatness of his contribution and the firmness of his will have long been proven.

As Fu Yankun has been incubating for longer and longer, coupled with his active anti-drug work in China, it is inevitable that suspicions will be left for the brave drug dealers. These cunning and vicious men arranged for Fu Yankun to travel to Chinese mainland alone, but he was not allowed to bring any of his subordinates - a method of isolation and interrogation.

Under the torture, the subordinate "Xiao Hei", who knew Fu Yankun's identity, couldn't help but recruit, and the angry drug dealer waited for Fu Yankun to come back to deal with him, threatening to use "bloody pants" to punish him: this is a kind of torture that cuts open people's lower abdomen, waist and thighs with knives, because the middle of the victim's body becomes bloody after being tortured, it looks like a bloody pants head from a distance, hence the name.

The 60-year-old teacher went undercover in the Golden Triangle for 11 years, passed on more than 900 pieces of information, and was almost made into bloody pants by drug dealers

When Fu Yankun arrived in Yunnan and was about to leave the country, one of the cooks in the gang couldn't bear to see Fu Yankun's miserable end, so he took the risk of telling him all about Fu Yankun's subordinates' betrayal of him and the punishment that the organization was going to impose on him. Fu Yankun didn't dare to stay longer after hearing this, and went to his original home in Liaocheng, Shandong after reporting that the undercover work was about to end.

Fearing retaliation from drug dealers, Fu Yankun chose to live in the basement of his home, and his family, who learned the truth about him for more than ten years, were also shocked and helped him hide.

While Fu Yankun was living in the basement to avoid the limelight, he wrote down the causes and consequences of his undercover work and various experiences with drug dealers, and after he could make his activities public, these manuscripts were also published to let more people know this people's hero.



[1] Ma Hongbo. Characteristics of drug trafficking activities in the Golden Triangle and the anti-drug struggle of relevant countries[J].World Economy and Politics,1993(10)

The 60-year-old teacher went undercover in the Golden Triangle for 11 years, passed on more than 900 pieces of information, and was almost made into bloody pants by drug dealers

[2] Lin Xixing. Southeast Asian Studies,1996(02)

The 60-year-old teacher went undercover in the Golden Triangle for 11 years, passed on more than 900 pieces of information, and was almost made into bloody pants by drug dealers

[3] Fu Yankun. I went undercover in the Golden Triangle for ten years. Selected Biographical Literature》

The 60-year-old teacher went undercover in the Golden Triangle for 11 years, passed on more than 900 pieces of information, and was almost made into bloody pants by drug dealers