
Is the waterfall source a water pipe? Latest responses

author:Keep up with the news

For days

It is rumored on the Internet that Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area in Henan Province is a waterfall

Video of a waterfall made by "pipelining water".

It has become a hot spot for many netizens to pay attention to and talk about

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Is the waterfall source a water pipe? Latest responses

Recently, some netizens posted a video saying

"I ran to the source of Yuntai Waterfall with great difficulty

But I saw a water pipe."

The video quickly became a hot topic on the Internet

Some tourists even called "I feel cheated"

Is the waterfall source a water pipe? Latest responses

On the evening of the 4th, the official Weibo of Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area posted that Yuntai Skyfall is one of the many natural water system landscapes in Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area, but as a seasonal landscape, due to seasonal factors, a small improvement has been made in the dry season, which can enrich the tour experience of friends.

Is the waterfall source a water pipe? Latest responses

Subsequently, the Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area issued another article, and introduced the Yuntai Waterfall with a video. Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area said that during the summer flood season, Yuntai Waterfall will be presented in the most perfect and original posture.

Is the waterfall source a water pipe? Latest responses
Is the waterfall source a water pipe? Latest responses

On June 4, the reporter contacted the Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area, and the relevant person in charge said that the Yuntai Mountain Waterfall is not a man-made waterfall, but a natural fault formed by hundreds of millions of years of geological changes. The water pipe in the video is an auxiliary water diversion equipment built at the source of the waterfall on the basis of the natural landscape to ensure the ornamentation during the dry season.

"Yuntai Mountain Waterfall is a seasonal waterfall, and the waterfall can only be seen during the wet season, and the waterfall has less water flow during the dry season, which is also a common feature of the northern waterfall. In order to enhance the tourists' experience, the scenic spot draws water through the construction of auxiliary equipment at the source of the waterfall on the basis of the natural landscape, so as to ensure the ornamentality of the Yuntai Waterfall during the dry season. The above-mentioned person in charge said that July, August and September every year is the wet season, and the natural water volume of the waterfall is the largest.

The reporter searched the official website of Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area, showing that Yuntai Mountain is located in Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, with a total area of 50 square kilometers and is the first batch of national 5A-level tourist attractions. The waterfall itself in the Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area is a big selling point, such as the Tanpu Gorge in the scenic area, also known as Xiaozhaigou, known as "three steps and one spring, five steps and one waterfall, ten steps and one pool", in addition, the Spring Waterfall Gorge also has a single-level drop of 314 meters "Yuntai Waterfall".

The reporter noticed that some netizens expressed dissatisfaction with the auxiliary water diversion, and some netizens expressed their understanding.

In fact, it is not the first time that he has complained about the "water injection waterfall". For example, in March 2023, the source of the Big Bear Mountain Waterfall in Dengfeng, Henan Province, was also found by netizens to be a water pipe release. In this regard, the staff of the scenic spot once said that it rarely rained at that time, and there was no water on the top of the mountain, but now there is water in the waterfall, so there is no need to care whether it is pumped or not.

Especially in some areas in the north, even if there is a natural area of waterfalls, because of the lack of rainfall in winter and spring, waterfalls often produce the phenomenon of small water flow or even broken flow, and some scenic spots will indeed take artificial means to continue the "life" of waterfalls.

In fact, for most tourists, whether the water on the waterfall is natural or artificial will not affect the photo check-in, but if the scenic spot lets tourists know in advance, it will not cause many questions.

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Manuscript source|Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area, Upstream News, Top News, Surging News, Qilu Evening News, Hecheng Release Synthesis

The copyright belongs to the original author and pays tribute to the original

Align with the editor|Feng Lina