
@丰台3684名考生, the college entrance examination is imminent, and the 6 major test centers will be visited in advance——

author:Fengtai, Beijing

June 7-10

The 2024 college entrance examination will come as scheduled

This year, 3,684 people in Fengtai District took the college entrance examination

There are a total of 6 college entrance examination centers

A total of 131 test rooms

Let's visit the test centers together

Beijing No.10 Middle School (High School)

@丰台3684名考生, the college entrance examination is imminent, and the 6 major test centers will be visited in advance——

On June 6, the school cleared the venue, including cleaning the examination room and posting seals. Set up test room guide maps, electronic signs, guide stickers, and on-site staff to help candidates find the test center smoothly. On the first floor of the teaching building, there is an alternate examination room and an infirmary to ensure that the examination can be carried out smoothly in the event of an emergency.

At that time, candidates will enter from the school gate, turn right to come to the bag storage area, where students will pass through the security gate and enter the teaching building to go to the examination room, which will be set up on the 2nd to 4th floors of the teaching building. During the college entrance examination, the lecture halls and canteens in the school building are temporarily set up as rest areas for candidates to rest. In addition, the restaurant on the west side opposite Beijing No. 10 Middle School will provide a rest area for parents to rest, and free boiling water, mineral water, etc.

Beijing No.10 Middle School (High School)

No. 1, South Guandongli, Changxindian, Fengtai District, Beijing

Beijing Fengtai District No. 2 Middle School (Headquarters)

@丰台3684名考生, the college entrance examination is imminent, and the 6 major test centers will be visited in advance——

On June 6, the venue will be cleared, and the test room guide map, electronic signs, guide stickers, and on-site staff will be set up to help candidates find the test center smoothly. Candidates for the college entrance examination enter through the west gate of the school, and arrive at the gymnasium that serves as a temporary bag storage area after 30 meters. At that time, candidates without bags can go directly to the examination room from the road outside the gymnasium, while candidates with bags must enter through the west gate of the gymnasium, and go to the examination room from the north gate of the gymnasium after depositing their bags. After passing through the gymnasium, we will pass through the Shangde Cultural and Sports Building, the Streamer Teaching Building, the Shangli Science and Technology Building, and the Shangmei Art Building, and then arrive at the Beichen Building, the northernmost part of the school, which is the examination room.

In front of the Beichen Tower, there are pavilions and corridors for students to rest, and there are many tall trees next to them for students to take a dip. Meanwhile, from June 7 to 10, the school will also open its auditorium as a break between exams for students. During the college entrance examination, Wulidian Street will set up a volunteer service post on the sidewalk at the southeast corner diagonally opposite the south gate of Fengtai No. 2 Middle School to serve the parents of the exam.

Beijing Fengtai No. 2 Middle School

No. 3, Dong'an Street, Fengtai District, Beijing

Beijing No. 12 Middle School

@丰台3684名考生, the college entrance examination is imminent, and the 6 major test centers will be visited in advance——

This is the largest college entrance examination center in Fengtai District, and the school also cleared the venue on June 6, posting door stickers, table stickers, and placing guidance signs, banners, etc. At that time, students and parents can go to the school gate in advance to check the distribution map of the examination room. It is reported that turning 20 meters to the right is the teaching I and II buildings, where 26 college entrance examination rooms and 3 spare examination rooms are arranged.

On the morning of June 9th and 10th, due to the close interval between examinations, the school will open the lecture hall on the south side of the campus (on the left hand side of the campus) for candidates to rest temporarily. During the college entrance examination period from June 7th to 10th, Fengtai Street will set up two quadrangular sheds in the surface parking lot of Guangze Center, No. 59 West Third Ring South Road, Fengtai District, and set up volunteer service posts at the college entrance examination center of Beijing No. 12 Middle School to provide rest and waiting, storage services, emergency services, etc.

Beijing No. 12 Middle School

No. 15, Yize Road, Fengtai District, Beijing

Lize Middle School Affiliated to Capital Normal University (High School)

@丰台3684名考生, the college entrance examination is imminent, and the 6 major test centers will be visited in advance——

The school is located at No. 7 North Street, with one gate on North Street and one on the auxiliary road of West Fourth Ring South Road, and candidates need to enter the examination room at the south gate located on North Street. The test center is surrounded by convenient transportation, convenient food and accommodation, and there are many chain restaurants and branded hotels nearby.

During the college entrance examination and high school entrance examination, the Fengtai Street Federation of Trade Unions will continue to carry out the volunteer service work of "Warm Heart Companion Examination", and will set up a trade union volunteer service post in front of Taiyide Company at No. 5 North Street from June 7th to 10th to provide rest and waiting, storage services, convenient services, emergency services, warm transmission, and distribution of accompanying examination bags. There will also be an electric bus on site for parents to get on the bus and enjoy the coolness. The trade union service station on the third floor of the workers' club, located at No. 58 Wenti Road, will also carry out a variety of volunteer services for candidates and parents.

The high school of Lize Middle School affiliated to Beijing Normal University

No. 7 North Street, Fengtai District, Beijing

Beijing No. 18 Middle School

@丰台3684名考生, the college entrance examination is imminent, and the 6 major test centers will be visited in advance——

The school is located at No. 11, District 2, Fangxingyuan. The nearest bus stop is located on the west side of the school gate, within walking distance, and the stop is the east exit of Qunxing Road. There is a rest area of more than 200 square meters opposite Beijing No. 18 Middle School for parents to rest, more than 10 large trees support the shade, and there are tables, chairs and fitness equipment under the trees. When you enter Beijing No. 18 Middle School, the parking space in front of the left side of the school gate will set up a parasol as a waiting area. Continue to the playground, students in need can leave their schoolbags in the playground, and the teacher will take care of them. Then go back the way you came and enter the examination room through Gate 1 of the teaching building. From the entrance of the school to the waiting area, to the bag storage area, and finally back to the examination room, the total length is only 50 meters, which is very convenient.

At the entrance of the teaching building, two smart security doors have been installed, and the examination staff is debugging the equipment. Compared with previous years, there is an extra "step" on the security gate. "Students stand up and walk down, and the time spent at the security gate is relatively longer, and the detection accuracy will also be improved." The person in charge introduced. In addition, the school has worked the details. The new desks and chairs in the classroom can be adjusted in height.

Fangzhuang Campus of Beijing No. 18 Middle School

Building 11, Fangxingyuan District 2, Fangzhuang Road, Fengtai District, Beijing

Beijing Qian Xuesen Middle School

@丰台3684名考生, the college entrance examination is imminent, and the 6 major test centers will be visited in advance——

The entrance is at the southeast gate of the school, located on Dexian Road, and the parents of self-driving candidates go from north to south along Dexian Road, and after passing a street overpass, go south about 100 meters to the right. The southeast gate of Beijing Qian Xuesen Middle School is lush with grass and trees, and the school gate is just hidden in the green trees, and it is easy to skip by car. Go straight west from the southeast gate to enter the school's multi-purpose gymnasium, where the first security check for candidates entering the examination room is located.

From the gymnasium, follow the diversion line and you will come to the first security checkpoint. "Last year it was a security gate, and this year another one has been added, so that it is convenient for candidates to pass through the security check quickly." According to the relevant person in charge, Beijing Qian Xuesen Middle School has a total of 19 examination rooms, distributed on the second and third floors of the teaching building.

Beijing Qian Xuesen Middle School

No. 43, Wanyuan Nanli, Fengtai District, Beijing


According to the Beijing Education Examination Institute, this year's college entrance examination, the protractor has become an item that candidates can bring into the examination room for the first time.

Each test center of the college entrance examination is equipped with smart security doors and manual security checks, and candidates are not allowed to bring electronic devices such as mobile phones, smart watches, and smart bracelets into the test center. Once a candidate brings a mobile phone or other device with the function of sending or receiving information into the examination room, it will be considered as cheating in the examination, and the results of each subject will be cancelled and recorded in the national education examination integrity file. Each test center has set up an intelligent inspection system in the test room, and the abnormal behavior of candidates will be automatically identified and alarmed.

The examination institute reminds that the day before the exam, candidates should prepare their ID cards, admission tickets and examination utensils. This year, a protractor has been added to the test equipment. Candidates can prepare a transparent plastic bag and put the examination equipment together with their ID card and admission ticket so that they can see it at a glance during the examination.

Source: Fengtai District Rong Media Center Beijing Daily

Reporter: Yuan Zifeng, Lin Yao, Li Na, Xie Qi, Guo Xiaoyan, Zhao Ziqian

Intern Editor: Qian Yixin

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