
Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates

author:Eastern Guangdong Circle

Ten years of sharpening a sword

Once tried the edge

2024 College Entrance Examination

It officially kicked off today

Millions of students have dreams and hopes

Walk into the college entrance examination room

Embrace one of life's most important reviews

These moments on the first day of the college entrance examination

Freeze this summer

The most memorable scenery

The following editor will take you together

Let's take a look at the scene of today's Raoping college entrance examination

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Directly hit the scene of Raoping's college entrance examination

Around 8 a.m

Candidates arrived at the test center one after another

Orderly security check and entry into the examination room

Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates
Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates
Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates
Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates
Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates

Outside the exam room

Candidates' parents, volunteers, teachers

Give the candidates consistent companionship and encouragement

Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates
Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates
Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates
Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates
Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates

All departments are fully guarded

Escort for the candidates

"You can take the exam with peace of mind

We escorted you all the way"

Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates
Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates
Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates
Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates
Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates
Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates
Hit the first day of the college entrance examination! Let's send blessings to Rao Ping's candidates

The college entrance examination is a battle of life

It is also a stop in life

It was a youth who fought hard for his dreams

Where the pen goes, where the heart goes

May every candidate

Get what you want, the title of the gold list

Keep up the good work tomorrow

Source: Rao Ping release

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