
Falling off the altar? "Old Man's Ring" DLC evaluation is "mixed"; The sales volume of the domestic AVG game "Starving" exceeded 400,000| Daily B Newspaper

Falling off the altar? "Old Man's Ring" DLC evaluation is "mixed"; The sales volume of the domestic AVG game "Starving" exceeded 400,000| Daily B Newspaper

Night Se glass | wen

One picture of the day

Falling off the altar? "Old Man's Ring" DLC evaluation is "mixed"; The sales volume of the domestic AVG game "Starving" exceeded 400,000| Daily B Newspaper

To celebrate the one-year release of FF16, the official shared a new illustration of Clive.

Again... Fall off the altar

Since the release of Elden Ring's DLC "Shadow of the Golden Tree", Steam reviews have dropped from "rave reviews" to "mixed reviews", and further language filtering will show "mostly negative".

Falling off the altar? "Old Man's Ring" DLC evaluation is "mixed"; The sales volume of the domestic AVG game "Starving" exceeded 400,000| Daily B Newspaper
Falling off the altar? "Old Man's Ring" DLC evaluation is "mixed"; The sales volume of the domestic AVG game "Starving" exceeded 400,000| Daily B Newspaper

Observation and evaluation, some players think that there is a certain inflation in the values in the DLC, and the monster's super offensive desire and some special design make the game experience worse.

Falling off the altar? "Old Man's Ring" DLC evaluation is "mixed"; The sales volume of the domestic AVG game "Starving" exceeded 400,000| Daily B Newspaper
Falling off the altar? "Old Man's Ring" DLC evaluation is "mixed"; The sales volume of the domestic AVG game "Starving" exceeded 400,000| Daily B Newspaper

Night Se Comments: The reclamation of wheelchair people is full of difficulties, and there are no new wheelchairs to play with.

The sales volume of "Hunger: A Thousand Miles at the End of the Ming Dynasty" exceeded 400,000

"Hunger: A Thousand Miles at the End of the Ming Dynasty" was announced yesterday, and the game was released for two months, with sales exceeding 400,000 and a praise rate of 97%, and was rated as "rave reviews".

Falling off the altar? "Old Man's Ring" DLC evaluation is "mixed"; The sales volume of the domestic AVG game "Starving" exceeded 400,000| Daily B Newspaper

In the announcement, producer Ji Ling announced that "Hungry" has launched a long-term trial mobile terminal on TapTap, and the art set of "Hungry" has signed a contract with the publisher and will be released on Modian.

Falling off the altar? "Old Man's Ring" DLC evaluation is "mixed"; The sales volume of the domestic AVG game "Starving" exceeded 400,000| Daily B Newspaper

Night Se Comment: I've recommended it to you many times before, "Hungry" is really a domestic AVG game with quite good quality in recent years, and interested friends must try it.

Toru Furutani is no longer the voice actor of "Toru Amuro".

Some time ago, we reported on the derailment of 70-year-old well-known voice actor Toru Furutani, and after the fermentation of public opinion, Toru Furutani tweeted the fact that he had cheated and claimed to have betrayed the trust of fans.

Since then, most of the works related to Toru Furutani have chosen to be silent, and there has also been a discussion in Japan about whether this derailment will lead to the change of voice actors in "Detective Conan" Amuro and "One Piece" Sabo. And today Toru Furutani announced that he will resign from Toru Amuro and Sabo:

"This incident has caused a lot of damage to the impression of the works and characters of 'Detective Conan' and 'One Piece', and after careful consideration, I decided to quit playing "Toru Amuro" and "Sabo" with the idea of breaking my heart. I think this is the only way for everyone who is involved in the work and the many fans who support the work to compensate for the work and the characters right now. ”
Falling off the altar? "Old Man's Ring" DLC evaluation is "mixed"; The sales volume of the domestic AVG game "Starving" exceeded 400,000| Daily B Newspaper

Night Se Comment: When the main Toru Furutani was cheating, he also flirted with Toru Amuro and Sabo, which was too sassy, and after it was exposed, I felt that I was definitely going to resign.

Game Recommendation

Released on Steam on June 6 this year, "Chameleon Child-painted Adventure" is a hand-drawn graffiti-style side-scrolling platforming game.

Falling off the altar? "Old Man's Ring" DLC evaluation is "mixed"; The sales volume of the domestic AVG game "Starving" exceeded 400,000| Daily B Newspaper
Falling off the altar? "Old Man's Ring" DLC evaluation is "mixed"; The sales volume of the domestic AVG game "Starving" exceeded 400,000| Daily B Newspaper

The game adopts the style of picture books, in the painting world, players will play a chameleon born under the brush of a little boy, under the wonderful fantasy of the little boy's imagination, the interesting and cute chameleon will continue to change its own color freely, passionate adventure!

Falling off the altar? "Old Man's Ring" DLC evaluation is "mixed"; The sales volume of the domestic AVG game "Starving" exceeded 400,000| Daily B Newspaper

Although it seems to be a very "child's" game, the game's jumping gameplay is designed to be corresponding, and the playability is quite good based on the chameleon's "three-color transformation" mechanism.

Falling off the altar? "Old Man's Ring" DLC evaluation is "mixed"; The sales volume of the domestic AVG game "Starving" exceeded 400,000| Daily B Newspaper

The price of the game is 32 yuan, and interested friends can learn about it.


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