
#到底什么是科学#动辄以 "civil science" prevents the emergence of innovative achievements in "basic theories of natural science" is a mantis arm blocking the car, which is not conducive to the development and progress of society!

author:Meteorite geomorphology

#到底什么是科学# Stopping the emergence of innovative achievements in "basic theories of natural science" with "civil science" at every turn is a mantis arm blocking the car, which is not conducive to the development and progress of society!

#到底什么是科学#动辄以 "civil science" prevents the emergence of innovative achievements in "basic theories of natural science" is a mantis arm blocking the car, which is not conducive to the development and progress of society!
#到底什么是科学#动辄以 "civil science" prevents the emergence of innovative achievements in "basic theories of natural science" is a mantis arm blocking the car, which is not conducive to the development and progress of society!
#到底什么是科学#动辄以 "civil science" prevents the emergence of innovative achievements in "basic theories of natural science" is a mantis arm blocking the car, which is not conducive to the development and progress of society!
#到底什么是科学#动辄以 "civil science" prevents the emergence of innovative achievements in "basic theories of natural science" is a mantis arm blocking the car, which is not conducive to the development and progress of society!

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