
The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened for trial operation! Super project builders take the Yueyun Express to experience the fruits of labor first

author:Southern News Network

At 15 o'clock on June 30, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was opened for trial operation. In order to experience the great changes brought about by their hard work, about 400 representatives of the builders of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor and their families took the special train for builders composed of 8 "Yueyun Express" to experience the fruits of their labor and witness the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor breaking through the clouds and seas on the Lingding Ocean.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened for trial operation! Super project builders take the Yueyun Express to experience the fruits of labor first

Guangdong Automobile Transport Group attaches great importance to the task transportation unit, and according to the requirements and arrangements of the management of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, it has deployed 8 "Yueyun Express" in good condition, comfortable and safe, and selected experienced and thoughtful drivers to provide high-quality services for the builders.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened for trial operation! Super project builders take the Yueyun Express to experience the fruits of labor first

At 11 o'clock on the same day, the builders boarded the car one after another, and the clean and comfortable interior environment, spacious and soft seats, and the warm welcome of the drivers won unanimous praise from everyone.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened for trial operation! Super project builders take the Yueyun Express to experience the fruits of labor first

Subsequently, the neat and uniform builders' special train drove up the Shenzhong Channel, and every kilometer of silk-like smooth driving experience not only filled the faces of the builders with pride, but also the faces of the driver Li Zhijing were also full of joy. "I'm very happy to be the first to check in this 'world's best', the view from the cab is very shocking, I want to praise the builders of the super project!"

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened for trial operation! Super project builders take the Yueyun Express to experience the fruits of labor first

"Sitting in the comfort of the car and looking out the window at the scenery speeding by, my mind couldn't help but go back to those days of hard fighting. Once a busy construction site, the Shenzhong Passage now winds its way across the sea like a dragon, and the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is indescribable. Xi Junjie, the builder of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor project, looked out of the car window, and his heart was full of joy.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was opened for trial operation! Super project builders take the Yueyun Express to experience the fruits of labor first

About 1 hour later, the builder's special train returned to the project department, and everyone took a group photo in front of the car to record the beautiful moment with the camera.

Southern Net, Guangdong Study Reporter Luo Tianzi

Correspondent: Huang Aoxing

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