
CCTV5 live broadcast, Chinese women's basketball team 2:20PK Belgium! Li Yueru's suspense was revealed, and Zheng Wei stopped pretending

author:Lucian chases the shadow
CCTV5 live broadcast, Chinese women's basketball team 2:20PK Belgium! Li Yueru's suspense was revealed, and Zheng Wei stopped pretending

The Chinese women's basketball team is in full swing in Europe to prepare for the Paris Olympics. In this training, they will play against strong teams such as Belgium, Australia and France, and the challenge is not small. The team hopes to find the best line-up and tactical combination through these games, while also mentally preparing for the upcoming tournament.

Recently, the Chinese women's basketball team played two games with Turkey and Spain, and achieved a record of one win and one loss. Against Turkey, Han Xu performed very well, almost single-handedly turning the tide and leading the team to victory in the game. Many netizens praised it on social media: "Han Xu is simply too strong!" "Her performance is really reassuring and I look forward to her great performance at the Olympics!"

However, the rest of the game did not go so smoothly. Against Spain, the team's performance was a bit disappointing. The whole team made frequent mistakes and lacked tacit cooperation, and finally lost the game by a large score. After the game, netizens launched a heated discussion: "This game exposed a lot of problems. "We need better coordination and fewer mistakes." Many believe that the team needs to adjust further mentally, and cannot lose confidence because of a defeat.

CCTV5 live broadcast, Chinese women's basketball team 2:20PK Belgium! Li Yueru's suspense was revealed, and Zheng Wei stopped pretending

In the early morning of June 29, the Chinese women's basketball team will face the Belgian women's basketball team, and this game will be broadcast live on CCTV5. For the Chinese women's basketball team, this is a game that must be taken seriously. Not only because of the strength of the Belgian team, but also because the team needs to adjust their form and build up their confidence through games like this. Netizens also said that they would watch the live broadcast on time and cheer for the team: "In the early morning game, everyone is waiting together!" "I believe that the women's basketball team will have a good performance, come on!"

In terms of players, Li Yueru's dynamics have attracted much attention. Although she was named to the 16-man roster for the Olympics, she was temporarily unable to return to the team because she was competing in the WNBA. It is reported that she is expected to return in mid-to-late July, which is a great addition to the team's interior strength. Li Yueru's performance in the WNBA has been very good, getting more and more starting time, and fans are full of anticipation for her performance after her return.

Some netizens said when discussing Li Yueru: "Her performance in the WNBA is getting better and better, and she will definitely be able to bring more strength to the Chinese women's basketball team after her return." "I hope she can combine with Han Xu and Li Meng to help the team achieve good results in the Olympics." There are also concerns about her physical condition: "Will the frequent competitions make her too tired?" Hopefully she'll have a good rest and stay in shape. ”

CCTV5 live broadcast, Chinese women's basketball team 2:20PK Belgium! Li Yueru's suspense was revealed, and Zheng Wei stopped pretending

Head coach Zheng Wei is considering adjusting the lineup and preparing to let Han Xu, Li Meng and other main players play together. Their goal is clear: to win against the Belgian women's basketball team and build confidence for the upcoming Olympics. Zheng Wei understands that this is not only an opportunity to run in tactics, but also an important node to improve the morale of the team.

Fans are looking forward to the combined performance of Li Yueru and the other main players. Li Yueru's outstanding performance in the WNBA has given everyone more hope for her performance after her return. Before every game, fans always have a lively discussion on the Internet: "This combination will definitely make us more competitive." "They hope to see the tacit cooperation of Li Yueru and Han Xu on the inside to create more pressure on the opponent.

The whole training is like a run-in of patience and skill. In the face of the challenge of strong teams, the women's basketball team not only constantly adjusted tactically, but also made full preparations for the Paris Olympics psychologically. Every confrontation is a good opportunity for them to improve themselves and fill in the gaps. The players supported each other in training and encouraged each other: "We have to be at our best this time. ”

Fans are also looking forward to seeing a stronger Chinese women's basketball team on the international stage. An old fan sighed: "Watching the girls go all the way, I really hope they can shine in the Olympics." The young fans were full of expectations: "We will always support them and hope they play a good game!" ”

CCTV5 live broadcast, Chinese women's basketball team 2:20PK Belgium! Li Yueru's suspense was revealed, and Zheng Wei stopped pretending

Zheng Wei also often thinks about changes in the team late at night, and she knows that every decision can affect the outcome of the game. She told the players: "We have to believe in ourselves, if we work hard, we will definitely get good results in the game." After hearing this, the players were full of fighting spirit and determined to go all out in the next game.

In addition, some netizens commented: "There are too few people who play to find and develop new players. Is it okay not to give newcomers a chance to exercise? The team needs successors, to develop new talents, and to find players who are capable, promising and willing to play for their country. Isn't the purpose of training abroad to train the team and cultivate talents? If the team is like a pool of stagnant water, how can there be development and progress? Do you have to wait until the girls in the women's basketball team can't play before you think about developing new talents? ”

Another netizen chimed in: "It's true that the current main team relies too much on veterans, and young players don't get enough game experience. Cultivating new talent is not only for the present, but also for the future of the women's basketball team. To learn from Xu Limin's time, he always pays attention to the development of young players and allows them to be trained in the competition. ”

Someone continued: "If you only rely on a few veterans for every competition, when they retire, it will be difficult for newcomers to come up. We need to keep bringing in new blood and not always standing still. ”

CCTV5 live broadcast, Chinese women's basketball team 2:20PK Belgium! Li Yueru's suspense was revealed, and Zheng Wei stopped pretending

A veteran fan recalled: "I remember that when Xu Limin was coaching, he always gave young players opportunities. He always said that competition is the best teacher, and now these opportunities seem to be less. ”

Some people questioned: "Isn't foreign training just for running-in and exercise?" If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to develop new talents, how can you go further on the international stage? ”

The discussion was in full swing, and someone said: "It's time to reflect on the current strategy, newcomers need a stage and a chance to grow." Behind every successful athlete is a myriad of trials and opportunities. ”

Another fan concluded: "The hope for the future of the team lies in these young players. We look forward to seeing more potential newcomers emerge in the game and contribute to the future of the Chinese women's basketball team." ”

Through this training, the women's basketball team gradually found its rhythm and self-confidence. Not only have they improved their skills and tactics, but they have also become more resilient mentally. The enthusiastic support of the fans keeps them motivated, and every match is a new challenge and an opportunity to show what they can do. No matter what the future holds, this team is working hard for their dreams, and that's all that matters.

CCTV5 live broadcast, Chinese women's basketball team 2:20PK Belgium! Li Yueru's suspense was revealed, and Zheng Wei stopped pretending

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