
Publication of lost work permits


I have accidentally lost my work permit, and hereby publish a statement with the following information:

Publication of lost work permits

If you are handling loss, announcements, declarations, etc., you can consider using the online reporting service provided by the Alipay Mini Program of [Kuaiban], which includes one-click online registration of newspapers across the country.

Search for and open the [Quick Deal] Mini Program in "Alipay" or "WeChat".

1. Select the content of loss registration, loss reporting, etc

2. Select the newspaper in demand for publication

Publication of lost work permits

Name: Zhang San

Gender: Male

Date of birth: 8 August 1990

Publication of lost work permits

Work unit: XX Technology Co., Ltd

Position: Software Development Engineer

Work Permit Number: 1234567890

The date of loss of the document is roughly around September 15, 2022, the place of loss is located in an urban area in the mainland, and the work permit contains a copy of my ID card, academic certificate, professional title certificate and other important information.

During this period, if any person or organization discovers the work permit, please contact me as soon as possible using the following contact information:




I would like to thank you for your kind help, and I will actively cooperate with the relevant authorities in the investigation and recover the lost work permit as soon as possible.

Here, I remind the majority of friends to be vigilant, pay attention to keep their documents, to avoid similar incidents, the following are some of the preventive measures I summarized for your reference:

1. Keep your personal documents and do not lend them to others at will, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

2. Try to avoid revealing documents in public to avoid being targeted by criminals.

3. Check the documents regularly to ensure that the information is correct, and reissue them in time if damaged or lost.

4. Indicate the emergency contact person and contact information on the certificate, so that you can contact you in time when you lose it.

5. Once the certificate is found to be lost, report to the unit immediately, and report to the police for the record, so that the relevant departments can assist in finding it.

6. Post a loss statement on social media, Moments and other platforms to remind friends around you to pay attention to this matter.

7. Publish a statement in the newspaper to expand the scope of search and improve the probability of recovery.

8. Strengthen personal awareness of prevention, increase vigilance, and prevent criminals from using lost documents to carry out illegal activities such as fraud.

Thank you again for your concern and support, I hope we will work together to contribute to the construction of a harmonious society, I will pay close attention to the loss of the incident, if there is any latest progress, I will inform you in time.


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