
Why is it harder to catch a cold in summer than in winter?

author:Yishui release

Compared with autumn and winter colds, summer colds are not only more difficult to endure, but also last longer and are relatively difficult to cure.

Why is it harder to catch a cold in summer than in winter?

What is the difference between a summer cold and a winter cold? "Life Times" (search "LT0385" in WeChat to follow) invites experts to interpret and give advice on how to deal with summer colds.

Experts interviewed

Xu Zhen, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University

Why do summer colds get so slow to get better?

A cold is an acute upper respiratory tract infection, which is mostly self-limited and generally recovers in about 7 days.

Most of the pathogens that cause colds are viruses, and the severity does not vary significantly depending on the season, and many factors affect the feeling of a more severe cold in summer.


Why is it harder to catch a cold in summer than in winter?

There are different types of viruses in winter and summer

Rhinovirus is a common virus that causes winter colds, and the duration of symptoms is often 7~14 days; Summer colds are often associated with enteroviruses, with symptoms lasting up to 20 days.

In addition, people tend to consume more raw and cold foods in summer, which can easily damage the body's immune barrier and promote the infection of pathogens such as enteroviruses.


Why is it harder to catch a cold in summer than in winter?

It can be confused with bacterial infection

Colds are often manifested as itchy throat and dry throat, nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose, etc., and in severe cases, it can be accompanied by fever, mostly moderate and low fever, and rarely chills. These are called "non-specific" symptoms, meaning they are not specific to a disease.

Bacterial infections such as hemolytic streptococcus and Haemophilus influenzae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, rickettsia, leptospira infection, etc., which are more common in summer, will also have the above symptoms, which are easy to be misdiagnosed as colds, resulting in prolonged course of illness or aggravation of symptoms.

Why is it harder to catch a cold in summer than in winter?


Why is it harder to catch a cold in summer than in winter?

Allergies are mistaken for a cold

Summer is also a time of high incidence of allergic diseases. In the case of allergies, symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, and sneezing are similar to those of a cold, but if treated as a cold, the symptoms may not be relieved.

Some cold medicines contain anti-allergic ingredients, which improve the symptoms by "hitting by mistake", and may recur after stopping the drug, giving people the illusion that the summer cold is not cured.

How to recover quickly after being "hit".

There is no strict "high or low" for summer and winter colds, and both need to pay attention to prevention, such as paying attention to personal hygiene, washing hands frequently, etc. If you accidentally "get hit", you can try the following methods to make the cold get better faster.

Avoid overexertion

Getting enough rest can help restore your body's immunity, so try to minimize activity and get enough sleep when you have a cold. Don't exercise vigorously, overexert yourself, or stay up late.

Ensure adequate nutrition

During the cold, the digestive function is weak, and the diet should be mainly light. It is recommended to eat more vitamin-rich fresh vegetables and fruits, consume moderate amounts of protein, and avoid spicy, greasy, and irritating foods.

Drink plenty of water in small amounts

It is necessary to drink enough water after a cold, but drinking a large amount of water in a short period of time may cause dehydration in the body.

Why is it harder to catch a cold in summer than in winter?

The correct way to do this is to drink about 300 ml each time in small quantities and then drink again after an interval of time. In this way, you can ensure that you drink water without putting a burden on your kidneys.

Appropriate medication

When symptoms are obvious, over-the-counter drugs can be added for symptomatic treatment, preferably under the guidance of a doctor; If symptoms do not improve for several days or if symptoms such as persistent high fever and shortness of breath occur, you should seek medical attention promptly.

Do 3 things to prevent colds from coming to your door

The following 3 things are the most likely to cause colds, so you should be especially careful in summer.


Avoid hot and cold

In general, a 4°C difference between the temperature of an air-conditioned room and the outside temperature is optimal. If the outdoor temperature is too high, a difference of 4°C is unrealistic, and the air conditioning temperature should not be lower than 26°C.

Why is it harder to catch a cold in summer than in winter?

To enter the room from the outside, it is best to acclimatize to the room without air conditioning for a few minutes before entering the air conditioned room; Do not take a shower or eat cold drinks immediately after exercising or sweating profusely.


Don't be greedy for cold when you go to bed at night

Therefore, do not sleep outdoors at night, do not turn on fans and air conditioners for a long time, and do not sleep in a windy place to avoid cold.

Also, get enough sleep. If you sleep less than 7~8 hours, your body's immunity will decline and you will be more susceptible to colds.


Stay optimistic

Pessimism and depression can lead to an increase in the release of hormones such as cortisol, which can directly suppress the immune system and reduce immunity. Therefore, reducing stress and staying optimistic are also good ways to prevent colds.

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