
Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early

Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early

Talk about food moments

2024-06-27 18:59

Everyone has seen this year's market, income has decreased, consumption has been downgraded, a lot of fruits have ushered in price reductions, and food has been more or less affected by the weather, and there has been no bumper yield, so how about next year? Will it get better?

Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early

Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early. From the perspective of time, 2025 AD, a common year in the Gregorian calendar, has a total of 365 days and 53 weeks. It is the year of the snake in the lunar calendar, with a leap month of June, a total of 384 days.

There are many ancient books that predict the year, here are the selections, we are more familiar with the several, "Mother Earth Sutra" and "Pillow Notes", "Stove Horse Head" to see how it predicts the year of Yisi.

Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early

The prediction of the year of Otomi in the "Mother of the Earth Sutra".

The poem says: Tai Sui Yi Si year, high and low grass seedlings cui. There is more rafting in spring and summer, and there are abundant grains in autumn and winter. Doumai Meiyanqi, Sang Zheyi Wu Chu. Walking in the basket of insects, the silkworm girl cried in the air. Silk cotton is not on the scale, and the price of silk is higher.

Bu said: The head of the snake is at the beginning of the year, and there is a surplus of grain. The early harvest is not late, and the silkworm is not late. In summer, the wheat seedlings are beautiful, and the three winters become solid fertilizer.

To explain simply, Tai Sui is the god on duty, and Tai Sui in 2025 is General Wu Sui. Regardless of the terrain, the seedlings are in a green growth state, which can also be understood as a bumper harvest and good crop growth.

Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early

Although the weather changes a lot in spring and summer, the good thing in autumn and winter is that the grains are bumper and the grain is abundant, which means that it is a bumper harvest year, but the business is not very good, and prices may rise, which also means that our cost of living has risen.

The prediction of the year of Otomi in the "Pillow in the Pillow".

Yisi rice show, summer drought. Grains should be planted early, and planted late. The sword soldiers came from the south, and the general left the state and county. The insects die in the basket, and the silk and cotton do not form threads.

Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early

Zigong said: Droughts are frequent, and the swords and soldiers suddenly rise, it is a catastrophe from heaven to collect their evildoers! However, although it fell from the sky, it was created by real people. If the public can be united, repent and move for good, and there are those who do not turn evil into good fortune and return to chaos, I don't believe it.

What is said here is also relatively straightforward, next year's grain will be abundant, and it is necessary to pay attention to sowing seeds as soon as possible, and not delay the agricultural work, otherwise, the planting will be late, and you can only watch it with your eyes. In addition, there may be drought in summer, so we should be careful to irrigate our crops in time.

Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early

The mouth of the year of Yi Si is: Zi Chouyin is dry in summer, and Mao Chen is rich in folk songs. Don't be quiet in the year, Shen Wei is the same as rushing.

In the book "Stove Horse Head", there is also a prediction of the year of Otomi

Among the ancient books of the stove horse, there are a few dragons to control the water, a few people and a few C, a few days to get Xin, a few cattle to plough the land, a few people to hoe and so on in ancient times.

For example, "a few dragons to control the water" is decided based on the first day of the first month of the current year (Chen belongs to the dragon) on the first day. On the fifth day of the first lunar month, it is called "five dragons to control the water", on the sixth day of the first month, it is called "six dragons to control the water", and so on. The more dragons, the less rainfall, and the fewer dragons, the more rainfall. There is a folk proverb that "there are more dragons and drought".

Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early

Let's take a look at the first day of the first lunar month to the tenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar in 2025, which are:

The first day of the first monthThe first day of the first monthThe second day of the second monthThe third day of the first monthThe third day of the third monthThe third day of the first monthThe third day of the third monthThe third day of the first monthThe third day of the third monthThe fifth day of the first monthThe fifth day of the first monthThe sixth day of the first monthThe sixth day of the first monthThe first day of the fifth monthThe first day of the sixth day of the first monthThe first day of the fifth monthThe first day of the sixth day of the first monthThe first day of the fifth day of the fifth monthThe sixth day of the first monthThe first day of the first month of the fifth month of the first month of the fifth month of the first month of the first month of the fifth month of the first month of the fifth month of the first month of the first month of the fifth day of the first month of the fifth month of the first month of the first month of the fifth day of the first month of the fifth month of the first month of the fifth month of the first month of the first month of the fifth month of the first month of the first year

To sum up: Chen corresponds to the dragon, which appears on the seventh day of the first month, then it is the seven dragons to control the water, Ren appears on the fifth day of the first month, and C appears on the ninth day of the first month, then it is five people and nine cakes, and Xin appears on the fourth day of the first month, then it is four people Dexin. And so on.

There are more seven dragons, this also corresponds to the summer drought mentioned earlier, 5 people have nine cakes, indicating that the grain has been harvested, people do not have to worry about food, 4 people get a salary, indicating that the money is still relatively difficult to earn.

Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early

To sum up: next year is the year of Yisi, the grain will usher in a bumper harvest, but when we should pay attention, beware of the drought in summer, but also pay attention not to delay the farming, plant early, get a bumper harvest early, miss the planting time, it will lead to a poor harvest, and secondly, we still have to take care of our own money bags, can not go to indiscriminate consumption.

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  • Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early
  • Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early
  • Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early
  • Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early
  • Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early
  • Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early
  • Next year is the year of 2025, is the year good? The ancient books left by the ancestors can be an omen, and you can know it early if you read it early

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