
Kang Hui, anchor of "News Network": His mother passed away with regret, and he and his wife made amends with tears

author:A good man has a safe life

Kang Hui, this name is not unfamiliar to many Chinese audiences, he is a senior anchor of CCTV's "News Network", with his steady broadcasting style and professional news literacy, he has won the love and respect of the audience. But you know what? In terms of private life, Kang Hui has a unique family choice, that is, he and his wife Liu Yajie decided to become a Dink family and did not plan to have children.

Dink, the word derives from the English word "DINK", which is an abbreviation for "Double Income, No Kids", which refers to families who have a double income but choose not to have children. Kang Hui and Liu Yajie's choice is undoubtedly a challenge to the traditional concept of family. In the eyes of many people, getting married and having children is a necessary stage in life, but Kang Hui and his wife have their own unique views.

First of all, we have to understand Kang Hui's personal background. He was born in an ordinary family, his parents were ordinary workers, and his family was not wealthy. But Kang Hui has shown his love and talent for broadcasting since he was a child, and through his own efforts, he stepped onto the stage of CCTV step by step and became an excellent news anchor. His success is inseparable from the support and encouragement of his family, but at the same time, it also makes him think more deeply about family life.

Kang Hui, anchor of "News Network": His mother passed away with regret, and he and his wife made amends with tears

Kang Hui's wife, Liu Yajie, is also a talented woman. She has her own pursuits and achievements in the field of art, and she also has her own understanding and expectations for family life. When the two come together and face life together, they find that the traditional family model is not suitable for them. They prefer to be able to focus on their careers and interests rather than being tied down by family chores.

Such a choice undoubtedly requires great courage. In the eyes of many people, a family without children is incomplete, and even subject to some incomprehension and criticism. But Kang Hui and Liu Yajie were not affected by these voices, and they firmly believed that their choice was the right one. They believe that everyone has the right to plan their life according to their own wishes, rather than being swayed by society's expectations.

In their lives, we can see many warm and sweet moments. Despite not having children, the bond between them is very deep. They travel together, enjoy life together, and share each other's joys and sorrows together. Their lives, full of love and understanding, also let us see a happy life model that is different from the traditional family.

Kang Hui, anchor of "News Network": His mother passed away with regret, and he and his wife made amends with tears

Of course, the choice of Kang Hui and his wife is not to encourage everyone to become Dink, but to tell everyone that everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle. Whether you choose to get married and have children, or choose Dink, you should be respected and understood. After all, the definition of happiness varies from person to person, and the key is to find a lifestyle that works for you.

The story of Kang Hui and Liu Yajie allows us to see a different attitude and choice in life. With their actions, they interpret what true happiness and freedom are. In this pluralistic society, we should learn to respect and tolerate different choices, so that everyone can live their own lives and pursue their own happiness.

Kang Hui's mother, a traditional Chinese woman, always had a deep love and anticipation for her son. In her opinion, Kang Hui is not only the pride of the family, but also the hope in her heart that can continue the family bloodline. Although Kang Hui and his wife, Liu Yajie, chose to live a Dink lifestyle, the mother's longing for her grandson never diminished, and even after Kang Hui's father died, this expectation became even stronger.

Kang Hui, anchor of "News Network": His mother passed away with regret, and he and his wife made amends with tears

The mother always expresses her wishes in a variety of ways, from daily small talk to festive family gatherings, she always loses no time in bringing up the topic of children. She would say, "Kang Hui, you see that we are the only one in our family now, if there is a child, the family will be much more lively." Or when she sees the neighbor's child, she will say with emotion: "If I have a grandchild, I can also enjoy the fun of teasing grandchildren." ”

After Kang Hui's father died, his mother's expectations became even more urgent. She felt that the continuation of the family had become more important, and she hoped that Kang Hui would understand her feelings and fulfill her wishes. She began to bring up the topic more often, sometimes even in a slightly pleading tone: "Kang Hui, your father is gone, I hope you can add a descendant to our family, so that your father will also feel comforted in the spirit of heaven." ”

In the face of his mother's expectations and birth, Kang Hui's mood is complicated. He understood his mother's painstaking efforts and felt the heavy love. But he and his wife, Liu Yajie, have made a choice, believing that life without children can be equally fulfilling and happy. Kang Hui tried to communicate with his mother and explain their thoughts and choices, but his mother seemed to have a hard time accepting this reality.

Kang Hui, anchor of "News Network": His mother passed away with regret, and he and his wife made amends with tears

The mother sometimes seems a little stubborn, she thinks that the child is the continuation of the family and the support of old age. She was worried that Kang Hui and Liu Yajie would have no one to take care of them when they got old, and she was worried that they would feel lonely. She even sometimes uses some traditional concepts to persuade Kang Hui, such as: "If you don't have children, what will you do in the future?" Who will provide for you? ”

Kang Hui knows that his mother's concerns are not unreasonable, but he also firmly believes that there are many ways to solve the problem of providing for the elderly in modern society, and it is not necessary to rely on children. He and Liu Yajie are also actively planning for the future, such as saving money, investing and insurance to protect their old age.

Although Kang Hui and his mother have different views on this issue, the love between them is constant. Kang Hui knows that every birth of his mother is out of concern and love for him, and he will try his best to respond to his mother's expectations with patience and understanding. He hopes to find a balance between respecting his mother's wishes and sticking to his own lifestyle.

Kang Hui, anchor of "News Network": His mother passed away with regret, and he and his wife made amends with tears

This story is not only about Kang Hui and his mother, but also about the collision and communication of ideas between two generations. In this process, we see the power of family affection, and we also see everyone's different understanding of happiness and life choices. This is a topic full of emotions and thoughts, and it is worth pondering for each and every one of us.

The family relationship between Kang Hui and his mother is deep, but the choice of whether to have a child has caused an unspeakable conflict between them. The mother's desire for her grandson is like a seed that takes root in her heart, and Kang Hui and Liu Yajie's Dink choice is like a sudden cold snap, making it difficult for this seed to blossom and bear fruit.

Kang Hui is well aware of his mother's expectations, and in the dead of night, he will lie in bed, thinking about how to balance his mother's expectations with his life choices. He knew that his mother's wish was out of love for him, but this love sometimes made him feel heavy. He tried to understand from his mother's point of view, imagining the loneliness and expectation of his mother facing the empty home alone.

Kang Hui, anchor of "News Network": His mother passed away with regret, and he and his wife made amends with tears

The mother also felt a deep contradiction and pain between understanding her son and expressing her wishes. She knew that Kang Hui and Liu Yajie's choice had their reasons, but deep down, she still hoped that they could change their minds. She often sits alone in the living room in the dead of night, stroking Kang Hui's childhood photos in her hands, tears rolling in her eyes. How she wished that she could hear her grandson's laughter and fill the void in this family.

The emotional struggle between Kang Hui and his mother is a true portrayal of the collision of ideas between two generations. Kang Hui respects his mother's expectations, but at the same time insists on his life choices. He tried to communicate with his mother in the hope of finding a mutually acceptable solution. But every conversation seemed to end in his mother's sighs and tears, which made Kang Hui feel extremely powerless and heartbroken.

In front of Kang Hui, her mother always tried her best to stay strong, but deep in her heart, she was full of struggle and uneasiness. She was afraid that her expectations would put pressure on Kang Hui, but she couldn't suppress her desire for her grandson. She often wonders if she is too selfish, whether she should let go and let Kang Hui and Liu Yajie live according to their own wishes.

Kang Hui, anchor of "News Network": His mother passed away with regret, and he and his wife made amends with tears

The conflict between Kang Hui and his mother is not only about the choice of whether to have children, but also about the different understandings of family, happiness and responsibility between the two generations. Kang Hui hopes to make his mother understand that happiness is not just one model, and the mother is trying to find a reason to accept her son's choice.

During this emotional struggle, both Kang Hui and his mother experienced growth and change. Kang Hui has learned to understand his mother's heart more deeply, and the mother is slowly learning to respect her son's choice. The family affection between them has not been estranged because of the conflict, but has become deeper in understanding and respect.

This story allows us to see the power of family affection, and it also makes us think about the diversity of life choices. Everyone's happiness is unique, and there is no fixed pattern that can be applied. In respect and understanding, we may be able to find our own path to happiness.

Kang Hui's attitude towards life has always been clear, and he firmly believes that happiness is not based on having children, but depends on the individual's mentality and quality of life. Together, he and his wife, Liu Yajie, have created a loving and understanding family environment where their lives are fulfilling and warm even without children. Kang Hui believes that happiness is a choice, an ability, and has nothing to do with the number of family members.

Kang Hui, anchor of "News Network": His mother passed away with regret, and he and his wife made amends with tears

Kang Hui's philosophy of life is deeply rooted in his values. He and Liu Yajie both have their own careers and pursuits, and they enjoy the freedom and space brought by the world of two. They can arrange their travel as they please, devote more time and energy to work, and enjoy each other's company in their leisure time. Kang Hui feels that this state of life makes him feel satisfied and happy.

However, it has always been difficult for his mother to fully accept Kang Hui's choice. In her traditional concept, the continuation of the family and the reproduction of children and grandchildren are an important part of life. She was worried that Kang Hui would have no one to take care of him when he was old, and that they would feel lonely. This concern made her often bring up the topic of children in front of Kang Hui, hoping to persuade him to change his mind.

But Kang Hui was not shaken by his mother's expectations. He firmly believed in his choice and worked hard for his mother to understand his philosophy of life. Together with Liu Yajie, he used their practical actions to show his mother that they can live happily even without children. They often invite their mother to their activities to make her feel happy and fulfilled in their lives.

Kang Hui, anchor of "News Network": His mother passed away with regret, and he and his wife made amends with tears

In this process, Kang Hui's sister also played an important role. As another member of the family, she has a deep understanding of Kang Hui's choice. She knew that Kang Hui and Liu Yajie's decision was well thought out, and she respected their choice and tried to help her mother understand it.

Kang Hui's sister often communicates with her mother, and she uses her own experience and opinions to influence her mother, so that she gradually accepts Kang Hui's choice. She told her mother that everyone has their own way of life, and there was nothing wrong with Kang Hui and Liu Yajie choosing the lifestyle that they thought was best for them. She encouraged her mother to respect Kang Hui's choice and believe that they would be able to handle their lives.

After a period of communication and thinking, her mother finally began to accept Kang Hui's choice under the persuasion of Kang Hui's sister. She realizes that although she has a strong desire for her grandson, it is more important to respect his son's decision and let him live his life as he wishes. She began to try to let go of her expectations and instead focus on the happiness of Kang Hui and Liu Yajie.

Kang Hui, anchor of "News Network": His mother passed away with regret, and he and his wife made amends with tears

The change in his mother's attitude made Kang Hui feel very gratified. He knows that this is not only his mother's understanding and respect for him, but also a release and relief from his mother's emotions. Kang Hui is grateful for his mother's understanding and support, and he has also strengthened his belief in his life philosophy.

This story makes us see the power of family affection and makes us think about the diversity of life choices. Everyone's happiness is unique, and there is no fixed pattern that can be applied. In respect and understanding, we may be able to find our own path to happiness. Kang Hui and his mother's story is about growth, understanding and love, and it tells us that no matter what we choose, the support and understanding of our family is our most precious treasure.

Kang Hui's life has always been carried out in his own way, and he and his wife Liu Yajie firmly chose the Dink life, enjoying the freedom and tranquility brought by the world of the two. However, after the death of his mother, Kang Hui's world suddenly became a little different. In the process of sorting through his mother's belongings, he unexpectedly found some letters and diaries that recorded his mother's expectations and regrets for him.

Kang Hui, anchor of "News Network": His mother passed away with regret, and he and his wife made amends with tears

In the letters and diaries, the mother expressed her love for Kang Hui and her longing for her grandson with gentle and sincere brushstrokes. She wrote that although she respected Kang Hui's choice, deep down, she always hoped that Kang Hui could continue the family's bloodline and let her see the smiling faces of her grandson in her lifetime. These words, like a warm current, warmed Kang Hui's heart and touched some emotions in his heart.

Kang Hui sat at his mother's desk, holding the letters and diaries in his hands, and his heart was mixed. He recalled the bits and pieces of his mother's life, and those expectations and regrets about the child were like pictures that kept replaying in his mind. He began to reflect on whether he should reconsider his life choices and whether he should give his mother a response, even after she had left.

After a period of deliberation, Kang Hui and Liu Yajie had an in-depth conversation. They discussed their mother's wishes, but also their own lives. Kang Hui expressed his thoughts to Liu Yajie, and he hoped to try to conceive a child, not only to comfort his mother's soul in heaven, but also to explore a new way of life.

Kang Hui, anchor of "News Network": His mother passed away with regret, and he and his wife made amends with tears

Although Liu Yajie was surprised by Kang Hui's decision, she understood Kang Hui's mood and respected his choice. She knows that this is not only to fulfill her mother's last wish, but also Kang Hui's exploration of the meaning of life. After some discussion, Liu Yajie agreed with Kang Hui's decision, and they decided to try to welcome the arrival of a new life together.

This decision is a huge change for Kang Hui and Liu Yajie. They begin to adjust their lifestyles in preparation for a new life. They attend preconception check-ups, learn about parenting, and even start decorating the room for their future child. Although this process is full of unknowns and challenges, they feel extremely excited and looking forward to it.

Kang Hui knows that this decision may change their lives, but he also believes that it is the best memorial to his mother. In this way, he hopes that his mother's love and expectations will be continued, so that her spirit in heaven can feel comfort and satisfaction.

Kang Hui, anchor of "News Network": His mother passed away with regret, and he and his wife made amends with tears

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