
Deng Jiaxian, the "Father of the Two Bombs": A model of practicing the spirit of a scientist | Science & Technology Review

author:Science & Technology Review
Deng Jiaxian, the "Father of the Two Bombs": A model of practicing the spirit of a scientist | Science & Technology Review

Deng Jiaxian was the main organizer and leader of China's nuclear weapons development, and was also one of the main leaders responsible for the theoretical design of the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb and remained incognito for 28 years. This paper summarizes the connotation of Deng Jiaxian's scientist spirit from six aspects: patriotism, innovation, truth-seeking, dedication, collaboration, and education, and reveals the important value of his spirit. Deng Jiaxian devoted himself to China's nuclear weapons cause with his profound national feelings, persistent pursuit of scientific causes, outstanding strategic vision and innovative spirit, and is a model for scientific and technological workers in the new era to learn.

If a person has no spirit, he will not stand, and if a country has no spirit, he will not be strong. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech at the symposium of scientists: "Scientific achievements are inseparable from spiritual support. The spirit of a scientist is a valuable spiritual wealth accumulated by scientific and technological workers in their long-term scientific practice. General Secretary Xi Jinping praised seven scientists, including Deng Jiaxian (Figure 1), the "father of the two bombs", as "models of patriotic scientists".

June 25, 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Deng Jiaxian, an outstanding nuclear physicist and the father of the two bombs, and October 2024 will mark the 60th anniversary of the successful detonation of China's first atomic bomb. Deng Jiaxian was the main organizer and leader of China's nuclear weapons development, and was also one of the leaders responsible for the theoretical design of atomic and hydrogen bombs. He is good at combining theory and practice, and is good at combining science and engineering technology.

Deng Jiaxian, the "Father of the Two Bombs": A model of practicing the spirit of a scientist | Science & Technology Review

Figure 1 Deng Jiaxian at the time of the interview with reporters (Image source: "The Biography of Deng Jiaxian")

Deng Jiaxian has repeatedly made many awards without being arrogant, and is a model of practicing the scientist spirit of "patriotism, innovation, truth-seeking, dedication, coordination, and education". Deng Jiaxian's noble spirit of loving the motherland and selfless dedication, rigorous and realistic, constantly innovating, pursuing excellent scientific quality, academic democracy, and collaborative research are the precious spiritual wealth that scientific and technological workers in the new era should learn and inherit.

1. Deng Jiaxian is a model of patriotic scientists

Before going abroad, Deng Jia said: "In the future, the motherland will need people for construction, and I will definitely come back after I finish my studies." Deng Jiaxian was interviewed by media reporters before his death, leaving a life motto: "I don't love weapons, I love peace, but for peace, we need weapons." If life can be reborn after the end of life, then I still choose China and choose the nuclear industry. "Patriotism is the background color of the spirit of scientists, and the spirit of patriotism is the fundamental guarantee for every scientific research worker to stick to his original intention. Deng Jiaxian cherished the motherland and served the people all his life, and was a model of patriotism and love for the people.

Establish the ideal of serving the country loyally

On June 25, 1924, Deng Jiaxian was born in the Tieyan Mountain House in Bailinban, Huaining County, Anhui Province, and was the sixth grandson of Deng Shiru, a famous seal carving calligrapher in the Qing Dynasty. His grandparents and fathers made outstanding contributions in the field of culture and education. Deng Shiru's artistic attainments have had a profound impact on the descendants of the Deng family, not only in Deng Jiaxian's artistic accomplishment, but also in his love and inheritance of traditional culture. Deng Jiaxian's grandfather, Deng Yisun, as an educator in the late Qing Dynasty, played a non-negligible role in the formation of Deng Jiaxian's educational concepts and life values. Deng Jiaxian's father, Deng Yiyu, was a scholar and educator who studied both China and the West. He was not only an educator with strong patriotic feelings and national pride, but also an educator with strong patriotic feelings and national pride. Deng Yixian's educational philosophy and patriotic feelings had a profound impact on Deng Jiaxian's growth, making Deng Jiaxian not only have a solid academic foundation, but also have a firm patriotic belief and selfless dedication. Under such a background of family education, Deng Jiaxian was able to grow up in a strong cultural atmosphere and patriotic feelings. The excellent family style and tutoring set up correct values and outlook on life for him, enabling him to go incognito and forget his life and death for the development of the "two bombs." He was praised by Yang Zhenning as "Deng Jiaxian's son with the highest dedication bred by thousands of years of traditional Chinese culture."

Deng Jiaxian was deeply influenced by the excellent traditional Chinese culture and established the ideal of serving the country with loyalty, which became a solid cornerstone of his scientific research career. Deng Jiaxian's feelings for his family and country and dedication are not only his personal excellent qualities, but also the inheritance and development of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation for thousands of years.

Determined to save the country through science

Deng Jiaxian's juvenile years were when the country was shattered and the nation was in danger, and in the face of the Japanese army's aggression and brutality, Deng Jiaxian showed strong patriotic feelings and national self-esteem. His act of stepping on the Japanese flag under his feet was not only a protest against the Japanese army's aggression, but also a firm statement that he would not be a slave to the country. In 1940, in order to escape the persecution of the Japanese army, Deng Jiaxian fled from Beiping under the leadership of his eldest sister and ran to the rear. This experience not only made him personally feel the cruelty of the war and the urgency of the nation's peril, but also tempered his will and courage, and laid an ideological foundation for him to devote himself to scientific research and serve the motherland in the future. Deng Jiaxian's whole life has been striving for the realization of his ideals and ambitions.

In the face of the crisis of Japan's invasion of China, he did not avoid the suffering of the country because he was in middle school, but embarked on the road of studying to serve the country scientifically as a middle school student, showing maturity and determination beyond his age. Deng Jiaxian's academic choice also fully reflects his life pursuit. In 1941, he was admitted to the Department of Physics of Southwest Associated University, which gathered many outstanding scholars and masters during the Anti-Japanese War. In such a learning environment, Deng Jiaxian not only received solid professional training, but also tempered his will and strengthened his beliefs in frequent air raid sirens and poverty-stricken life. In the school song of Southwest Associated University, "A thousand years of shame, the end will be snow; "Zhongxingye, Xu Renjie" is the source of his enthusiasm for patriotism and salvation. During his studies, Deng Jiaxian not only paid attention to his studies, but also cared about the future of the country and the destiny of the nation. He joined the "People's Youth," a peripheral organization of the Communist Party of China, and transformed from a simple patriotic teenager who studied to a patriotic youth with revolutionary democratic ideas. He took an active part in the struggle for democracy and against the dictatorship of the Kuomintang, and displayed a firm revolutionary stand and a courageous fighting spirit.

Deng Jiaxian's study experience not only laid a solid foundation for him to become an outstanding scientist, but also shaped his tenacious and courageous character. His patriotic feelings and revolutionary spirit inspired him to continue to move forward on the road of scientific research.

Returning home after studying abroad

On the road of pursuing scientific knowledge, Deng Jiaxian has always maintained his deep affection for the motherland. During his tenure at Peking University, he was already determined to go to the United States for further study in order to master more advanced science and technology and contribute to the construction of New China. This lofty ambition and firm belief made him promise to his friend Yuan Yonghou before leaving: "In the future, the motherland will need people for construction, and I will definitely come back after completing my studies."

During his study at Purdue University in the United States (Figure 2), Deng Jiaxian achieved excellent results with his outstanding talent and diligent research spirit. He completed his doctoral program in only 1 year and 10 months, and successfully defended his doctoral dissertation and received his doctorate. In the face of the retention of his supervisor and superior research conditions, Deng Jiaxian did not waver in his determination to return to China. He politely rejected his mentor's kindness and resolutely chose to return to China.

Deng Jiaxian, the "Father of the Two Bombs": A model of practicing the spirit of a scientist | Science & Technology Review

Figure 2 Deng Jiaxian (middle) with Yang Zhenning (first from left) and Yang Zhenping (first from right) while studying in the United States (Photo source: courtesy of Deng Jiaxian's relatives)

August 29, 1950, was an important turning point in Deng Jiaxian's life. On the ninth day after receiving his doctorate, he did not hesitate to board the ship President Wilson and embarked on the road back to China with more than 100 scholars studying in the United States, including Zhao Zhongyao. He knew very well that the construction of new China needed intellectuals like him and the advanced science and technology he had learned.

Science serves the country

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, everything was full of vitality and hope. Deng Jiaxian came to work at the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in October 1950 with enthusiasm and firm belief. Together with Professor Wang Ganchang and Professor Peng Huanwu, he devoted himself to the construction of the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and jointly created a new situation in the theoretical research of nuclear physics in China.

Under the leadership of Peng Huanwu, Deng Jiaxian conducted in-depth research on nuclear theory, demonstrated outstanding professionalism and keen insight, and made pioneering contributions to China's nuclear theory research. His dedication and dedication to his work have enabled him to constantly explore new breakthroughs in the mysteries of the atomic nucleus, and have published a series of high-quality papers, making pioneering work for the rapid development of nuclear science in China.

In August 1958, Deng Jiaxian ushered in an important turning point in his life. Qian Sanqiang found him and proposed a major national task - the development of nuclear weapons. Faced with this challenge, Deng Jiaxian did not hesitate to agree, and at the age of 34 at the time, he may not have realized how far-reaching the decision would have on his life. Faced with family changes and the content of the work that could not be disclosed, Deng Jiaxian expressed his determination to his wife Xu Luxi. He knows that he will no longer be able to take care of his family as much as before, but he is also convinced that his work is for the future of his country and nation. He said to his wife, "My life is dedicated to my future work, and if I do this well, my life will have meaning, and it will be worth dying for it." ”

As a leading figure in China's nuclear weapons, Deng Jiaxian led the theoretical department of nuclear weapons design and became the "leader" of the entire nuclear weapons development work. With his outstanding leadership and profound expertise, he led the team to overcome one difficulty after another, and made indelible contributions to the development of China's nuclear weapons.

2. Deng Jiaxian is a scientist who attaches importance to innovation, Deng Jiaxian, together with Peng Huanwu, Wang Ganchang and other "two bombs and one satellite" meritorious scientists, are the pillar scientists who shoulder the role of the pillars of the country's scientific and technological development in a special period. Due to their own characteristics and the need for originality for the special scientific research tasks undertaken by the state, the pillars of New China scientists have a strong sense of innovation. Deng Jiaxian called on scientific and technological personnel to aim at the world's advanced level for innovation, "one is not famous, the other is not for profit, but the goal of work is to go to the world's advanced level." (Fig. 3) The power of innovation, like the stars lighting up the night sky, provides a steady stream of impetus for scientists to explore. The spirit of innovation is the core of the development of a country and a nation, and is an inexhaustible driving force for social progress. Through the original discovery of objective knowledge, scientists not only reveal the mysteries of the natural world, but also achieve innovation at multiple levels such as methods, ideas, concepts and theories.

Deng Jiaxian, the "Father of the Two Bombs": A model of practicing the spirit of a scientist | Science & Technology Review

Figure 3 Xu Luxi recorded that Deng Jiaxian dictated the entrustment

(Photo source: Courtesy of Deng Jiaxian's relatives)

Strategic innovation

In such a major scientific and technological project as the "two bombs and one satellite," which is tackling tough problems in the whole country, people are the key factor -- we need not only scientists with professional advantages and innovative specialties and their teams with combat effectiveness, but also strategic scientists who are good at leading the team to tackle tough problems.

Those who cherish the greatness of the country, have feelings for the family and the country, and think and plan for the development of science and technology from the standpoint of the motherland and the people are the fundamental characteristics of strategic scientists. Deng Jiaxian was an outstanding contributor to China's nuclear weapons cause, known as the "father of the two bombs", and at the same time a strategic scientist with far-reaching strategic vision and a brilliant history in the history of Chinese science. He made major strategic contributions to the development of China's two bombs, drawing up a plan for the development of China's nuclear weapons industry. In the important position of president of the Ninth Research Institute of the Second Ministry of Machinery Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Ninth Academy), he showed superb organizational leadership ability, the ability to accurately grasp the scientific direction and scientific foresight.

In 1962, China was faced with major challenges and opportunities, and in order to speed up the development process of the atomic bomb, Deng Jiaxian led the team to carry out a large number of theoretical calculations and experimental work. After more than two years of arduous efforts, the overall design of the atomic bomb was successfully completed, laying a solid foundation for the development of China's nuclear weapons undertaking. This achievement has been highly recognized by the leaders of the Second Ministry of Machinery Industry and the Ninth Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as the Ninth Institute), and provides theoretical support for the Institute to submit the "Report on the Construction of Atomic Energy by Self-reliance" to the central government according to the overall design plan. This report proposed the famous "two-year plan" for the detonation of China's first atomic bomb in the second half of 1964 or at the latest in the first half of 1965. The results of practice have proved that the goals set in the "two-year plan" are completely correct. Thanks to the hard work of Deng Jiaxian and other scientists and the joint efforts of the people of the whole country, China successfully exploded its first atomic bomb in 1964, becoming the fifth country in the world to possess nuclear weapons. This major achievement has not only enhanced China's international status, but also provided a strong guarantee for the country's security and development.

In 1985, Deng Jia first suffered from rectal cancer, and after many surgeries, he still cared about the country's nuclear cause and had a keen insight into the changes in the international situation. Deng Jiaxian and Yu Min calmly analyzed the level of nuclear weapons development of the nuclear powers, and judged that the design and technical level of the nuclear powers such as the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union was basically close to the theoretical limit, and it was very likely that they would impose a complete ban on tests for political purposes and maintain their status as a nuclear power by banning nuclear tests by other countries. This is a huge challenge for China's nuclear industry, which is at a critical stage of development, and "faces the possibility of 'falling short,'" so it submitted a proposal to the central government to speed up nuclear testing.

At the last moment of his life, Deng Jiaxian endured the pain of illness and repeatedly discussed with his colleagues in the Ninth Academy, and drew up a proposal to the central government on China's nuclear weapons development. He sat in a rubber band, sweating, revising the material, and finally completed this valuable proposal. The main purpose of this proposal is to seize the opportunity to accelerate development, and it has formulated a 10-year target plan for China's nuclear weapons test, and has made very detailed arrangements for ways to achieve it and specific measures.

On April 2, 1986, the proposal signed by Deng Jiaxian and Yu Min was submitted to the Central Committee. Soon received the approval of the central leadership, since then, the successors have always been around the spirit of this proposal to implement, Mr. Deng Jia was very concerned about and injected great efforts into several major scientific problems and technical key, is in accordance with the predetermined goals to achieve breakthrough and development. Deng Jiaxian's political sensitivity and outstanding vision enabled China to continue to accelerate its nuclear weapons development for 10 years, ensuring the effectiveness of China's nuclear self-defense capabilities. To this day, this proposal has had a profound impact on China's nuclear weapons cause.

On July 29, 1986, Deng Jiaxian died of illness, and he spent his whole life silently dedicating himself to China's nuclear industry until the last moment of his life. He is well aware of the importance of nuclear technology to a country, so he has always emphasized that "we must develop well and do not let people leave us too far behind". Ten years later, on July 29, 1996, China conducted its last nuclear test and issued a moratorium on nuclear testing to the world. Behind this achievement, it is inseparable from the outstanding contributions and foresight of scientists such as Deng Jiaxian. He foresaw the international pressures and restrictions that nuclear testing might bring, buying China a precious decade before signing the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. In the past 10 years, China has made great progress in its nuclear industry, which has not only enhanced the country's overall strength, but also made important contributions to maintaining world peace and stability. All this is inseparable from the foresight and selfless dedication of scientists such as Deng Jiaxian.

Yu Min, Hu Renyu, and Hu Side wrote in their reminiscences: "Whenever we overcome the obstacles laid by the nuclear powers and win victory after victory under the set goal, we all admire Jiaxian's outstanding vision from the bottom of our hearts. ”

Theoretical innovation in nuclear science

Since 1951, Deng Jiaxian has published a number of papers in Acta Physica Sinica, making pioneering work on the theory of nuclear research in China. After becoming an associate researcher, he is a key talent in the field of nuclear research in China. The "Summary of the Theoretical Research on the First Atomic Bomb on the Mainland" co-authored by him and Zhou Guangzhao is a groundbreaking work that summarizes the research results of hundreds of scientists, which not only guides the development direction of later theoretical design, but also serves as an introductory textbook for training scientific researchers, providing new ideas and methods for scientific research in China. In addition, Deng Jiaxian also made important contributions to the study of the equation of state of high temperature and high pressure. He instructed researchers to derive the equation of state of uranium in the low-pressure region from the published equations of state of other metallic materials, and modified the Thomas-Fermi theory to find the equation of state of nuclear materials at extremely high pressures. These achievements provided important support for the theoretical design of China's atomic bomb. Comrade Deng Jiaxian gave strong support to the establishment of the Society of Computational Physics and the founding of the Journal of Computational Physics, and made important contributions to the development of the discipline of computational physics in China.

Engineering innovation

Deng Jiaxian devoted his life to China's nuclear research and nuclear weapons development, under the leadership of the higher-level party committee and the guidance of famous scientists Peng Huanwu, Wang Ganchang and Guo Yonghuai, and worked closely with Zhu Guangya, leading the team to achieve three milestones in engineering and technological innovation.

The first milestone was the successful detonation of China's first atomic bomb in 1964. Under rudimentary conditions, Deng Jiaxian led a group of newly graduated college students to establish the equations of motion to describe the action process of the atomic bomb, the physical parameters of the high temperature and high pressure of the materials in the device, and the calculation method to describe the motion process, and relied on simple tools such as hand-cranked calculators to design China's own atomic bomb. The nuclear fuel of this design is entirely uranium-235, which is different from that of other nuclear countries. The power of this atomic bomb is equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT (trinitrotoluene) explosives.

The second milestone was the successful detonation of China's first hydrogen bomb in 1967. Deng Jiaxian and his scientific research team completed a breakthrough from the atomic bomb to the hydrogen bomb in just two years and eight months, much shorter than other nuclear powers, demonstrating China's rapid progress in nuclear weapons technology.

The third milestone was the breakthrough success of China's new weapons in 1984. Deng Jiaxian led the scientific research team to conduct underground nuclear tests and made a major breakthrough.

Deng Jiaxian's three milestone achievements in engineering and technological innovation not only demonstrate China's outstanding strength in the field of nuclear science, but also demonstrate his outstanding contributions and selfless dedication in scientific research. His scientific research team relied on mathematical means and simple calculation tools to complete the complex theoretical design of nuclear weapons and obtain experimental verification under simple conditions. Their research work has laid a solid foundation for China's nuclear industry and made great contributions to the country's security and development.

3. Deng Jia was a truth-seeking and pragmatic scientist first

Deng Jiaxian has been truth-seeking, respectful of science, and attention to detail all his life. In scientific research, he insisted on respecting science, seeking truth from facts, acting in strict accordance with scientific laws, and bravely scaling new heights without fear of difficulties. He went to the front line, personally understood the experimental situation, and personally commanded and dealt with major problems on the spot, showing his demeanor as a doer.

Respect Science

Yu Min praised Deng Jiaxian as a "serious, meticulous and pragmatic physicist", and the spirit of truth-seeking was the unremitting driving force for his continuous pursuit of scientific truth. In his scientific research work, he always follows the essence and laws of science, pays attention to details, and constantly explores and practices.

Deng Jiaxian's spirit of respecting science and paying attention to details is one of the important reasons for his outstanding achievements. In the process of theoretical design of the atomic bomb, Deng Jia first thought independently, calculated rigorously, and dared to question when he encountered problems. After nine calculations (Fig. 4), Zhou Guangzhao used the principle of maximum work to demonstrate that he discovered an error in the parameters of a nuclear explosion left by Soviet experts, and solved the problem of the credibility of China's own design of the atomic bomb. This spirit of respecting science, grasping problems and not letting them go easily, getting to the bottom of things, rigorously verifying, and seeking truth from facts is the core of the scientist's spirit.

Deng Jiaxian, the "Father of the Two Bombs": A model of practicing the spirit of a scientist | Science & Technology Review

Fig.4 The electric computer used by Deng Jiaxian and the scientific research team

(Photo source: History Museum of Beijing Ninth Research Institute)

Deng Jiaxian's realistic spirit is also reflected in his serious attitude towards work. He believes that the goal of his work is to reach the world's advanced level, so he has always maintained a high sense of responsibility and enthusiasm for work, and is not afraid of difficulties and bravely climbs new heights. He went to the front line to understand the experimental situation, personally commanded and dealt with major problems, and set an example for the scientific research team. Once, when there was a problem in a processing workshop in the middle of the night, Deng Jia first heard the report and drove dozens of kilometers with the driver to the scene to solve the disposal problem, regardless of the danger of violent storms and flash floods.

Rigorous and meticulous

Deng Jiaxian took Premier Zhou Enlai's requirements for China's cutting-edge scientific research for national defense as "serious, thoughtful, meticulous, prudent, reliable, and foolproof" as his own and others' code of conduct. Whether it was in the process of developing atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, or in his daily scientific research work, he went deep into the front line of scientific research and production with a rigorous scientific attitude, mastered first-hand materials, personally participated, checked, and finally made decisions, ensuring that every work reached the world's advanced level.

Comrade Deng Jiaxian dared to make innovations, but he never departed from scientific reality. He repeatedly studied, calculated, demonstrated and analyzed in many ways, and always insisted on going deep into the grassroots, processing and testing sites, and was never satisfied with just commanding others. This rigorous and meticulous work attitude has enabled him to never make mistakes in major command decisions, and the success rate of the design plan is extremely high.

4 Deng Jia was a scientist who was willing to sacrifice and sacrifice, "did his best, and then died." Deng Jiaxian is well aware of the importance of the cause of nuclear weapons, and for the prosperity and strength of the motherland, he silently dedicated, fearless of difficulties, not admiring vanity, sacrificing himself to explore the cause of science, and doing his best for the country and the nation. Deng Jiaxian once said: "The cause of nuclear weapons can only succeed through the efforts of thousands of people, and I have only done a small part of the work that should be done, and I can only serve as a representative." (Fig. 5) This sentence fully reflects his humility and dedication. He understands that the success of any great cause is inseparable from the joint efforts of the whole team, and he is only one of them. This kind of trust and love for the team and the cause has always kept him a high sense of responsibility and mission in his scientific research work.

Deng Jiaxian, the "Father of the Two Bombs": A model of practicing the spirit of a scientist | Science & Technology Review

Figure 5 On July 17, 1986, Deng Jiaxian received the manuscript of the speech of the May Day Labor Medal: "The cause of nuclear weapons can only succeed through the efforts of thousands of people, and I have only done a small part of the work that should be done, and I can only be a representative. (Photo source: Courtesy of Deng Jiaxian's relatives)

Deng Jiaxian's dedication is also reflected in his attitude towards scientific research. He opposes blindly chasing hot spots, not arbitrarily changing the direction of research, and resolutely abandoning money worship. These qualities have enabled him to always maintain a clear mind and firm belief in scientific research, and have made outstanding contributions to China's scientific and technological undertakings.

Incognito, willing to give

In August 1958, for the sake of the country's nuclear cause, Deng Jiaxian chose to live incognito and gather with his family (Figure 6) and leave more often. He was well aware of the importance and secrecy of the atomic bomb research work, and he did not hesitate to obey Qian Sanqiang's arrangement, and was willing to dedicate his life to the cause of nuclear weapons. During this time, he was not allowed to publish academic papers, give public reports, go abroad, socialize with other friends, or even tell his family about his whereabouts or work.

Deng Jiaxian, the "Father of the Two Bombs": A model of practicing the spirit of a scientist | Science & Technology Review

Fig.6 Deng Jiaxian's family photo after being commissioned to develop nuclear weapons in 1958 (Photo source: Courtesy of Deng Jiaxian's relatives)

This kind of incognito and less family and more separation lifestyle is a huge sacrifice for the individual, however, Deng Jiaxian has always been driven by the will to serve the country, devoted himself to nuclear test research, and silently contributed to the prosperity and strength of the motherland. "Regardless of healthy life, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl will be all year round." Deng Jiaxian's wife, Xu Luxi, kept her promise of mutual entrustment, took on the burden of raising a pair of children alone, and silently dedicated and sacrificed. This spirit of mutual support and dedication is an indispensable part of the spirit of scientists.

During his serious illness, Deng Jiaxian still insisted on working on the front line of scientific research, and even went to the scene to command during a nuclear test.

Deng Jiaxian's dedication is also reflected in his indifference to fame and fortune. He never cared about personal fame and status, and devoted himself to scientific research. When Deng Jiaxian was seriously ill, his classmate and friend Yang Zhenning (picture 7) came to visit him in China and asked him sadly how much money the state had given him. Deng Jiaxian said: "Twenty pieces, ten pieces of the atomic bomb, and ten pieces of the hydrogen bomb." "He lives for the cause, and the bonus is nothing but something outside of his body in his eyes. On July 29, 1986, he died of massive hemorrhage at the age of 62. On his deathbed, he was still concerned about how to strive to develop China's cutting-edge weapons, and admonished: "Don't let people leave us too far behind." ”

Deng Jiaxian, the "Father of the Two Bombs": A model of practicing the spirit of a scientist | Science & Technology Review

Figure 7 In 1986, Deng Jiaxian and Yang Zhenning took a group photo

(Photo source: Courtesy of Deng Jiaxian's relatives)

Take the lead and forget about death

Deng Jia's spirit of taking the lead and forgetting his life is the most touching and profound aspect of the scientist's spirit. Whether at the site of a nuclear test or in research test work, he was always there where he was needed most.

At the dangerous moment when the life and death of nuclear weapons development were tied to the danger of a single shot, Deng Jiaxian always stood by the side of the operators and gave them great encouragement and support. His bravery and firmness have stabilized people's hearts and are the spiritual pillars of the scientific research team, which makes every staff member deeply admired and moved.

Deng Jiaxian's spirit of sacrificing life and forgetting death is also reflected in his extreme responsibility for his work. He put the country's nuclear cause in the first place, and for the needs of his work, he could go to the site where the light bomb with a high radiation dose landed regardless of his personal safety in order to verify whether a nuclear explosion had occurred.

Deng Jiaxian's work goes beyond the theoretical design, and extends to the process, and whether the processing of every key component is qualified or not must be concerned. He often went to the design room and workshop to ask the front-line old workers about this and that, the important ones were recorded in the small book, and the special important parts could only be processed by the eighth-level workers on the bed, and the more experience they had, Deng Jiaxian gradually accumulated a lot of engineering knowledge and processing experience. Once, to process the core components of the atomic bomb on a special lathe, the blanks of the extremely pure and highly radioactive core components had to be cut into the required shapes, which was extremely demanding.

5. Deng Jia is a scientist who is good at collaborating and gathering wisdom to tackle key problems

The spirit of collaboration is an important part of the spirit of scientists, which emphasizes the cross-complementarity and cooperation between different fields, so as to create a strong synergy of wisdom and research. In the context of the development of modern science, the importance of collaboration and cooperation has become more and more prominent. As Deng Jiaxian said, the promotion of academic democracy in scientific work can promote the output of scientific research achievements and the improvement of scientific achievements. This spirit of synergy is not only a fine tradition in China's scientific circles, but also an inevitable trend in the era of big science. In the context of the development of modern science, we should further strengthen this spirit of synergy, promote scientific and technological progress and innovative development, and make greater contributions to the country's prosperity and scientific and technological progress.

Good at giving full play to the overall synergy of the expert team

Deng Jiaxian was the first to be selected by the leaders of the Second Ministry of Machinery Industry, and in August 1958, he was transferred from the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to the Ninth Research Institute as the director of the Theoretical Department. He is well aware of the strengths and personalities of each expert, and is good at giving full play to their strengths, forming a team of experts with strong synergy, which has played an important role in academic leadership.

The theoretical department led by Deng Jiaxian can be described as a brilliant star. In 1982, "Mathematical Theory of Physical Mechanics in the Design Principles of the Atomic Bomb and Hydrogen Bomb" won the first prize of the National Natural Science Award. Due to the limitation of the number of signatures, only 9 representatives of scientific research collectives are listed for this achievement, but behind these 9 representatives is a huge scientific research team and countless joint efforts. The famous physicist Peng Huanwu, as the leader in charge of the theoretical research of nuclear weapons at that time, ranked first, and deservedly deservedly. His profound academic attainments and excellent leadership of scientific research work set an example for the team. The other eight, including Deng Jiaxian, Zhou Guangzhao, Yu Min, Huang Zuqia, Zhou Yulin, Qin Yuanxun, Jiang Zepei and He Guilian, were respectively the business directors and deputy directors of the Nine Theory Departments of the Second Machine Department, and they were affectionately known as the "Eight Directors of the Theory Department" (Figure 8).

Among the directors of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Deng Jiaxian, Zhou Guangzhao, Yu Min, and Huang Zuqia are physicists who have made outstanding contributions to the theoretical design of atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs. Zhou Yulin, Qin Yuanxun, Jiang Zepei, and He Guilian were mathematicians who provided solid support for the mathematical models and calculations of nuclear weapons research. It is worth mentioning that among the eight directors, there are three winners of the "Two Bombs and One Star" Meritorious Service Medal, namely Deng Jiaxian, Zhou Guangzhao and Yu Min. They have made significant contributions to the security and development of the country and are the pride of the Chinese nation. The five academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are Deng Jiaxian, Zhou Guangzhao, Yu Min, Zhou Yulin and Huang Zuqia.

Deng Jiaxian, the "Father of the Two Bombs": A model of practicing the spirit of a scientist | Science & Technology Review

Figure 8 Director Deng Jiaxian and seven deputy directors of the Theory Department of the Ninth Research Institute of the Second Ministry of Machinery Industry (Photo source: History Museum of the Ninth Research Institute of Beijing Ninth Research Institute)

Under the leadership of Deng Jiaxian, they jointly overcame many scientific research problems and made important contributions to China's nuclear weapons research and design. Deng Jiaxian not only pays attention to personal development, but also pays more attention to the improvement of the overall strength of the team, and has cultivated a large number of outstanding talents for China's scientific research.

At the critical moment of theoretical breakthrough, Deng Jiaxian organized a weekly academic symposium where everyone, whether a technical authority or a fledgling person, could express their opinions. In the face of differences and disputes in their work, they do not have selfish intentions, and their arguments are based on a high sense of responsibility for the national task, and they can treat them calmly afterwards, and their noble character and demeanor are also admired by future generations. Under the leadership of Deng Jiaxian, the Theory Department has always been a united and fighting collective, successfully completing the country's nuclear weapons theory design and nuclear test tasks, and creating a cultural atmosphere of harmony and interpersonal relations. In this scientific research team, there are more than 10 scientific research backbones who later became academicians, as well as a large number of senior scientific and technological talents such as researchers and associate researchers.

Deng Jiaxian's leadership style and mind tell us that respecting and trusting team members can bring out the best in each person, form a real synergy, and promote the continuous development of scientific research. At the same time, he also emphasized the importance of academic leadership, and only by standing at the forefront of academics can we lead the whole team to innovate and progress.

Organize multi-way exploration and collaborative research

After the successful explosion of China's first atomic bomb, Deng Jiaxian quickly organized a scientific research team, on the one hand, devoted himself to the research on the miniaturization of the atomic bomb, and on the other hand, devoted himself to the breakthrough of the hydrogen bomb principle. He was well aware of the importance and urgency of the development of the hydrogen bomb, so he gave full play to the wisdom and wisdom of many scientists to organize multi-channel exploration and coordinate research on key problems.

In order to achieve the goal of "making the hydrogen bomb faster" as soon as possible, Peng Huanwu and Deng Jiaxian organized a team to conduct in-depth research and decided to divide the troops into three ways to explore, led by Huang Zuqia, Zhou Guangzhao, and Yu Min, to conduct practical calculations on computers in Beijing and Shanghai to explore possible ways of the hydrogen bomb.

In 1965, Yu Min's research team made significant progress in Shanghai. After Deng Jia heard the news, he immediately organized forces to tackle key problems. After a month of hard work, a theoretical plan for the creation of a hydrogen bomb was finally formed. The birth of this program marks a major breakthrough in the field of hydrogen bomb development in China.

Deng Jiaxian attached great importance to communication and cooperation with all parties, ensuring the full cooperation between the experiment, design, production and other departments, and completed the nuclear test of the hydrogen bomb as quickly as possible.

Give full play to academic democracy

In the process of developing the "two bombs," Deng Jiaxian and other nuclear scientists of the older generation permeated the spirit of academic democracy throughout their scientific research work. They are well aware that only in an academic environment that encourages innovation, a hundred schools of thought contend, and speaks freely can the wisdom and enthusiasm of the scientific research community be fully stimulated and the continuous progress of scientific research work can be promoted.

In the process of developing the atomic bomb, Deng Jiaxian led a team of experts to conduct in-depth discussions on the reasons for the inconsistencies between his own calculations and those given by Soviet experts, and also encouraged recent college graduates to express their views boldly. The experts reviewed the data from their own familiar professional perspectives, constantly put forward new ideas and solutions, and continuously improved and optimized the calculation solutions through intense debates and discussions. This atmosphere of academic democracy has greatly stimulated everyone's wisdom and creativity, and has laid a solid foundation for the successful development of the atomic bomb.

Similarly, in the process of developing the hydrogen bomb, Deng Jiaxian also actively promoted academic democracy and organized scientific research personnel to carry out extensive discussions and exchanges. He encouraged everyone to speak freely, put forward various ideas and solutions, and give full play to their professional expertise and creativity. Even under the special political background, they have always adhered to the principle of academic democracy, and let the broad masses of employees participate in scientific research discussions through "Mingfang Meeting" and other methods, forming a broad consensus and joint force.

The wisdom of the crowd inspired the experts, coupled with their clear physical concepts, thorough analytical skills, and rigorous reasoning skills, so that the concepts of theoretical models, design principles, reaction mechanisms, safety issues, material selection, experimental protocols and test methods have been sublimated. This practice of promoting academic democracy will also help to avoid detours, reduce risks, and improve the efficiency and quality of scientific research work. An open, inclusive and equal academic environment can promote the continuous progress and innovative development of scientific research.

Close contact with the masses

As the main leader of the theoretical design department, Deng Jiaxian implemented a completely and thorough work method of "three combinations" of leadership, experts, and the masses. He never regarded himself as a leader, but mingled with the comrades at the grassroots level, caring for his colleagues more than himself, such as often paying out of his own pocket to invite everyone to a sumptuous meal and improving the food of scientific and technological personnel; lend their house to a newlywed pair of houseless scientists as a new house; After learning that an employee's salary was insufficient, he took the initiative to lend money to the employee. He is good at listening to the opinions of others, paying attention to uniting comrades, and always caring about the growth of young people. This kind of approachable and respectful attitude towards colleagues has made him loved by ordinary workers from leaders at all levels, scientific and technological personnel, car drivers, security guards and other ordinary workers of the Ninth Academy.

6. Deng Jia was a scientist who attached great importance to cultivating talents

Scientific and technological innovation is a relay race, which requires the joint efforts and dedication of generations of scientists. An outstanding scientist like Deng Jiaxian is not only a pioneer of scientific and technological innovation, but also a leader in recognizing, nurturing and loving talents.

Take the task to lead the discipline and strengthen the cultivation of talents

In the field of scientific and technological innovation, the cultivation of talents and the development of disciplines are often closely linked to specific tasks. The historical experience of the breakthrough of the "two bombs" proves this point. At that time, in the face of the relationship between the research task and the discipline construction, the Party Committee of the Ninth Academy put forward the policy of "taking the task as the key link, and the task leading the discipline" in a timely manner, which pointed out the direction for the scientific research team. Deng Jiaxian and other managers of scientific research organizations have implemented this policy, adhered to the principle of "close integration of theory and experiment, taking tasks as the key link, attaching importance to discipline construction and personnel training", and achieved the results of "producing results and talents". As a technical business leader, Jiaxian Deng played a key role in the implementation of this policy. By decomposing the overall task and arranging the main direction of attack according to the major disciplines, he not only promoted the formation of the atomic bomb theory plan, but also made remarkable progress in the construction of the discipline. This task-led approach not only improves the efficiency of scientific research, but also promotes the development of disciplines.

The development of nuclear weapons involves many disciplines, such as detonation physics, fluid mechanics, radiation transport, etc. The cross-integration of these disciplines has not only promoted the development of nuclear weapons, but also promoted the development of related disciplines. Correctly handling the relationship between tackling key tasks and the development of disciplines is the premise and foundation for cultivating high-level scientific and technological talents. In the process of making breakthroughs in the "two bombs," a large number of outstanding young and middle-aged scientific and technological talents have been cultivated through the method of learning by doing and learning by doing.

In the process of creating the glory of China's "two bombs", 10 scientists, including Qian Sanqiang and Deng Jiaxian, won the "two bombs and one star" meritorious medal, and Yu Min and Cheng Kaijia respectively won the highest national science and technology award. In addition, Yu Min was awarded the "Medal of the Republic" and Cheng Kaijia was awarded the "August 1st Medal". Many people have won national, provincial and ministerial awards, and more than 30 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, many exemplary figures, and technical experts have emerged, all of which are not only an affirmation of their personal achievements, but also an encouragement to the entire nuclear weapons research and development team. This also shows that producing results and talents is one of the important goals of the development of scientific and technological innovation.

Teach by word and deed, and attach importance to the cultivation of young scientific and technological talents

Comrade Deng Jiaxian was not only an outstanding scientist, but also an excellent educator and mentor. He is well aware that young scientific and technological talents are an important force in the cause of scientific and technological innovation, and has always placed the cultivation of young scientific and technological talents in an important position, and has cultivated a large number of successor talents for China's nuclear research cause.

In the early days of the development of the atomic bomb, he and his team wrote a variety of lecture notes on plasma physics, neutron transport, electrodynamics, and spherical concentrating detonation wave theory, taught neutron transport theory, and instructed how to consult literature and derive formulas.

Deng Jiaxian helped young scientific and technological personnel lay a solid theoretical foundation and improve their scientific research ability and level by organizing training courses, teaching in person, and organizing discussions. In the process of imparting knowledge, Deng Jiaxian always devoted himself to teaching selflessly and unreservedly, and discussed scientific and technological issues related to research with young people sincerely and equally. Deng Jiaxian's words and deeds not only allowed young scientific and technological personnel to learn professional knowledge and skills, but more importantly, let them learn how to be a person and how to do things. Under the leadership of Deng Jiaxian, groups of young scientific and technological personnel have grown rapidly and become the backbone of the scientific research team.

Deng Jiaxian, the "Father of the Two Bombs": A model of practicing the spirit of a scientist | Science & Technology Review

Fig.9 Deng Jiaxian gave a lecture on nuclear physics to young scientists

(Photo source: History Museum of Beijing Ninth Research Institute)

Deng Jiaxian personally participated, checked, and decided on many major theoretical issues and research work, and always signed the names of young scientific and technological workers in the front, while he himself was willing to go behind the scenes. Deng Jiaxian's wife, Ms. Xu Luxi, was very supportive of Deng Jiaxian's career and philosophy, and she donated the prize money awarded by the state to Deng Jiaxian and set up the Deng Jiaxian Science and Technology Award, aiming to reward young rising stars and inspire them to love the motherland and make selfless contributions. This spirit is not only the best commemoration of Deng Jiaxian, but also the best cultivation of future talents. Since the establishment of the award in 1996, more than 100 people have won the award, and these winners have taken Deng Jiaxian as an example to shoulder the heavy responsibility entrusted to the country, inheriting and carrying forward the rigorous scientific research style and democratic academic attitude of the older generation of scientific and technological workers.

7. The value of Deng Jiaxian's scientist spirit in the times, former Minister of National Defense and Deputy Secretary-General of the Central Military Commission, Zhang Aiping, said at Deng Jiaxian's memorial service: "Although Deng Jiaxian's name is little known, his contribution to the motherland will forever be recorded in history. "As an outstanding scientist and scientific research worker in China, Deng Jiaxian's deeds and spirit have important value of the times.

1) Deep affection for the country and the nation. Deng Jiaxian resolutely gave up the superior living and working conditions abroad, chose to return to the motherland, and devoted himself to the cause of nuclear weapons. For the prosperity of the country and the happiness and well-being of the people, he silently dedicated his youth and talent at all costs. This lofty spiritual realm and spirit of responsibility are what scientific and technological workers in the new era should learn and carry forward. With the deepening of globalization, the competition between countries is becoming increasingly fierce, and scientific and technological innovation has become the key to national competitiveness. Scientists should closely link their personal destiny with the destiny of the country, put the interests of the country and the nation first, and contribute their own strength to the country's scientific and technological progress, prosperity, and strength.

2) Persistent pursuit and selfless dedication to the cause of science. Deng Jiaxian was willing to be an unsung hero, fought in obscurity for decades, and made great efforts and sacrifices for the country's nuclear weapons cause. The development of science requires the long-term accumulation and precipitation of scientists, and it is necessary to endure loneliness, temptation, and original intention. Nowadays, scientists should take the cause of science as their own responsibility, take pleasure in selfless dedication, and contribute to the promotion of the country's scientific and technological progress and social development.

3) Superior strategic vision. Deng Jiaxian has profound scientific literacy and a solid professional foundation, can overcome difficulties in a complex scientific research environment, and can keenly grasp the development trend of the times and national strategic needs, so as to provide strong support for the future development of the country. This kind of scientific spirit and strategic vision is an important quality that scientific and technological workers should possess in the new era, and is of great significance for promoting scientific and technological innovation and realizing high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance.

4) Emphasis on and pursuit of innovative spirit. Deng Jiaxian actively explores unknown areas, has the courage to break through the shackles of traditional thinking, and has the courage to try new theories and technologies. Only people with innovative spirit can be invincible in the fierce competition, and only countries with innovative spirit can occupy an important position on the world stage. We need more scientists like Deng Jiaxian, who have innovative thinking, the courage to explore unknown areas, the courage to try new technologies and new methods, and contribute to the promotion of scientific and technological innovation in the country.

Deng Jiaxian is not only an outstanding representative of the scientific and technological circles of New China, but also a model of scientific and technological workers in the new era. We should bear in mind Deng Jiaxian's outstanding achievements and selfless dedication, continue to carry forward his spirit as a scientist, inherit the spirit of "two bombs and one satellite" created by Deng Jiaxian and others, and strive to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

About author:Li Jianqiang is an associate professor at the Party School of China Academy of Engineering Physics, with research interests in the spirit of scientists and the spirit of two bombs and one satellite.

The original article was published in the 10th issue of Science and Technology Review in 2024, welcome to subscribe to view.

Deng Jiaxian, the "Father of the Two Bombs": A model of practicing the spirit of a scientist | Science & Technology Review

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Deng Jiaxian, the "Father of the Two Bombs": A model of practicing the spirit of a scientist | Science & Technology Review

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