
The development trend of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict proves that China is right

author:Cat brother knowledge sharing

Have you noticed, there are all kinds of signs that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is becoming more and more like the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, just like Li Yunlong, the entire Middle East has become a mess. Although there is no Arab participation in the five Middle East wars, if this development continues, it is very likely to become a chess game of great power games like Russia and Ukraine.

Latest! Israeli military bases were "partially destroyed" The United Nations warned that "Lebanon cannot be turned into another Gaza," and the Israeli army is about to send troops to Lebanon, more than 30 armed forces have entered the battlefield, and many countries have launched emergency evacuations. The United States issued an unusual warning to Allah: Don't think we can stop Israel.

The development trend of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict proves that China is right

Can these headlines tell the tension in the Middle East?

Although the disunity of the Arab world and the support of the United States are the confidence of Israel.

In Israel's first five Middle East conflicts, they won every battle in the face of the scattered forces of the Arab countries with the will of the whole people and the unwavering support of the United States.

However, if the sixth Middle East war spreads again, we have to ask: Will the United States remain as firmly on Israel's side as it once was? Will Israel be able to maintain that cohesive nation? And will the countries of the Middle East continue to look as fragile as they did in the past?

But this time it seems that it is not Arab countries, but non-government forces united to resist Israel, the latest news, Palestinian Hamas, Lebanese Allah, Iraqi militias, Yemeni Houthis and so on to form an Arab self-defense counterattack coalition.

At the same time, according to Israel's 12th TV station, a number of Middle Eastern Shiite forces, mainly Iran's Quds Army, have entered Allah territory in southern Lebanon to prepare for the next battle. In addition, the armed forces of the resistance fronts of various countries, which have been active in southern Lebanon for a long time, have also come forward to express their willingness to cooperate with Allah to deal with the Israeli offensive.

The development trend of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict proves that China is right

The latest reports show that the strength of these non-state forces cannot be underestimated, taking Allah as an example, they not only have more and more advanced weapons, but also have a more complete non-Hamas comparable tunnel system and electronic command system, and the perfection of its system is completely in the blood tradition of the East.

Immediately after that, EU "Foreign Minister" Borrell stood up and said that based on the tension in the Middle East, the EU will send a navy to Cyprus. As a result, many countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait have launched emergency evacuation operations to warn their citizens to leave Lebanon as soon as possible. Today, the situation in the Middle East can be described as black clouds overwhelming the city and war clouds are thick.

The development trend of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict proves that China is right

According to a June 24 report by the American political news network, in order to pressure Allah in Ribanoun to make concessions, U.S. officials issued an unusual warning not to think that the United States can stop Israel from launching an attack on Lebanon. The report quoted sources as saying that the purpose of the US warning was to make Allah back down and ease the crisis brewing in the border area with Israel.

At the same time, the US military announced that the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier strike group was also about to sail to the Middle East to prepare for the Israeli army's attack on Allah. U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters on the 24th that we believe that the conflict on the border between Israel and Lebanon should be resolved through diplomatic means, because this conflict has prevented tens of thousands of residents on both sides of the border from returning to their homes.

This message from the US side is indirectly conveyed that the United States will not have one-on-one contact with Allah, and it still adopts the routine of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, in addition to waving the flag and shouting, that is, selling weapons and profiting from it. The conflict in this region, which has already involved the United States, the 27 countries of the European Union and the Arc of Resistance in the Middle East, has involved a total of nearly 30 countries, and all of them have appeared one after another, actively or passively involved in this conflict!

We can know from the statement of the United States that, as Brother Mao said in the video yesterday, the United States no longer has the desire and ability to conduct multi-front operations, and Charles Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, warned Israel that due to the proximity between Israel and Lebanon, the US military is not capable of providing substantial support to Israel.

It can be seen from this that this Middle East war may not be as intense as the previous five Middle East wars, and it will not be as quick as the previous five Middle East wars, and it will definitely be a long-term war of attrition. Behind this is the layout of the great power game, so that we can better understand why the eastern powers maintain neutrality and strategic determination. To sum up, they are all agents, so let's play and see who can consume whom.

For Israel, greed will definitely pay the price, the Palestinians have taken you in, you should follow the United Nations resolution in 1967, Palestine to cede land and establish their own state, but you Israel don't do it, you have to occupy all the land of the Palestinians, force others to die, I'm afraid you have to wander for another 2,000 years!

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