
"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

author:The old history says
"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

Summer is coming, many people think that summer is a good season, in the summer the weather is hot, through sweating, can help people get rid of the dampness in the body.

People should seize the dog days, which are the hottest time of the year, and this time is the best time for people to recuperate.

"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

During the dog days, Yang Qi is the most vigorous and Yin Qi is the weakest, and heat is used to dispel Yin Qi in the body, so that the whole body can operate efficiently and achieve the balance and regulation of Yin and Yang in the body.

During the dog days, you can further remove the dampness in the body and enhance the body's immunity through food supplements. There are three foods like this, and it is recommended to eat more of them.

1. Dog days to dispel dampness

Dog days are the hottest time of the year, with temperatures reaching over 40 degrees in some southern regions.

Many people are very afraid of the weather on dog days, in which they will feel stuffy and hot all day long, and even at night they may not be able to sleep because of the heat and humidity.

Others prefer dog days and believe that dog days are the best time to stay healthy.

"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

In ancient times, there was a saying of "dog days", the ancients believed that dog days represented the alternation of yin and yang, at this time, yang energy is the most vigorous, yin energy gradually dissipated, and yang energy and yin energy are converted.

Dog days usually occur in July and August, and they last for about a week to two weeks, and people feel very hot and very hot.

"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

By the dog days have passed, and more than half of the summer has passed, the temperature is gradually dropping and becoming cooler, and it is almost autumn at this time.

Many people who pay attention to health will seize the dog days, the hot weather is the most suitable to discharge the cold in the body, and at the same time, with some suitable food, the use of food supplements and environmental conditioning two ways, will let the moisture in your body gradually be discharged.

"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

Foods suitable for dog days

Eating more of these three foods in the summer, combined with dog days, will help you get rid of the dampness and cold in the body, and in the autumn and winter, your hands and feet may not feel so cold, accelerating the metabolism in the body, making the whole body work and warm.

The first food is red beans, which are a good tonic for women.

Red beans can help people expel excess moisture from the body, and cooking porridge with red beans can also regulate the stomach and intestines, so that the whole body can run efficiently and blood is circulating rapidly.

So how do you cook red bean porridge? Cooking the right ingredients in the right way can often make the difference between doing more with less.

"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

First of all, choose high-quality red beans to cook porridge, and wash the red beans, which need to be soaked before cooking the porridge. The time of soaking red beans should be moderate, if the soaking time is too long, it is easy to lose the nutrients in the red beans during the soaking process.

The soaking time is too short to make the red beans softened, and it often takes longer to cook the porridge, and the red beans are not cooked, which affects the taste of the red beans. In order to make the red bean porridge have a lot of nutrients, when cooking the porridge, you can also add some other ingredients to it.

"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

For example, in terms of staple food, you can also put some rice and glutinous rice, which can make the red bean porridge more layered, and people drink a variety of grains at the same time when drinking porridge.

You can also put some white fungus, peach gum and other tonics, these are good things to nourish and nourish the skin, adding these ingredients can not only make the red bean porridge more nutritious, but also improve the overall taste of the red bean porridge.

At first, the porridge should be cooked over high heat, and after the red beans gradually become soft and rotten, the heat is reduced to low heat.

Other cereal ingredients can be added together with red beans to cook, such as white fungus, peach gum and other nourishing nutrients can be added after the red beans are boiled soft.

"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

This nutritious ingredient is still relatively easy to cook and does not take too long to cook. If you like to drink some sweet porridge, you can also put some rock sugar in the porridge.

In summer, the weather is relatively hot, drinking hot porridge will not feel so comfortable, you can consider letting the porridge cool before tasting, it will not affect the overall nutritional effect of the porridge.

You can also use red beans to boil red bean barley water, this drink can also have the effect of removing moisture, whitening and nourishing.

Fry the barley in advance, add water to the health pot, put the red beans and barley together and boil, wait for 30 minutes, and a pot of nutritious and delicious red bean barley water will be cooked.

"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

Drink it for a while and you'll notice that there are different variations.

The second food suitable for eating in summer is winter melon, which is a more nutritious and healthy vegetable. Eating more winter melon in summer can help us get rid of summer heat, and winter melon also has the effect of detoxification. Eating winter melon for a period of time on dog days can help us expel moisture from our body.

There are many ways to make this vegetable such as winter melon, and according to people's preferences, choose the method that suits you to eat. In the summer, it is a good choice to mix winter melon with other vegetables to make it a cold dish.

Blanch the winter melon, mix out the sauce needed for the salad, and stir it with cucumber, spinach and other vegetables, and soon a delicious cold dish is ready.

"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

Many people are accustomed to using winter melon to make soup, winter melon pork rib soup and other dishes are still relatively nourishing, when making winter melon pork ribs soup, in addition to preparing winter melon and pork ribs, but also to prepare some small ingredients.

For example, ginger slices and chopped green onions, adding these small ingredients when cooking the soup can remove the fishy smell in the pork ribs, and will also make the whole soup taste better and layered.

Winter melon is easily boiled and soft, and in about thirty or forty minutes, a delicious dish is cooked. When the soup is about to cook, you can add some salt, monosodium glutamate and other seasonings according to your personal taste.

"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

You can also stir-fry vegetables with winter melon, it is relatively simple to stir-fry vegetables with winter melon, cut the winter melon into strips or slices, and prepare some pork or beef.

Put the two ingredients in the pan and stir-fry, add the right seasonings such as soy sauce, salt, sugar, etc., and soon a delicious dish is ready.

The third food suitable for eating in summer is barley, which is a relatively high-quality dampness dispel ingredient.

If you are often troubled by heavy dampness in your body and lack of energy, you can try to eat some foods that contain barley, which will help you expel moisture from your body and help you regulate your spleen and stomach.

"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

Barley can be paired with red beans to make red bean barley porridge, or it can be made into barley porridge, which is steamed in the same way as red bean porridge.

Soak for a period of time in advance to make the whole ingredient soft, which can shorten the cooking time of the porridge, and add some spices, small ingredients and other ingredients according to personal taste, so that the whole porridge has a richer and more delicious taste.

Many people will choose to drink red bean and barley porridge for breakfast and dinner, a small bowl of porridge, and some side dishes, which not only fills the stomach, but also does not cause any impact and burden on the stomach. At the same time, eating this food consistently for a while will make your body feel differently.

"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

3. Appropriate lifestyle

In the dog day weather, in addition to eating the above three foods, you can also consider changing and adjusting your lifestyle, which can help you further remove the dampness in the body, and in the autumn and winter, you will not feel distressed because of the heavy dampness in the body.

In summer, the weather is relatively hot, and people will turn on the air conditioner to cool themselves down.

It's cooler to stay in an air-conditioned room all day, as if the hot weather outside has nothing to do with you. Some people will turn on the air conditioner all night to avoid the heat while sleeping.

However, staying in an air-conditioned room all day has an impact on our health, as blowing the air-conditioner for a long time will cause soreness in the shoulders and neck, and will also affect the metabolism of moisture in the body and discharge it to the outside of the body.

"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

Therefore, in order to have a healthy and good body, it is best to control the time when the air conditioner is turned on.

For example, if you turn on the air conditioner for two hours, you can turn off the air conditioner for a period of time, or go for a walk outside, and it is not recommended to stay in the air-conditioned room for a long time, which is not conducive to metabolism and removal of moisture in the body during the dog days.

While eating healthy food, you can also pair it with some moderate exercise, such as jogging, walking, and so on.

Moderate exercise can accelerate the blood circulation in the body and make the body's metabolism faster, which is conducive to the discharge of moisture from the body, so that the whole body warms up and forces the cold in the body away.

"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity

To pay attention to sleep problems, many young people have the habit of staying up late, sleeping late every day, and getting up early to go to work the next day, and the actual sleep time is insufficient.

This lifestyle is not conducive to getting rid of the cold in the body, and the lack of sleep for a long time will cause the cold in the body to accumulate more and more.

After all, the time of the night is the time when the yin qi is heavier, and staying up late for a long time will make the yin qi come to the body, and it will accumulate more and more, which will only make the burden on the whole body heavier.

Lack of sleep can also make your immunity weaker and make you sick easily. Therefore, it is still important to maintain a stable and regular work and rest time, and it is best to sleep before 11 o'clock every night.

"If you don't get rid of dampness, you will suffer in autumn and winter", eat more of these 3 foods in summer to dispel dampness and strengthen immunity


In dog days, many people will feel unusually hot, and this time is often the time when yang energy is the heaviest, which is suitable for us to recuperate our body and force away the cold in our body.

In dog day weather, you can eat three kinds of foods: barley, red beans, and winter melon, to accelerate the efficiency of cold and moisture discharge from the body.

These three foods have the effect of accelerating the removal of dampness in the body and regulating the spleen and stomach, and the two ingredients of barley and red beans can be made into porridge or boiled into drinks such as red beans and barley water.

There are many ways to make winter melon, which can be made into winter melon soup, cold winter melon and other dishes, and you can also use winter melon to stir-fry, and the overall taste is also very good.

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