
Today's 10 blockbuster news! Let's take a look at the news summary! China's U18 women's basketball team defeated South Korea

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Today's 10 blockbuster news! Let's take a look at the news summary! China's U18 women's basketball team defeated South Korea

June 30, 2024Today's news

The news comes from domestic authoritative media, no personal opinions, please feel free to read.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Do you know all about today's hot search?

1. China's U18 women's basketball team defeated South Korea

In the semifinals of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup on June 29, the Chinese women's basketball team defeated the South Korean women's basketball team 79-61 with Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance, and she contributed 34 points and 16 rebounds to help the team successfully advance to the finals and will face the Australian women's basketball team.

Today's 10 blockbuster news! Let's take a look at the news summary! China's U18 women's basketball team defeated South Korea

Second, the muddy water of the heavy rain in Hunan rushed into the village, and the shopkeeper roared and walked away

On June 29, 2024, when the Hunan region was hit by a rare rainstorm, the meteorological department issued a red warning, causing the village to be flooded with muddy water, and a female shopkeeper bravely reminded passers-by to evacuate quickly at the critical moment.

Today's 10 blockbuster news! Let's take a look at the news summary! China's U18 women's basketball team defeated South Korea

3. High school students fell to death and left hundreds of millions of real estate, and their biological mothers may not be able to inherit it

An 18-year-old high school student in Taiwan died mysteriously shortly after inheriting an inheritance worth NT$500 million, and his mother may not be able to fully inherit the estate due to her mainland spouseship, and the most likely inheritance is his half-siblings. The man surnamed Xia was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison for forgery, and the case is subject to appeal.

Today's 10 blockbuster news! Let's take a look at the news summary! China's U18 women's basketball team defeated South Korea

4. Men's rain weather 钓鱼 3rd stage falling water 辅警连捞 3 times

In the Red River in Yunnan, a man accidentally slipped into a reservoir up to five meters deep three times while fishing in the rain, and was fortunately rescued in time by Zhao Yanfu, an auxiliary police officer who was present, to avoid a possible tragedy, and the police reminded fishing enthusiasts to pay attention to safety in bad weather.

Today's 10 blockbuster news! Let's take a look at the news summary! China's U18 women's basketball team defeated South Korea

Fifth, Wuhan rainstorm river beach sculpture family of five into two

The water level of the Hankou station of the Yangtze River reached 26.65 meters at 11 o'clock on the 29th, exceeding the water level by 1.65 meters, and the Wuhan Municipal Prevention Office predicted that the water level would continue to rise slowly before July 3 but would be lower than the warning level. At the same time, due to the rapid rise in the water level, the "family of five" sculpture on the Hankou river beach has been partially submerged by the river. The Yangtze River Hydrological Information and Forecasting Center predicts a new round of heavy rainfall in the upper and middle reaches of Wuhan from June 28 to July 2, with a total rainfall of 200 to 250 mm, and the rainfall will weaken from July 3.

Today's 10 blockbuster news! Let's take a look at the news summary! China's U18 women's basketball team defeated South Korea

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6. Water fasting is popular in Korea

The extreme "water fasting" diet method is popular among Korean teenagers, who drink only water and a small amount of nutrients to obtain nutrients, and some even try to break the 12-day fasting record in pursuit of rapid weight loss. Fasting experiences and weight-loss effects shared on social media have raised concerns about adolescent health and appearance primacy, and hospitals have reported an increase in the number of people seeking medical care due to discomfort caused by water fasting.

Today's 10 blockbuster news! Let's take a look at the news summary! China's U18 women's basketball team defeated South Korea

7. Shenzhen's top luxury houses were sold for 10 billion within 3 hours of opening

One month after the implementation of Shenzhen's "5.28 New Deal", there was a positive response in the property market, among which the sales of Zhonghai Shenwan Jiuxu luxury residential project in Shenzhen Bay reached 10.02 billion yuan within three hours of opening, becoming a market highlight. At the same time, Shenzhen's second-hand housing market also showed signs of recovery, with the number of contracts signed increasing by 26.2% compared with before the new policy. However, market analysts pointed out that with the weakening of the policy effect and the arrival of the traditional off-season, the market volume is expected to fall back in the coming weeks, but a new round of stimulus policies is expected to be introduced.

Today's 10 blockbuster news! Let's take a look at the news summary! China's U18 women's basketball team defeated South Korea

8. Columbia's Chinese-American vice president was beaten on the streets of the United States

On his way to work, a man beat him on the head with a metal water bottle and was verbally abused to "go back to your country." Born and raised in Washington, D.C., Ben-En has more than 20 years of experience in diplomacy, media, and public affairs. The NYPD has stepped in to investigate, but has not yet identified the suspect.

Today's 10 blockbuster news! Let's take a look at the news summary! China's U18 women's basketball team defeated South Korea

9. Shaanxi Baoji photographed the prototype macaque of Sun Wukong for the first time

Staff at the Zibaishan National Nature Reserve in Shaanxi Province recorded for the first time images of macaques, a national second-class protected animal, when analyzing infrared camera data. Wu Yonggang, head of the Wenjiang Temple Conservation Station, said that this was the first time he had seen macaques in more than 30 years of work, indicating the increase in wildlife populations in the area.

Today's 10 blockbuster news! Let's take a look at the news summary! China's U18 women's basketball team defeated South Korea

10. Summer cultural tourism consumption is full of "heat".

This summer, the domestic tourism market is expected to hold more than 4,000 cultural and tourism consumption activities, about 37,000 times, to meet the needs of residents and tourists. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism will guide all localities to enrich the supply of products around hot spots such as summer vacation, parent-child, research, and nighttime. The Suifenhe port in Heilongjiang ushered in the peak of passenger flow, Benxi in Liaoning Province became a popular destination for summer tourism, the popularity of "graduation tourism" in Guangzhou increased, and the rich folk activities of Baili Danxia in Changji, Xinjiang and Zhaoping in Guangxi also attracted a large number of tourists. The promotion of these activities and destinations is expected to boost summer cultural tourism consumption and drive the prosperity of the tourism market.

Today's 10 blockbuster news! Let's take a look at the news summary! China's U18 women's basketball team defeated South Korea

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I wish my friends all the best, health and safety and great fortune, see you in the comment area!

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