
Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

author:Wind and Smoke Food Record

Wine, since ancient times is the Chinese civilization of the elixir and jade liquid, its birth can be traced back to ancient times, the legend of Du Kang made wine, opened a long chapter of the Chinese national wine culture. "Warring States Policy" has clouds: although this is a fable, it shows the hazy figure of wine when it first appeared on the stage of history. Since the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, wine has gradually become an indispensable thing, permeating all aspects of social life and becoming a distinctive symbol of traditional Chinese culture.

Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Confucius had a precept, reflecting the rational attitude of Confucianism towards wine. In the Book of Songs, the scene of aristocratic feasting is depicted; It shows the feelings of meeting friends with wine and friendship for a long time.

Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

During the Tang and Song dynasties, wine culture reached an unprecedented peak. Li Baidou has 100 poems about wine, and his "Will Enter the Wine" expresses his nostalgia through wine, expressing his heroic and uninhibited attitude towards life in a timely manner. Su Shi ("Water Tune Song Head") uses wine to express his affection, showing his deep thinking about life in the universe and his open-mindedness beyond things.

Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

Since the Ming and Qing dynasties, wine has been further integrated with literati collections, opera and literature, and the wine shop and teahouse have become an important place for cultural exchanges. In "Dream of Red Mansions", it vividly demonstrates the fun and cultural significance of wine in daily life, reflecting the social customs and human conditions of the time.

Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

Wine culture in China is not only the embodiment of beverage culture, but also contains a profound humanistic spirit and social ethics. It's like. From ancient times to the present, between the cups and lamps on the wine table, what flows is the long history of the Chinese nation, and what is precipitated is the wisdom and emotion of the descendants of Yan and Huang, showing a vivid picture of social life, which is intoxicating and thought-provoking. So, do you know where people in China love to "drink" the most? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

1: Shenyang. It is known for its bold drinking culture and deep drinking, and is known as "the best drinking city in the country". According to statistics, the daily consumption of alcohol in Shenyang is staggering, up to thousands of tons. Shenyang people love the local Laolongkou liquor, which is a pure liquor that carries historical memories and local characteristics, and has become a frequent guest on the table of Shenyang people with its unique flavor and cultural heritage accumulated over the years. Of course, Lao Xuehua beer is also popular, but among the many options, Lao Longkou still occupies an unshakable position.

As for the appetizers, the choice of Shenyang people is both traditional and exquisite. Second to none is the chicken skeleton, a seemingly ordinary but flavorful snack, almost. In addition, peanuts are the preferred choice for snacks with their simple and chewy characteristics that are suitable for all ages. Dishes with a strong Northeast style, such as dried tofu rolls and green onions, and quick cucumbers, are also the favorites of Shenyang people when drinking.

Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

2: Guiyang. Guiyang people have a strong drinking culture, known for their boldness and enthusiasm, and in social gatherings, wine often plays an important role in enhancing emotions and enlivening the atmosphere. Guiyang people drink alcohol, not only a simple drinking behavior, but also a way of life, whether it is a relaxing drink after work, or a festival celebration, a gathering of friends, all of which are indispensable for the pleasure of wine.

In terms of the choice of liquor, such as the well-known Moutai liquor, as well as Dong liquor, Pingba kiln liquor and other local characteristic liquors, these liquors are deeply loved by Guiyang people for their unique flavor and brewing technology.

As for the appetizers, Guiyang's food culture is equally rich and colorful, providing a variety of food accompaniment options for drinking. Guiyang people's favorite appetizers include spicy chicken, sour soup fish and other delicacies with local characteristics, and the fresh and spicy taste of these dishes can well stimulate the mellow flavor of the wine and enhance the drinking experience. In addition, snacks such as lo-mei, barbecue, and coleslaw are also common accompaniments.

Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

3: Harbin. Known for their bold drinking style and profound wine culture, they are quite famous for their alcohol consumption in China. Harbin's beer culture is particularly significant, known as the "Moscow of the East", and its beer consumption has ranked among the top in the country and even the world, second only to beer capitals such as Munich, Germany. Harbin people's love for beer is integrated into almost every corner of daily life.

As for the appetizers, Harbin's food culture is equally varied, and it can perfectly match all kinds of wines. Classic snacks such as snacks, these foods are simple but full of flavor, which can not only stimulate the mellow flavor of the wine, but also neutralize the stimulation of the alcohol, and enhance the pleasure of drinking.

Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

4: Xi'an. It has the boldness and simplicity of an ancient city, and its wine style is tough, and it is good at drinking without losing its elegance. In Xi'an, drinking is not only a thirst-quenching pastime, but also a manifestation of a profound culture.

In terms of liquor, Xifeng liquor is undoubtedly the pride of Xi'an people. In addition, there are high-end brands such as Chang'anke, which have become the highlights of the banquet. When it comes to beer, Hans 9 Degrees has an unshakable status in the local area, nicknamed "Hans Oral Liquid", with its unique taste and strong body, catering to the straightforward drinking preferences of Xi'an people. Local brands such as Hans Dry Beer and Blue Horse Fruit Beer are also the best choice for daily drinks.

As for the appetizers, Xi'an's food culture offers a wealth of options for drinking pairings. and other local snacks, which are excellent companions for drinking. Among them, kebabs are particularly popular; Cold dishes such as cucumber, garlic eggplant, etc., are ideal for drinking.

Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

5: Chifeng. The style of drinking is famous, and its drinking volume and pride are equally important, showing the warmth and hospitality of the Mongolian people. In Chifeng, drinking is not only a part of life, but also a manifestation of culture, permeating all kinds of social occasions.

Chifeng people, such as the local high-quality liquor, such as Ningcheng Laojiao, they often use sorghum, corn and other grains as raw materials, the taste is pure, full of stamina. In addition, mare's milk wine, as a traditional drink of the Mongolian people, also occupies an important place in specific festivals and celebrations, it is not only a drink, but also a symbol of culture and etiquette.

In terms of appetizers, Chifeng's table pays attention to richness and reality, which can stimulate wine and relieve hangover. Cold vegetables, such as mixed haggis, sauerkraut and white meat, etc., have become a good anti-greasy product with their sour and spicy taste. At the same time, dried fruits, dairy products such as cheese and milk tofu are also common snacks to accompany wine, which can not only neutralize the strength of the wine, but also add some flavor.

Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

6: Heze. The drinking ability enjoys a good reputation among the people, known as "the amount of alcohol without limit", showing the unique boldness and enthusiasm of Shandong people. In Heze, baijiu is a frequent guest at the table, and local brands such as Corolla Liquor, with its series of Flower Crowns and Guanqunfang, play an important role in various banquets and gatherings.

Heze's classic appetizers are not only simple and appetizing, but also can stimulate the aroma of wine. Local specialties such as are not only delicious, but also add a touch of hometown to the drinking process.

Heze people are very particular about the rules when drinking, such as the seven-sip drinking method of the first glass of wine, and the custom of leaving "Baijia Wine" and "Fugen", all of which reflect the respect for traditional culture and the uniqueness of Heze people's drinking culture.

Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

7: Daliang Mountain. The custom of drinking is well-known, and its drinking volume and drinking culture are unique and deep. It is rumored that the people of Liangshan drink so much alcohol every year that there is even a joke that they can "drink a Lugu Lake". In this land rich in Yi culture, beer and liquor are the favorites of the locals. Snow beer, especially known as "525" (a drinking custom), is quite popular in Daliangshan and has become a symbol of enthusiasm and respect when gathering friends.

The food in Daliangshan is also rich and colorful, which perfectly matches the local drinking habits... In addition, simple home-cooked dishes such as dried beans and fried potato chips are inconspicuous, but they are indispensable snacks on the local table.

Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

8: Luzhou. It is known for its heroic drinking, strong drinking style, and there is a saying that "drinking wine is like drinking soup", which not only describes the large amount of alcohol in Luzhou people, but also reflects their love and enjoyment of wine. In Luzhou, the most prestigious is Luzhou Laojiao, as one of the four famous liquors in China, its reputation as the "originator of strong fragrance" makes Luzhou people proud, and it is naturally the first choice on the table.

Luzhou's food culture is closely linked to wine culture, among which peanuts are known as the classic of "accompanying to the end", which is a must-have for almost every wine game, and its oily and crispy aroma can accompany drinkers from the beginning to the end. In addition, fatty sausages, shredded chicken, cold vegetables and other dishes with strong flavors that can relieve hangover and refresh are also the favorites of Luzhou people. Especially for the people of Luzhou, who prefer spicy food, at lunchtime, heavy appetizers such as fat sausages, beef and mutton are matched with liquor, forming a unique dining style.

Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

9: Fuzhou. People pay attention to "the aroma of wine, the taste is mellow". The average amount of takeaway alcohol at night reached 1783ml. In addition, Fuzhou people prefer strong aromatic liquor, especially locally brewed products.

When it comes to appetizers, Fuzhou's food is rich and colorful, which complements the fine wine. Traditional snacks such as lychee pork, sweet and sour fish, drunk pork ribs, etc. There may also be delicate dishes such as black-skinned duck, mixed sea stalks, bitter gourd soup, etc., which not only satisfy the taste enjoyment, but also lose elegance. In addition, Fuzhou's specialties such as olives and mandarins can also be used as snacks with unique flavors after processing, adding a touch of freshness to the drinking time.

Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

10: Qingdao. Drinking here is not only a habit, but also a cultural phenomenon that goes deep into the bone marrow. Their love of beer is so well known that locals can be seen holding fresh beer almost all year round, enjoying the froth in a relaxed manner.

Tsingtao beer, as the city's business card, has a refreshing taste and rich wheat aroma, which is particularly harmonious with the lifestyle of Qingdao people. In addition to beer, Qingdao people do not reject liquor, especially medium and low degree varieties, which are often drunk alternately with beer in a certain proportion to increase the diversity and fun of drinking.

When it comes to appetizers, grilled squid, spicy fried clams, seafood barbecue, etc., are all classic choices for Qingdao people when they drink wine, and fresh seafood with cold beer is a perfect match. In addition, like peanuts and sauced beef, they can not only stimulate the mellowness of the wine, but also relieve the stimulation of alcohol, making the wine more warm and long-lasting. Qingdao jelly, as a special snack, is also.

Where do Chinese people love to "drink"? After selection, these 10 cities are on the list, is there your hometown?

Okay, that's it for today, I'm Fengyan Shilu. In a complex and ever-changing world, we must stick to our beliefs and dreams, move forward bravely, not afraid of difficulties and setbacks, strive to pursue ideals and goals, and write wonderful life stories for ourselves. After the baptism of wind and rain, you can enjoy the beauty of the rainbow. Come on, stranger......


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