
China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

author:Wind and Smoke Food Record

Chinese breakfast, the overture of taste buds in the morning light, integrates the essence of 5,000 years of civilization, not only nourishes the body of the descendants of Yan and Huang, but also carries the warmth of home and the extension of culture. At the beginning of dawn, the streets and alleys are filled with curling smoke, and all kinds of morning shops are dotted with stars, each showing their magical powers, turning the philosophy of the day's plan in the morning into a bowl of bowls, a drawer, and a plate of art of life.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

Breakfast in the Northland, mainly pasta, shows heroism. For example, the bean juice in the capital is matched with a coke circle; Tianjin's pancake fruits, start the day's vitality. And Shaanxi's meat bun is the taste of history flowing on the tip of the tongue.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

The water towns in the south of the Yangtze River are known for their gentleness and delicacy. Shanghai's xiaolongbao is delicious; The Pian'er River in Hangzhou is especially heart-warming in winter. There are also three shrimp noodles in Suzhou, which vividly interprets the delicacy of Jiangnan.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

As for the land of Lingnan, the morning tea culture is unique. In the teahouse in Guangzhou, shrimp dumplings, siu mai, and rice rolls are dazzling, and the aroma of tea and dim sum is intertwined. In the west, Lanzhou's beef noodles, green onions and garlic sprouts are full of green, the noodles are yellow and bright, a bowl of belly, warm the body and warm the heart, is the best warm-up for a hard day.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

Chinese breakfast, like a delicate picture of customs, not only shows the richness of ingredients and cooking wisdom from all over the world, but also reflects the love and pursuit of life of Chinese people at a deeper level. Every breakfast is a farewell to yesterday, an expectation for a new day, and the most simple and sincere sense of ritual in life. Today, I would like to talk to you about the most classic "top ten" breakfast combinations in China! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, what kind of food do you often eat, remember to leave a message in the comment area......

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

1: Steamed buns and rice porridge are simple and extraordinary, containing profound cultural heritage and life philosophy.

Steamed buns, this ancient pastry elf, every bite is satisfying. Rounded and beady, or folded and orderly, they are not only darlings of the taste buds, but also visual works of art. The steamer is lightly opened, the mist is shrouded, and the buns seem to warm people's hearts with early morning greetings.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

Rice porridge.. It is synonymous with lightness, but it can also be added to red beans, mung beans, millet, etc., according to personal preference, and the flavor changes colorfully. A bowl of belly, the warm current slowly penetrates the whole body, wakes up the body that has slept all night, and gives the first nourishment and peace of the day.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

2: Soy milk fritters, a classic partner of Chinese breakfast, embodies taste memories and life philosophy passed down from generation to generation.

Soybean milk, with soybeans as the soul, is carefully made through soaking, grinding, boiling and other processes. Its fragrance is strong but not greasy, warm and moist with a touch of bean aroma, refreshing to drink at room temperature, hot drinks add warmth, is a good choice to wake up the taste buds in the morning.

Fritters. High-quality flour is selected, fermented, kneaded, stretched, and finally fried in an oil pan until golden brown, crispy and delicious, and every bite is a wonderful symphony of crispy and soft. The fritters are delicious enough to eat alone, and the collision of the two tastes adds a different flavor enjoyment.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

3: Raw fried buns, as a classic of Chinese breakfast, carry the essence of Jiangnan food, and conquer the hearts of countless diners with its unique charm.

The fried buns are small and exquisite, revealing the attractive color of the filling. During frying, the bottom of the bun forms the signature hard shell, which contrasts with the softness of the upper part, and the shape is both pleasing to the eye and full of appetite.

The beauty of the pan-fried bun lies in the multi-layered experience: the crispy bottom makes a pleasant sound between the teeth, followed by the juicy filling, accompanied by the aroma of green onion and sesame seeds.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

4: Cheong Fun and Boat Porridge, as a classic partner of Cantonese breakfast, have become a taste bud ritual to start a good day with their unique flavor and rich cultural connotation.

Cheong Fun, derived from Lingnan, resembles silk, thin and smooth. Based on rice milk, it is steamed, and can be wrapped in pork, shrimp, beef and other fillings, or simply garnished with preserved vegetables.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

Boat porridge is the crystallization of the wisdom of people on the water, and is known for its rich ingredients and soft porridge base. The porridge is moderately thick, the rice grains are almost invisible, and each spoonful is a perfect fusion of sea and land flavors, which is delicious and abnormal, warm and nourishing the stomach.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

5: Hu spicy soup and steamed buns, as a classic combination of breakfast in northern China, have become the first choice for many people on the morning table with its unique flavor and rich nutritional value.

Hu spicy soup, originated from Henan, especially famous for Hu spicy soup in Xiaoyao Town. It, such as diced beef, fungus, bean skin, gluten, etc., looks like a bowl of soup, but in fact it has a variety of contents. In terms of taste, Hu spicy soup, the first taste of spicy and refreshing, under the tasting, especially in the cold season, a bowl of belly, full of Thai, warm.

Steamed buns, which are steamed with dough wrapped in various fillings, are one of the most representative Han noodles. There are classic flavors such as pork and green onions, leek eggs, and fresh meat to meet the preferences of different diners.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

6: Hot dry noodles and rice wine, as a classic combination of breakfast in Hubei, they are not only the enjoyment of taste buds, but also the epitome of Jingchu culture.

Hot dry noodles, which distinguish them from other noodles in their unique dry mix form, are cooked and oiled to become strong and bright yellow. Mixed with rich sesame paste, sesame oil, balsamic vinegar, chili oil and other seasonings, each noodle is evenly wrapped in an attractive sauce color, making it an unforgettable breakfast experience.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

Rice wine, also known as sweet wine or liquor, is known for its sweetness and mellow taste, and its light aroma. Hubei's egg drop rice wine is a touch of warmth on the breakfast table, and the boiled rice wine is gently washed into the beaten egg liquid to form a soft egg flower, which provides a fresh balance for the rich taste of hot dry noodles.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

7: Bacon and pork bun and meatball Hu spicy soup, as the two stars of Shaanxi breakfast, not only carry the profound local culture, but also the irresistible temptation of breakfast for diners.

Steamed pork with cured meat. Steamed buns, that is, special white Ji buns,. This meat is made of pork belly, which has been stewed for a long time with dozens of spices and aged wax sauce. When you bite into it, it is crispy and tender, and the meat is full of aroma and unforgettable.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

Meatball Hu spicy soup is another flavor world. This soup is a combination of diced vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, lotus white, etc., as well as carefully seasoned meatballs. The meatballs in the soup are smooth and tender, and the vegetables are cooked just right. , a great choice for awakening your taste buds in cold weather.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

8: Pancake steamed bun with soy milk is a very representative classic breakfast combination in northern China, especially in Tianjin, and is loved by all ages.

Pancake buns, thin and round from the outside. It is made with mung bean flour or multigrain batter, topped with eggs, sprinkled with chopped green onions, coriander, and then topped with a sweet noodle sauce and chili sauce to suit your taste.

Soy milk, as a classic drink that goes with pancake buns, is usually divided into two types: sweet soy milk and salted soy milk. sweet soy milk; Salted soy milk is even more unique.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

9: Eggs and milk. In China, the classic combination of eggs and milk is an indispensable nutritional choice on the breakfast table, and in its simple and pure form, they carry a wealth of nutritional value and diverse cooking possibilities.

Boiled eggs remained; Omelette or scrambled eggs, on the other hand, make the eggs richer in texture, slightly charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

Milk, the liquid gold of breakfast, not only provides high-quality protein and rich calcium, but also has a variable taste at different temperatures. Combined with eggs, it makes breakfast time even more cozy.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

10: Xiao Long Bao and Tofu Brain, as a classic partner on the Chinese breakfast table, perfectly integrate the essence of food culture from the north and south, which not only carries the warmth of homely cooking, but also reflects the fineness and charm of Chinese cuisine.

Xiao Long Bao is known for its crystal clear skin wrapped in a plump filling and rich broth. , lightly mentioned, the heavy soup shook and dripped. The filling is mostly fresh pork, and some will also add high-end ingredients such as crab roe, which is fragrant after steaming, the soup is delicious, and the meat filling is smooth and tender.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

Tofu brain, also known as tofu flower, is a mild and delicate soy product. That. There are many types of tofu brain, and the main difference is in the seasoning: the north prefers salty; The south prefers sweetness. This combination of salty and sweet, solid and fluid not only complements each other in taste, but also achieves a balance in nutrition.

China, the most classic "top 10" breakfast combination! The price is not expensive, but also delicious, which kind of food do you often eat

Okay, that's it for today, I'm Fengyan Shilu. In a complex and ever-changing world, we must stick to our beliefs and dreams, move forward bravely, not afraid of difficulties and setbacks, strive to pursue ideals and goals, and write wonderful life stories for ourselves. After the baptism of wind and rain, you can enjoy the beauty of the rainbow. Come on, stranger......


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