
Yuan once Yang Yuxing supervised and inspected the flood prevention and preparedness work

author:Attraction Aoyama Lake
Yuan once Yang Yuxing supervised and inspected the flood prevention and preparedness work

On the morning of June 29, Yuan Feng, secretary of the district party committee, supervised and inspected the flood prevention and preparedness work. He stressed that it is necessary to conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on flood prevention and drought control, always tighten the string of flood prevention and preparedness, make every effort to do a good job in flood prevention and preparedness, and resolutely protect the safety of people's lives and property. Deputy District Mayor Cai Zhigang accompanied.

Yuan once Yang Yuxing supervised and inspected the flood prevention and preparedness work

Once Yuan came to Hongqi Lianwei in Luojia Town, he inspected the water level of the responsible section of the Qingshan Lake District of Fuhe River on the spot, and listened to the report in detail on the prediction and early warning of water and rain conditions, and the reserve of flood control materials and forces.

Yuan once Yang Yuxing supervised and inspected the flood prevention and preparedness work

Yuan once stressed that the territory and relevant departments should strengthen the bottom-line thinking, pay close attention to weather changes, strengthen the monitoring and forecasting of rain and water conditions, analyze and judge the trend of rain and water changes, scientifically refine response measures, and firmly grasp the initiative in flood control. It is necessary to strengthen overall planning and scheduling, pay close attention to key parts of the river, do a solid job in patrolling embankments and checking risks, unblock information transmission channels, ensure that dangerous situations are discovered at the first time, and deal with them at the first time, so as to effectively build a solid flood prevention safety barrier. It is necessary to improve the emergency response plan, prepare sufficient flood prevention and disaster relief materials and daily necessities, strengthen emergency drills for emergency rescue teams, ensure that they can be mobilized at any time, can be used, and can be won, so as to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property.

On the same day, Yang Yuxing, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, came to the flood control responsibility section of Xiebu Old Street and Qingshan Lake District of Hongqi Lianwei to inspect the water level and water conditions and the safety of embankment protection. Deputy District Mayor Cai Zhigang accompanied.

Yuan once Yang Yuxing supervised and inspected the flood prevention and preparedness work

Yang Yuxing stressed that it is necessary to pay close attention to the water level and water situation, strengthen early warning and monitoring, encrypt the frequency of river patrols and embankments, and comprehensively investigate potential safety hazards. It is necessary to improve the emergency plan, further strengthen the reserve of equipment, materials, and emergency rescue forces, and ensure that they can play a role at critical moments. It is necessary to tighten the responsibility for compaction, strictly implement the system of leading cadres leading shifts, being on duty 24 hours a day, and reporting information, so as to ensure that hidden dangers are discovered, reported, and dealt with in a timely manner.

Written by|District Rong Media Center Cai Henghui, Wan Longxuan

Preliminary Trial|Li Yiman

Review|Editor|Xu Bin

Final review|issuance|Xiong Huanming

Yuan once Yang Yuxing supervised and inspected the flood prevention and preparedness work

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Yuan once Yang Yuxing supervised and inspected the flood prevention and preparedness work
Yuan once Yang Yuxing supervised and inspected the flood prevention and preparedness work

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