
The special post teacher exposed the dormitory and sparked heated discussions: This is the job that you get from squeezing your head?

author:The little sister is free to tell stories

A special post teacher posted the accommodation environment of his workplace on the social platform, although everyone knows that the living conditions in some rural areas are not good, but the dormitory conditions are too poor, which makes people feel a little sad!

Try to roll ashore, just to let yourself go into the mountains! Didn't you know about it when you squeezed it? Special posts and three branches and one support have never been a comfortable job [dog head]

The special post teacher exposed the dormitory and sparked heated discussions: This is the job that you get from squeezing your head?

But the industry's own people, including normal students, should have a number, special posts are simpler than social recruitment, and where do special posts and three branches and one support go, these are all counted!

The special post teacher exposed the dormitory and sparked heated discussions: This is the job that you get from squeezing your head?

In the comment area, there are also many teachers from other places who have posted their accommodation conditions, or even worse...

This netizen said that the leader came to inspect and told me that if it rains heavily, move quickly, that is a dangerous house [laughing and crying] rats and cockroaches running around, and a wasp's nest [covering your face] Have you ever experienced the feeling of mice running over pillows in the middle of the night?

I want to cry when I see this environment, and it's a kind of luck that I didn't get in! It's all in this environment, and some people say that they can endure it for the sake of preparation......

The special post teacher exposed the dormitory and sparked heated discussions: This is the job that you get from squeezing your head?

Seriously, if there are photos of the dormitory in the registration process, the number of applicants will be halved. For urban children, it is true that they would not think that the countryside would be like this, and it is hard to imagine that they will still live in this kind of house in this era!

The special post teacher exposed the dormitory and sparked heated discussions: This is the job that you get from squeezing your head?

Normal, that's why there will be such a thing as liquidated damages, most people want to run away when they see this condition, and there is a sister in the family who spent a few years taking the teaching qualifications examination and teaching recruitment, and finally was assigned to the countryside after being admitted, and took a look at the environment and retreated (too remote, and very far from home)

It's too hard, and there is loneliness and loneliness, and the local teachers have gone back for the festival during the festival, and only one person is left alone.

The special post teacher exposed the dormitory and sparked heated discussions: This is the job that you get from squeezing your head?

Some netizens said that when they were just admitted to the special post, they lived in a broken life, and they didn't dare to walk heavier, the walls would fall slag, the floor would shake, and the toilet had to cross the entire campus, and there were no lights. Fortunately, I carried it, and now the school's newly renovated teacher's dormitory building, the one-bedroom apartment I live in, is super cool, and there are two bedrooms to apply for.

The special post teacher exposed the dormitory and sparked heated discussions: This is the job that you get from squeezing your head?

This kind of person still lives with two people, and the special post is limited to the countryside, so it depends on luck if there is no way, and the house may be new. Only if you are admitted can you be qualified to dislike it. But if you go to Kaute Gang for good treatment, the township establishment, three branches and one support, and agricultural education. Then after going ashore, there were all kinds of complaints and all kinds of hypocrisy. I think the man is a fool [dog's head]

The special post teacher exposed the dormitory and sparked heated discussions: This is the job that you get from squeezing your head?

Special post, aren't the three branches and one support all rural? Which city needs three branches and one support, it is not at all the past to make you happy, report this, except for a small number of really ideals and ambitions, most of them don't want to exchange a few years of youth for a better future? How can you have both!

Some netizens said that they came out of the countryside, so I wouldn't choose, I didn't take this test when I went out in the countryside, for fear of going back, I would be naïve in the city, and squeeze my head to [cover my face], so if I want to go, I will go, and if I don't want to go, I won't go. Don't roll blindly!


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