
This minister has worked in the organization department for a long time, and in one sentence he said the key to doing grassroots work well!

author:Political Papers
This minister has worked in the organization department for a long time, and in one sentence he said the key to doing grassroots work well!

This article is selected from the fourth issue of the "Jinghuahui" series of articles, and I will share this compilation to the group in early July.

Learning the deconstruction and analysis of excellent manuscripts by "pen sticks" is the "fast lane" for novice writers to improve their writing skills, and it is also the learning form that they have been looking forward to.

Therefore, I have set up a team of "tasters" for good articles, and the "pen sticks" in various fields will screen, screen, and recommend excellent manuscripts such as theoretical articles, signed articles, speech reports, experience models, and research reports published in the past two months, and comment and appreciate the excellent manuscripts in the form of text, which I summarize on a monthly basis.

Here are some articles from the compilation of this series to discuss and learn with you.

Today, I would like to recommend to you the commentary and analysis of Wu Hansheng, Minister of the Central Department of Social Work, on "If the grassroots are strong, the country will be strong, and if the grassroots are safe, the world will be safe".

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This minister has worked in the organization department for a long time, and in one sentence he said the key to doing grassroots work well!

1. Reasons for recommendation

The article was published in the October 2024 issue of Qiushi, and is a signed article by Wu Hansheng, director of the newly established Central Social Work Department.

Wu Hansheng worked in the Organization Department of the Working Committee for Central State Organs for more than 10 years, and later served as the head of the Organization Department of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee and the Director of the Organization Department of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee.

The article is rich in theory, practice and guidance, and provides a good reference for social work departments at all levels to do a good job in party building and lead grassroots governance.

First, the title is plain. The author of the title, the machine of the text. The title is neat and symmetrical, unified in structure, concise and to the point, precise in summary, prominent in the center, easy to remember and easy to read, and catchy. This article chooses the speech when he went to Guizhou on the eve of the Spring Festival in 021 to visit and comfort the cadres and people of all ethnic groups as the title of the article.

This technique can also be used to select the sentence of the protagonist's dialogue in a certain scene with the title when writing the advanced deeds of typical characters, which seems cordial and realistic.

Second, the discussion is profound. The first paragraph of this article expounds on the important exposition on grassroots governance, which has both the height of theory and the depth of practice, and the way of presentation of reasoning and facts has a profound impact on people, so that we have a deeper grasp of the important exposition on grassroots governance and a deeper understanding of the spiritual essence of the important exposition on grassroots governance.

The third is the new angle. The second paragraph analyzes the theoretical, practical and cultural logic of grassroots governance with Chinese characteristics from the dimensions of theory, history and practice, and the author cleverly draws on the method of combining the basic principles of Marxism with the specific reality of China and the excellent traditional Chinese culture, analyzes the rich connotation of grassroots governance with Chinese characteristics, and enhances the theoretical and cultural self-confidence of grassroots governance with Chinese characteristics.

Fourth, the measures are pragmatic. The third part points out the current key work of the Department of Social Work from the aspects of learning ideas, concentrating on the soul, building mechanisms, reducing burdens and increasing efficiency, cohesion, and building patterns. Each measure adheres to the problem-oriented, highlights the practice at the grassroots level, and systematically plans the next step, with methods, measures and guarantees.

This minister has worked in the organization department for a long time, and in one sentence he said the key to doing grassroots work well!

2. Commentary on the text 

Level 1 heading: Deeply comprehend the spiritual essence and essence of the important exposition on grassroots governance

Secondary headings:

Deeply clarify the status and role of grassroots governance in the national governance system.

Elaborate on the value orientation of promoting the modernization of grassroots governance.

Scientifically draw a grassroots governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing led by party organizations.

Clearly put forward the work requirements for building a new type of grassroots social governance system full of vitality and efficiency.

Clearly establish the work orientation of grasping the grassroots level.

The second paragraph: The first part of the article "deeply comprehends the spiritual essence and essence of the important expositions on grassroots governance", which comprehensively summarizes the theoretical logic and practical logic of the seven topics of the "Excerpts on Grassroots Governance".

The writing paradigm of each paragraph in this part adopts the "citation of important speeches + factual basis + arguments + measures", improves the theoretical position by quoting important speeches, puts forward the necessity by laying out the factual basis, and generally adopts the judgment sentence form in the arguments. This way of discourse is also in line with the law of thinking that people understand the development of things.

The third paragraph: the internal relationship between state power and grassroots governance, which is the relationship between big logic and small logic. Only when grassroots governance is done well can the country achieve long-term peace and stability.

Paragraph 4: The core of grassroots governance is people, and it is people's needs and social relations. Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat. The greatest purpose of grassroots governance is to serve the masses and benefit the masses, which is the birth, old age, sickness and death of the people. This is also the original intention of the Communists.

The fifth paragraph: The essence of building a social governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing is to establish a community of interests, build a community of social governance, share benefits and risks, and draw the largest concentric circle of sharing under the leadership of the party organization.

Paragraph 6: To build a new type of grassroots social governance system full of vitality and efficiency is to give full play to the effects of politics, autonomy, rule of law, rule of ethics, and intelligent governance, and diversified governance. Grassroots governance cannot only have one channel for the expression of people's livelihood demands, Fengqiao experience to the new era Fengqiao experience, street whistle department reporting, four grassroots units, 12345 government service hotline, etc. are all channels for smooth expression of demands, providing more effective means for grassroots governance.

The seventh paragraph: the clear orientation of grasping the grassroots is to empower the grassroots to expand capacity, reduce the burden and increase efficiency. How to empower is to move the focus of grassroots governance downward and give more resources to grassroots governance. Clarify responsibilities, clarify the responsibilities and tasks of the grassroots, and clarify the boundaries of grassroots governance.

Level 1 heading: Accurately grasp the theoretical, historical, and practical logic of important discourses on grassroots governance

Secondary headings:

An important exposition on grassroots governance is the innovation and development of the Marxist theory of the state.

An important exposition on grassroots governance is the inheritance and promotion of China's excellent traditional culture.

The important exposition on grassroots governance is a summary and sublimation of the experience of grassroots governance of the Party in the past century.

Paragraph 9: The country is the people, and the people are the country. The essence of the Marxist doctrine of the state is the people. This paragraph combines the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific reality to form a theory of grassroots governance with Chinese characteristics, which is a further enrichment of the Marxist theory of the state.

Paragraph 10: The integration of Marx's basic tenets with China's excellent traditional culture is a regular understanding that our party has drawn in exploring the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Starting from the magnificent history of Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years, this paragraph explains the historical inevitability, cultural connotation and unique advantages of grassroots governance, so that grassroots governance with Chinese characteristics has a broader and far-reaching historical depth, and expands the cultural foundation of grassroots governance with Chinese characteristics.

Paragraph 11: The 100-year history of the Party is a glorious course of the Chinese Communists in building the country and governing the country, and it is also an exploration and summary of grassroots governance, which condenses the wisdom of generations of Communists. In the new era, to promote grassroots governance, we must not only inherit the past experience, but also keep pace with the times and carry forward the past.

First-level title: Write a new chapter in the construction of grassroots governance and grassroots political power led by party building in the new era

Secondary headings:

We should study ideology and clarify the direction and focus on strengthening theoretical arming.

Build a mechanism to solve problems and focus on empowering the grassroots to reduce burdens.

Strengthen the cohesion of party building, and strive to build a grassroots governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing.

Lay a foundation at the grassroots level, and focus on cultivating a team of grassroots governance talents.

Establish a model to promote improvement, and strive to strengthen the leadership and demonstration of party building.

Paragraphs 13 to 17: Theory is the precursor to action, and only when we are theoretically sober can we follow the right path. Studying important expositions on grassroots governance is an important guarantee for doing a good job in grassroots governance. In this paragraph, measures are put forward from learning first, focusing on reducing burden and increasing efficiency, building a sharing pattern, and strengthening team building. Each measure addresses the current challenges of grassroots governance.


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