
Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

author:Shi Mingjun's heart


The northeastern state of Assam has always been a "headache" for Modi!

Assam is geographically unique in that it is close to southern Tibet on the mainland, but far from mainland India.

However, it is such a region, but it is in turmoil all year round, and the voices of longing for independence have never stopped!

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

So, why exactly did Assam want independence?

Since they are giving Modi a "headache", why not let Assam go for independence?

Once Assam becomes independent, how big will it affect India?

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of information has not been marked in the article, please be aware.

The Indian state of Assam, which aspires to independence

India, the full name of the Republic of India, is the largest country in the South Asian subcontinent.

India, like the mainland, is a typical "populous and multi-placed" country, claiming to have 29 states and seven union territories, and in 2023, India topped the list with a population of more than 1.4 billion, making it the world's most populous country.

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

The key point is that India is still a country with more than 100 ethnic groups, including Hindustani, Telugu, Tamil and Bengalis.

These ethnic groups basically have their own religious beliefs, and because of some historical factors, they also have a high degree of local autonomy.

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

It is precisely for various reasons that the domestic situation in India is a little complicated, and the centrifugal force of the states is relatively strong, and about 8 of the 29 states are eager for independence, among them, Assam has a strong call for independence.

Located in the northeastern part of India, Assam is the most populous of the 29 states in India, a beautiful and fertile place where most people depend on agriculture and plantations for their livelihood.

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

Among them, their tea is not only long and productive, but also the raw material of Assam milk tea that we often drink is derived from Assam black tea.

This Assam black tea has a unique taste compared to other teas, with a light malt aroma, making it the best choice for winter tea.

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

In addition, the area is also rich in forest resources and mineral resources, and they are one of the main suppliers of timber in India, rich in crude oil, natural gas, diamonds, and marble.

It can be said that the people of Assam could have lived a life of peace and contentment, so why did Assam have to be independent?

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

As for the reason, some state media believe that the root cause is due to the immigration problem left over from history, as well as complex ethnic and religious issues.

Data shows that since the beginning of the 21st century, at least 1.4 million illegal immigrants have entered India from Bangladesh.

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?, published on August 18, 2012

The indigenous population was not happy with the arrival of such a large number of immigrants into India, and they felt that the other side had encroached on their land, and some radicals even formed a separatist organization called the "United Liberation Front of Assam" for this purpose.

Later, in order to protect their rights and interests, the immigrants also formed the "United Democratic Front of Assam", and the two sides continued to clash with each other.

However, I do think that Assam's desire for independence is a historical factor, why do you say that?

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

Historically, Assam was not part of India in the first place, as we can see from their name, "Assam" is another name for the Dai people, who once ruled the place.

According to relevant sources, in the 10th century B.C., the yellow people (Kirata people) crossed the eastern mountain passes and gradually multiplied in the area, and by about the 4th century, they established the Donghui Kingdom, which was later known as the Gama Wibo Kingdom.

Over time, the kingdom of Gamma Wisp grew stronger, reaching its peak around the 7th century AD.

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

However, the good times were short-lived, and for some reason, the kingdom of Gamma Wisp fell into a chaotic situation.

This lasted for a long time, until the 13th century, when the Dai people living in the Irrawaddy River and other valleys moved to the Assam region, and the long-term war gradually subsided.

After that, the Dai people established the "Mengdun Shunhan", which is also known as the Assamese Kingdom or the Ahum Kingdom in history, and the Dai people have ruled for more than 600 years.

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

In 1826, the British invaded the Assam region, and Assam became a British colony.

During this period, there was constant conflict in the Assam region, and the local people continued to resist, but unfortunately, all of them ended in failure.

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

But this did not mean that the Assamese people had given up, and in 1947, India became independent, but Assam was occupied by India.

If that's all there is to it, the problem is that the authorities have made a series of outrageous moves to suppress the development of the Dai people, not recognize the historical contributions of the Dai people to the Assam region, and even continue to marginalize the local Dai people.

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

From this history, we can also see why Assam is so eager for independence.

In the eyes of some, Assam has never been part of India, as exemplified by the "United Liberation Front of Assam", which advocates "the liberation of Assam from Indian rule".

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

In the course of constant confrontation with the authorities, the "United Liberation Front of Assam" has caused a number of serial explosions over the years, which have not only made India's people "miserable", but also caused "headaches" for Indian leaders.

But even so, India did not let it become independent, but took many actions to suppress it, which makes people wonder, why not let them become independent?

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

The impact of Assam on India once it became independent

This is so because once Assam becomes independent, India will have a lot to lose.

On the one hand, despite the clamor for independence in Assam over the years, the region is indeed rich in natural resources.

In addition to the forest and mineral resources we mentioned above, the same is true of their water resources and flora and fauna.

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

With a total area of more than 70,000 square kilometers, Assam is close to Tibet, China, and is located in the middle of the Brahmaputra River basin.

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

The central Brahmaputra basin is also a region of water that benefits Assam, which has great potential for agricultural irrigation and hydroelectric power generation.

And that's just one aspect, Assam also has the world's largest unicorn rhino habitat, the largest herd of Asian elephants, and even huge coal reserves found in several parts of Assam.

It's not realistic at all.

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

Furthermore, Assam is geographically unique in that it is not only close to the mainland of Tibet, but also close to Myanmar and Bangladesh.

Once independent, they may have friendly contacts or cooperation with the mainland, Burma, and Bangladesh in order to survive, which is not what Indians want to see.

These are not the things that Indians are most worried about, but what are they most worried about?

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

Looking at the map, we can see that the Indian state of Assam is very close to the southern Tibetan region of the mainland.

Southern Tibet is China's own territory, but most of it is infuriatingly occupied by India. The "arrogant" India has not only set up institutions in some areas of southern Tibet, but has also opened nearly 100 schools.

In this case, if the Indian state of Assam successfully becomes independent, then India may lose control of the southern Tibetan region of the mainland, so it is understandable that India will not allow Assam to become independent.

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

Another point, as we mentioned above, due to a number of factors, many Indian states have been calling for independence, what will be the consequences of Assam's independence?

Perhaps others will "intensify their efforts" and make trouble, so how can India manage it, and isn't this a mess?

You know, "a thousand miles of embankment, collapsed in the anthill", throughout history, is there any dynasty that is not like this?

It's scary to think about it like this!

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

Of course, this is only for now, and whether Assam will succeed in becoming independent or not, time will tell.


The wave of independence in Assam did not happen on a whim, but for a variety of reasons, but as time went on, their desire for independence grew stronger.

If a country wants to prosper and progress, it is not advisable to blindly suppress it, and if India continues like this, we have reason to believe that their domestic situation will be more complicated.

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

So, what do you think about Assam's desire for independence, and you are welcome to express your opinions!

Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?
Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?
Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?
Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?
Close to China and far from India itself, if Assam becomes independent, how much impact will it have on India?

The sources in this article are from:

1. "Baidu Encyclopedia - Assam, Gama Wave Country, Assam Milk Tea, Southern Tibet, Assam United Liberation Front

》; The Vedas, Kali Purana

2. Country Profile of India, official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, released on July 26, 2023;

3. "80 Dead in Violent Clashes in Assam, India", CCTV-4 -, August 18, 2012;

4. "Sudden Deprivation of Nationality for Generations: 1.9 Million Indian Assamese Become "Black Households"", News, released on September 2, 2019;

5. "The local government of India said that the explosion was carried out by an independent armed group against the government", News Network, published on October 30, 2008, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

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