
Shameless! Foreign netizens watched the collapse of the airport in India, and this time in the comment area, Indian netizens dumped China

author:Tao Tao in Xinjiang

This time, the third brother is really out of the ocean!

You must know that this is the airport of the capital New Delhi, which was reported in front of the whole world, and foreign netizens in the comment area were directly stunned, and all kinds of whole work made people laugh.

Shameless! Foreign netizens watched the collapse of the airport in India, and this time in the comment area, Indian netizens dumped China

Statement: Taken from the Internet, without any bad guidance, the following comments only represent the views of netizens, if there is any infringement, please contact me immediately to delete, thank you very much!

Indian netizens are anxious:

It turns out that you Indians always benchmark against us, because we in the United States are about to crumble like you.

(Now I finally see myself clearly.) )

Shameless! Foreign netizens watched the collapse of the airport in India, and this time in the comment area, Indian netizens dumped China

British netizens hurriedly echoed that the newly built bridge of the third brother's house a few days ago also collapsed before it was opened to traffic.

(Haha, crazy reveal.) )

Shameless! Foreign netizens watched the collapse of the airport in India, and this time in the comment area, Indian netizens dumped China

said that he also asked Indian netizens to build more toilets, ridiculing them that the average toilet per capita is only 20 to 1.

(The third brother is going to be angry.) )

Shameless! Foreign netizens watched the collapse of the airport in India, and this time in the comment area, Indian netizens dumped China

Seeing that he was being ridiculed like this, the third brother hurriedly came out to shake the pot, saying that these were all built by us.

(Third brother, you are unreasonable.) )

Shameless! Foreign netizens watched the collapse of the airport in India, and this time in the comment area, Indian netizens dumped China

Australian netizens can't stand it, it's obvious that it was built by the superpower India.

(Well done!) )

Shameless! Foreign netizens watched the collapse of the airport in India, and this time in the comment area, Indian netizens dumped China

Indian netizens still don't admit it, cheekily saying that our subway has also leaked recently, and that their project money has been wasted by us.

(It's really shameless and invincible.) )

Shameless! Foreign netizens watched the collapse of the airport in India, and this time in the comment area, Indian netizens dumped China

Seeing that the third brother was still not convinced, Australian netizens directly exposed it, you just want to find a scapegoat, and the airport of Chinese netizens can even withstand the snow.

(That's the truth.) )

Shameless! Foreign netizens watched the collapse of the airport in India, and this time in the comment area, Indian netizens dumped China

Then said that you Indian netizens have always been very proud, how can you let Chinese netizens help you build it.

(This pretending forced itself to fit in.) )

Shameless! Foreign netizens watched the collapse of the airport in India, and this time in the comment area, Indian netizens dumped China

Finally, I directly said that African netizens are better than you Indian netizens.

(The straw that broke the camel's back.) )

Shameless! Foreign netizens watched the collapse of the airport in India, and this time in the comment area, Indian netizens dumped China

This really broke the defense of Indian netizens, just laugh if you want to laugh, India will become a superpower in 2020, don't ask us to help the economy when the time comes!

(It's 2024 now, the third brother is confused.) )

Shameless! Foreign netizens watched the collapse of the airport in India, and this time in the comment area, Indian netizens dumped China

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