
People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

author:Möngke talks about health

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In the busy city life, Zheng Shiju is an ordinary accountant, and he has little time to take care of his body except for numbers and statements. His routine was seriously challenged, often working overtime late into the night, eating irregularly, staying up late, and occasionally smoking a few cigarettes to relieve the pressure of work.

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

Such a habit of life slowly accumulated hidden health risks in him unconsciously. On this day, Zheng Shiju suddenly felt a dull pain in his abdomen at work, followed by yellowish skin and slight redness of his eyes.

His symptoms made it difficult for him to concentrate on the complex handling of accounts. In the end, under the persuasion of his colleagues many times, Zheng Shiju decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination. In the hospital, Zheng Shiju met Dr. Wang, who specializes in liver disease.

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

After listening carefully to the symptoms described by Zheng Shiju, Dr. Wang immediately arranged a series of detailed examinations. When the results of the examination were in hand, Dr. Wang's face suddenly became serious. He explained to Zheng Shiju that the examination showed that his liver function indicators were not normal, and there were already signs of mild hepatitis. After Zheng Shiju heard this, he couldn't help but get nervous.

Seeing this, Dr. Wang gently explained, "You have to know that the liver is very important for our body. Your current symptoms are a sign that something is wrong with your liver. ”

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

Dr. Wang went on to emphasise the importance of liver nourishment: "Our liver has a strong ability to repair itself, but only if we give it enough care and the right lifestyle habits. Your current work and lifestyle is putting a lot of strain on your liver. ”

Hearing these words, Zheng Shiju was deeply shocked. He never imagined that small daily habits could have such a big impact on his body. Seeing this, Dr. Wang continued, "Improving your lifestyle is the first step to nourishing your liver. For example, getting enough sleep, avoiding greasy and high-calorie foods, and reducing alcohol and tobacco intake are all key. ”

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

Dr. Wang also mentioned that regular check-ups are also very important, "Regular check-ups can help us detect liver problems early, intervene and treat them in time, and prevent the condition from worsening." He suggested that Zheng Shiju undergo a comprehensive liver function test every six months to monitor the state of the liver.

Through this conversation with Dr. Wang, Zheng Shiju deeply realized the importance of liver nourishment, and also understood what changes he needed to make. He decided to start today and adjust his lifestyle habits and work hard for the sake of his liver health.

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

Under the guidance of Dr. Wang, a hepatologist, Zheng Shiju began his own path of liver nourishment. However, changing lifestyle habits alone is not enough to solve the problem completely, it is more important to learn to be alert to the signals sent by the body, which often indicate the worsening of liver problems.

Liver disease is usually not easy to detect in the early stages because the liver itself is not painful. However, as the condition worsens, some noticeable symptoms begin to appear. When liver problems worsen, signs of "one yellow, two red, three black" will appear, i.e., yellowish staining of the skin and whites of the eyes, red palms and soles, and darkening of pigmentation in certain parts of the body.

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

First of all, the so-called "one yellow" actually means jaundice. Jaundice is usually caused by the liver failing to process bilirubin effectively. Bilirubin is a yellow substance produced when red blood cells break down in our body.

Normally, this substance is excreted by the liver after processing. But if liver function is impaired, bilirubin builds up in the bloodstream, causing the person's skin and eyes to turn yellow. Then, "two red" mainly refers to the red palms and red soles.

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

This phenomenon, also known as palmar erythema, is caused by endocrine changes caused by liver disease, which causes the blood vessels in the skin to dilate, especially in the palms and feet. This redness is different from normal redness in that it is usually more persistent and not painful.

The last mention of the "three blacks" refers to melaninosis. People with liver disease may notice darker skin on their face, neck, or other areas. This change is due to impaired liver function, which affects the endocrine system, which in turn interferes with the pigment metabolism process of the skin.

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

The importance of understanding these signals is that they can help patients detect the progression of liver disease early and seek medical attention in a timely manner. Therefore, it is crucial for any individual at risk of liver disease, especially someone with unhealthy lifestyle habits like Zheng Shiju, to monitor these changes in signs.

Not only that, but the signs of exacerbated liver problems include symptoms such as fatigue easily, loss of appetite, and abdominal distension. These can be early signs of hepatitis, cirrhosis, or even liver cancer. Therefore, the appearance of these symptoms, whether it is the patient or the family, should be paid great attention to.

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

Early detection and treatment of the disease often determine the effectiveness of treatment and the prognosis of patients. By understanding and learning these key signs, Zheng Shiju is able to participate more actively in his own health management.

He knew that any time he noticed that his skin, the whites of his eyes, or his hands and feet were unusually ruddy, he should immediately go to the hospital for a detailed examination. Under the guidance of his doctor, Zheng learned how to observe changes in his body, and he had regular check-ups to make sure he was able to catch these critical signals in time.

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

In this way, Zheng Shiju is able to take steps to protect his liver health before the disease worsens. This habit of self-monitoring has gradually become a part of his life, and it has also made him pay more attention to his health, reducing the impact of liver disease on his life and work.

On Zheng Shiju's path to liver nourishment, he has begun to be alert to various signals from his body and tried his best to improve his living habits. However, in order to effectively protect the liver, it is also necessary to further understand and avoid those bad habits that can harm the liver.

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

Dr. Wang, a hepatologist, detailed five common liver-damaging habits and reminded Zheng and others in similar situations to correct them as soon as possible. First of all, excessive alcohol consumption is the most direct and common form of damage to the liver.

Alcohol directly attacks liver cells, and long-term heavy drinking may lead to fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis and even cirrhosis. Dr. Wong reminds everyone to drink alcohol in moderation, even in social situations, to avoid long-term damage to the liver caused by excessive drinking.

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

Next, unhealthy eating habits, especially eating foods high in fat and sugar regularly, are also a blow to the liver. Such a diet will cause the liver to accumulate excessive fat, and it is easy to develop fatty liver over time.

Adjusting your diet to eat more fruits and vegetables and less fried and sweet foods is good for liver health. Lack of exercise can also harm the liver. Regular physical activity boosts metabolism and helps burn excess body fat, which in turn reduces the burden on the liver.

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

For people who are used to sitting for long periods of time, it is especially important to do moderate-intensity exercise on a regular basis, such as brisk walking, swimming, cycling, etc.

Excessive use of medications can also harm the liver. Many drugs require the liver to metabolize, and excessive or long-term use of certain medications, especially over-the-counter medications containing acetaminophen, can cause liver damage. Therefore, medication should not be taken casually unless explicitly instructed by a doctor.

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

Ignoring the body's warning signs is also a common bad habit. Many patients with liver disease do not seek medical attention in the early stages of their illness and miss the best time for treatment.

Dr. Wong reminds Cheng and other patients that if they find any abnormalities in their body, such as persistent fatigue, loss of appetite, abdominal discomfort, etc., they should immediately seek the help of a professional doctor for necessary examinations. Through Dr. Wang's guidance, Cheng learned that changing these lifestyle habits can not only help protect the liver, but also improve overall health.

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly

He decided to start with himself, gradually improve these bad habits, and integrate the concept of liver nourishment into his daily life. Through continuous efforts, Zheng Shiju gradually felt the changes in his body, and the indicators of liver function were gradually improving, which made him deeply appreciate the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

(All names have been changed)


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[1] Li Qian. Exercise promotes liver health: the prognosis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease from an epigenetic perspective. Key Laboratory of Adolescent Health Assessment and Exercise Intervention, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, 2024-02-15

People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly
People with a bad liver must be vigilant against "one yellow, two red and three black", and the 5 habits that hurt the liver must be changed quickly