
Why are Japanese the thinnest in the world? After going to Japan, I was stunned by the real amount of food they ate!

author:Captain Wonder Man
Why are Japanese the thinnest in the world? After going to Japan, I was stunned by the real amount of food they ate!

A few days ago, some netizens shared their tragic experiences at Japanese driving schools.

Originally, for the sake of cheapness, he wanted to learn to drive in the off-season, but the amount of food in the canteen successfully "created a fly".

Why are Japanese the thinnest in the world? After going to Japan, I was stunned by the real amount of food they ate!

The food in the picture made many people frown:

Is this a meal? Isn't this really a snack?

Some netizens even commented:

"Haidilao's side dishes are richer than this."

Coincidentally, in other high-praise posts, the complaints about the Japanese "little bird stomach" can be described as one after another.

Why are Japanese the thinnest in the world? After going to Japan, I was stunned by the real amount of food they ate!

Seeing this, I couldn't help but rub my round little belly, and suddenly felt complicated.

In fact, it's no secret that the Japanese eat less.

From the popular Japanese drama "Lonely Foodie" in the early years, we can get a glimpse of it from the amount of food served by the guests.

Why are Japanese the thinnest in the world? After going to Japan, I was stunned by the real amount of food they ate!

Later, with the development of the Internet, the Japanese "pocket" food shared by netizens was even more emotional.

It's no wonder that in recent years, people have been talking about the "Three Wonders of Asia".

Koreans who don't sleep, Indians who don't buy tickets;

Also, Japanese people who don't eat.

Why are Japanese the thinnest in the world? After going to Japan, I was stunned by the real amount of food they ate!

Obesity is a "sin", I really dare not eat it!

Over the years, Japan has set an alternative record:

High-income countries with the lowest obesity rates (3.3%).

For people who are losing weight, this data is naturally enviable.

However, in order to achieve their goals, they also paid a "heavy" price.

As early as 2008, Japan promulgated a decree that shocked the world - the "Waist Circumference Law".

For people aged 40-74, the waist circumference must not exceed 85 cm for men and 90 cm for women.

Failure to do so will result in warnings, fines, and even resignation.

Why are Japanese the thinnest in the world? After going to Japan, I was stunned by the real amount of food they ate!

Let's ask, with such a "perverted" rule hanging over his head, who would dare to indulge casually?

As a result, a large number of officials and corporate executives took the lead in losing weight and waist, and under the combination of diet and exercise, it was not a problem to lose more than ten kilograms in a few months.

If these policies for middle-aged people are still a bit ruthless, then the local government attaches great importance to the diet of primary and secondary school students.

Every noon, the school will send students a "set meal", and the type, calorie and nutrition of these dishes have been carefully calculated.

By observing their lunches, it is not difficult to find that the amount of food for children is indeed not very large.

Why are Japanese the thinnest in the world? After going to Japan, I was stunned by the real amount of food they ate!

In addition, over the years, prices in Japan have been rising, and a Chinese cabbage has to be sold for 400 yen (equivalent to 18 yuan), which has gradually made them overstretched.

For all these reasons, it is not surprising that the Japanese diet has entered a "low desire" mode.

Why are Japanese the thinnest in the world? After going to Japan, I was stunned by the real amount of food they ate!

There is also no shortage of big stomachs in Japan

However, as the saying goes:

Don't stereotype.

In Japan, there is no shortage of big stomachs.

Take the most famous sumo wrestlers, for example.

For them, it is not difficult to eat 300 pounds easily, but looking at their food, it is really tired.

It is rumored that each sumo wrestler consumes nearly 20,000 calories a day, and ordinary people really can't eat a meal for three or five days.

Why are Japanese the thinnest in the world? After going to Japan, I was stunned by the real amount of food they ate!

In the past ten years, with the rise of the live broadcast industry, the "Big Stomach King" eating and broadcasting has also become an extremely involuted track.

Why are Japanese the thinnest in the world? After going to Japan, I was stunned by the real amount of food they ate!

These controversial video content in China are quite popular in Japan.

And some restaurants have also launched the so-called "sea meal set".

The unlimited beef, twice the amount of ramen, and the oversized pieces of char siu are all completely different from the Japanese "small bird stomach" in our impression.

Why are Japanese the thinnest in the world? After going to Japan, I was stunned by the real amount of food they ate!

Not to mention that there is a video that once shared the experience of tasting Xi'an food with Japanese friends.

Why are Japanese the thinnest in the world? After going to Japan, I was stunned by the real amount of food they ate!

The little brother in the video eats really deliciously.

It can be seen that foodies know no borders.

Few people can remain reserved in the face of good food.

Why are Japanese the thinnest in the world? After going to Japan, I was stunned by the real amount of food they ate!

In the era when the country is rich and the people are strong, it should be beautiful to be full

In fact, the food and culture of a place are always closely related.

In the Japanese aesthetic view, "wabi" and "silence" account for a large part.

To put it simply, it is a love of cripples and moderation, which is reflected in the diet, which is the "little bird's stomach".

It is true that some people will like this kind of aesthetics, but in our China, advocating "perfection" is the mainstream aesthetic.

Whether it is those majestic buildings or magnificent poems, they are actually the embodiment of full beauty.

In terms of diet, we Chinese are also very particular.

Take the most solemn Chinese New Year's Eve dinner every year.

For a complete Chinese New Year's Eve meal, the hot dish must contain a whole fish, symbolizing "surplus every year".

In the cold cuts, carrots and citrus are indispensable, meaning "red fire" and "auspiciousness". Stir-fried greens means "intimacy", and bean sprouts resemble wishful thinking, symbolizing "auspicious wishes".

And the whole chicken and duck are a symbol of "perfect".

These dishes are not only delicious, but also contain deep cultural connotations.

Why are Japanese the thinnest in the world? After going to Japan, I was stunned by the real amount of food they ate!

When it comes to Chinese cuisine, it can be regarded as world-renowned.

Barbecue in the northwest, hot pot in the southwest, meat in the northeast, pastries in Gangnam......

Anyone who comes will hardly resist such a temptation.

This dish of food on the table of ordinary people is also the result of our development.

For the older generation, a bowl of lard, a hanging of somen noodles, and the occasional slices of meat are already a delicacy.

Nowadays, with the rapid development of the economy, people's diets have become more and more diverse, and even a "special forces tour" for the sake of food from other places is also a common thing.

So you see, being a "foodie" is actually a kind of happiness. We don't have to feel anxious about eating too much.

Because, in this era of national prosperity and strength, fullness and atmosphere are the most beautiful state.

The author of this article | Huai San Cat

Editor-in-Charge | Faint emerald

Curated | Faint emerald

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