
During the dog days when cardiovascular disease is high, as long as you do these things, you may be able to spend the whole summer happily

author:Xiao Zhao said Chinese medicine

On a hot summer morning, on the streets of the southern city of Huayang, 65-year-old Uncle Wang would go out for a walk early every day. He wears a loose shirt and a pair of reading glasses, and his steps are steady and calm. Uncle Wang is a health expert in this community and a role model that many neighbors envy. However, this year's summer seems to be exceptionally hot, and the morning sun is like a blazing flame that makes people dare not be careless.

Uncle Wang realized that he needed to pay more attention to his health issues. In particular, he heard the term "dog days", which is said to be the hottest and most health-prone time of summer. Uncle Wang once read about the effects of dog days on cardiovascular health in a newspaper article, which made him pay more attention to his health.

During the dog days when cardiovascular disease is high, as long as you do these things, you may be able to spend the whole summer happily

Learn about the effects of dog days on cardiovascular health

Dog days, the old meteorological term, refers to the hottest and wettest period of summer. During this period, high temperatures and humidity are the norm, which is not only unbearable, but also poses a challenge to the cardiovascular system. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, due to the slowdown of the body's metabolism and reduced ability to regulate, the adaptability to high temperatures is significantly reduced, so they are more susceptible to the effects of dog days.

During the dog days when cardiovascular disease is high, as long as you do these things, you may be able to spend the whole summer happily

Hot weather causes blood vessels to dilate, which increases the burden on the heart. In a hot environment, the human body dilates blood vessels to dissipate heat, making it possible to increase blood pressure, which is especially dangerous for middle-aged and elderly people. Vasodilation leads to an increase in blood circulation, and the heart needs to pump harder to ensure adequate blood supply to various organs, which will increase the burden on the heart, especially for those who already have some micro-damage to the cardiovascular system, this load may cause heart disease, angina pectoris, and other problems.

In addition, hot weather can also increase the concentration of platelets and fibrinogen in the blood, and increase the viscosity of the blood, which is not conducive to blood flow and increases the risk of thrombosis. Middle-aged and elderly people often have higher blood viscosity than young people due to their lifestyle habits and physical conditions, and the hot weather at this time will exacerbate this phenomenon and increase the incidence of cardiovascular events.

During the dog days when cardiovascular disease is high, as long as you do these things, you may be able to spend the whole summer happily

As long as you do this, you may be able to enjoy the whole summer

Reasonable lifestyle adjustments

To maintain cardiovascular health during the dog days, proper lifestyle modifications are essential. First of all, keep the indoor air circulation and turn on the air conditioner moderately to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature and humidity environment. Try to avoid exposure to the sun in the afternoon and choose to do outdoor activities early in the morning or late afternoon to reduce the direct impact of high temperatures on the body. In addition, the diet needs to be adjusted, reduce the intake of high-calorie, high-fat, high-salt foods, and increase the proportion of fresh vegetables and fruits, which can help reduce blood lipids and blood pressure, and protect the health of the cardiovascular system.

Scientific physical exercise

Moderate physical activity is essential for maintaining cardiovascular health, but special caution is required in high temperatures. It is recommended to do it in the early morning or late afternoon to avoid the hot hours in the afternoon. The intensity of exercise should be gradually increased to avoid the risk of overexertion and heat stroke. When exercising outdoors, replenish water in time, pay attention to adjusting the intensity of exercise, avoid excessive physical consumption and calorie imbalance, and protect the safety and health of the cardiovascular system.

Monitor your blood pressure and blood sugar regularly

Due to the predisposition of cardiovascular disease during the dog days, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people monitor their blood pressure and blood sugar regularly. The high temperature and humidity environment will lead to an increase in blood viscosity, increase the burden on blood vessels, and easily induce diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. Through regular monitoring, timely detection of abnormal conditions, targeted health management and adjustment, the occurrence of cardiovascular events can be effectively prevented.

During the dog days when cardiovascular disease is high, as long as you do these things, you may be able to spend the whole summer happily

Maintain mental health

In dog days, the human body is not only facing physical challenges, but mental health issues are just as important. High temperatures can easily cause mood swings, aggravate anxiety and fatigue, and then affect the stability of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is advisable to relieve stress and maintain a good state of mind by learning relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, etc. In addition, actively participating in social activities and maintaining good social networks are also effective means of maintaining mental health.

During the dog days, when cardiovascular disease is susceptible, as long as you take appropriate lifestyle adjustments, scientific physical exercise, regular monitoring of blood pressure and blood sugar, and maintain good mental health, you can effectively prevent and manage the risk of cardiovascular disease, so that you can spend the whole summer safely and happily. I hope every middle-aged and elderly friend can benefit from these practical health tips and enjoy a healthy and happy summer life!

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