
Li Bin of NIO: Batteries are now at the bottom of the cost, and solid-state batteries are more about reducing weight

author:Happy brother

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The battery revolution in the era of electric vehicles

Throughout the development of the automotive industry, batteries are undoubtedly the key to the development of the current electric vehicle industry. As the "heart" of electric vehicles, the performance of the battery directly determines the key indicators such as mileage, acceleration performance, and safety of electric vehicles. In recent years, with the rapid development of next-generation battery technology, the cost of batteries has been continuously reduced, and the performance has also continued to improve. And the recent remarks of Li Bin, the founder of NIO, have injected new thinking into this change.

Li Bin of NIO: Batteries are now at the bottom of the cost, and solid-state batteries are more about reducing weight

Li Bin said that at present, lithium iron phosphate and blade batteries have reached the bottom of the cost from the physical structure, and the further upgrade of batteries in the future is more concentrated in solid-state and semi-solid-state batteries, mainly to solve the problem of weight and weight reduction. This undoubtedly points out the direction for the future development of the current electric vehicle industry.

First, the cost of batteries has bottomed out, and the focus is on weight reduction

In Li Bin's view, the current lithium iron phosphate and blade batteries have reached the bottom of the cost in terms of physical structure. This is due to the fact that key factors such as battery materials and manufacturing processes have become more and more mature, and it is difficult to significantly reduce costs.

Li Bin of NIO: Batteries are now at the bottom of the cost, and solid-state batteries are more about reducing weight

Taking lithium iron phosphate batteries as an example, due to the low cost of raw materials, the relatively simple manufacturing process, and the continuous progress of technology, the cost has dropped significantly in the past few years. Industry insiders predict that the cost of lithium iron phosphate battery packs will drop to about 1 yuan/watt-hour in 2025, which is close to the theoretical minimum cost. Due to the innovative shape design, the blade battery reduces the amount of material used to a certain extent, so the overall cost is also lower than that of traditional batteries.

Therefore, further battery upgrades in the future will focus more on solid-state and semi-solid-state battery technology. Due to the use of all-solid-state or semi-solid-state electrolytes, these batteries have obvious advantages in terms of safety, energy density, etc. What's more, they can significantly reduce the weight of the vehicle compared to existing lithium-ion batteries, thereby improving range and acceleration.

Li Bin of NIO: Batteries are now at the bottom of the cost, and solid-state batteries are more about reducing weight

Second, weight reduction has become a new direction for the development of electric vehicles

Vehicle weight is one of the key factors affecting the performance and range of electric vehicles. In general, for every 100 kg increase in vehicle weight, the cruising range will be reduced by about 20 km. Therefore, how to further reduce the weight of the whole vehicle under the premise of ensuring safety has always been the goal pursued by the electric vehicle industry.

The advent of solid-state and semi-solid-state batteries has opened up new possibilities for reducing vehicle weight. Compared to traditional liquid lithium-ion batteries, solid-state batteries use a solid-state electrolyte instead of a liquid electrolyte, which is not only safer, but also smaller and lighter. Industry insiders expect that the specific energy of solid-state batteries can reach 400 watt-hours per kilogram in the future, which is more than 40% higher than that of current lithium-ion batteries.

In addition, semi-solid-state batteries also have the advantage of being lightweight. These batteries use a semi-solid electrolyte, which is between solid and liquid, and can reduce the weight of the battery to a certain extent. It is reported that the semi-solid-state battery being developed by Huawei is expected to have an energy density of 350 watt-hours/kg, which is more than 20% higher than the existing battery.

Li Bin of NIO: Batteries are now at the bottom of the cost, and solid-state batteries are more about reducing weight

It can be said that the emergence of solid-state and semi-solid-state batteries has provided a new breakthrough for the lightweight of electric vehicles. In the future, as such battery technologies further mature, they will surely become the new darlings pursued by the electric vehicle industry.

Third, car companies have deployed cutting-edge battery technology

In the face of the continuous upgrading of battery technology, major car companies have also deployed cutting-edge battery technology to ensure the core competitiveness of their products.

Li Bin of NIO: Batteries are now at the bottom of the cost, and solid-state batteries are more about reducing weight

Tesla, for example, has made battery technology development one of its key strategies. Tesla not only builds its own battery factory, but also establishes in-depth cooperation with leading domestic battery companies such as CATL to jointly develop a new generation of battery technology. In the future, Tesla will also cooperate with scientific research institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences to promote the application of cutting-edge technologies such as solid-state batteries.

In China, new power car companies such as NIO have also spared no effort in battery technology. NIO has not only independently developed blade batteries, but also established strategic cooperation with giants such as CATL to jointly promote the upgrading of battery technology. In addition, NIO will also focus on solid-state and semi-solid-state batteries, hoping to further reduce vehicle weight and improve product performance.

It can be said that the continuous progress of battery technology is becoming a new track for major car companies to chase. Only by keeping up with the frontier of technology and continuing to promote battery innovation can car companies win the initiative in the future.

Li Bin of NIO: Batteries are now at the bottom of the cost, and solid-state batteries are more about reducing weight

Fourth, new opportunities in the era of electric vehicles

With the continuous breakthrough of battery technology, electric vehicles are entering a new period of development. Whether it is lithium iron phosphate batteries, blade batteries, or solid-state and semi-solid-state batteries in the future, they undoubtedly bring new development opportunities for electric vehicles.

First of all, the continuous decline in battery costs will further lower the threshold for electric vehicle purchases and stimulate consumer demand. Even though Li Bin said that oil prices may be cheap in the future, for today's consumers, the cost of buying and using electric vehicles is still obvious. With the gradual reduction of battery costs, the cost performance of electric vehicles will be further improved, thereby attracting more consumers to join the electric vehicle camp.

Second, the significant reduction in the weight of the battery will greatly improve the performance and range of electric vehicles. The advent of solid-state and semi-solid-state batteries not only makes electric vehicles lighter and more flexible, but also injects new impetus into the improvement of cruising range. In the future, as this type of battery technology continues to mature, electric vehicles will have better acceleration and longer range, so as to further meet the needs of consumers.

Finally, improving the endurance and performance of electric vehicles will also lead to the further improvement of related supporting facilities. For example, the construction of infrastructure such as charging piles and battery swap stations will be accelerated to provide consumers with more convenient travel services. At the same time, battery recycling and secondary use will also become a new development focus to further improve the environmental protection and sustainability of electric vehicles.

In short, the continuous advancement of battery technology is bringing new development opportunities for the electric vehicle industry. Whether in terms of cost, performance, or infrastructure, the future development prospects of electric vehicles are very promising. It is believed that in the near future, electric vehicles will become the preferred way for people to travel.

Advances in battery technology are driving electric vehicles from concept to maturity. We have witnessed not only the continuous reduction in the cost of batteries, but also the continuous improvement in battery performance. The emergence of solid-state and semi-solid-state batteries has undoubtedly brought new imagination to the field of electric vehicles.

The weight advantage of these new batteries not only significantly increases the range of electric vehicles, but also greatly improves their acceleration. It is foreseeable that with the continuous maturity of solid-state and semi-solid-state battery technology, electric vehicles will be lighter and more efficient in the future. This not only meets consumers' expectations for range and power performance, but also helps to further reduce the overall weight of electric vehicles, thereby improving their environmental protection and energy efficiency.

At the same time, advances in battery technology will lead to continuous improvement of charging infrastructure. With the significant improvement of battery life, more consumers will join the electric vehicle camp, which will inevitably force the upgrading of related industrial chains. We can expect that in the future, charging piles, battery swap stations and other facilities will be more convenient and efficient, providing a more comfortable travel experience for electric vehicle users.

In addition, the development of battery technology will also bring new opportunities for secondary use and recycling. As battery life lengthens and energy density increases, the value of end-of-life batteries will continue to increase. This will not only help improve the environmental protection of electric vehicles, but also cultivate new industrial growth points and bring more development space for related enterprises.

Overall, continuous advances in battery technology are driving the EV industry from concept to maturity. Whether in terms of performance, cost or environmental protection, electric vehicles will show more superior characteristics and will further attract the favor of consumers. We have reason to believe that in the near future, electric vehicles will become the preferred way for people to get around.

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