
Israel intends to designate the United Nations agency as a terrorist organization and demand to be evacuated, and it needs to pay 7.3 million before leaving

author:Happy sweet potato

All of the things mentioned in this article have verified sources of information, the specific details of which are detailed at the end of the article. The above content has removed some specific expressions from the original text, reduced the repetition with the original text, and used more direct and concise sentences to explain the information.

Much of the world has expressed opposition to Israel's actions in the Rafah area, but Israel still insists on U.S. support. Despite the civilian casualties caused by the repeated expansion of military operations, they have no intention of stopping.

It was surprising that Israel had defined certain United Nations agencies as "terrorist organizations" and demanded that they be evacuated and pay a large sum. What's going on here? It turned out that Israel made jaw-dropping demands on the UN body. They went so far as to classify some United Nations agencies as "terrorist organizations" and demanded that they be evacuated in accordance with their demands. In addition, a substantial amount of back payment was requested. This begs the question, what's going on? In simple terms, Israel has taken tough measures against UN agencies, not only labeling them as a "terrorist organization", but also demanding their withdrawal and making large payments. This seems strange and confusing.

[Proposed designation of a United Nations agency as a "terrorist organization"]

Since the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the world has begun to widely support the Palestinian people, and many countries have responded positively. The United Nations General Assembly also approved the proposal for Palestine to join the United Nations. Against this backdrop, Israel's representative Erdan, at the UN General Assembly, made a shocking move, appearing to be in conflict with the UN Charter. He reportedly carried out an act of "shredding" the charter in public and claimed to have torn it up. This incident has aroused widespread concern and discussion in the international community. People around the world have expressed their sympathy and support for the Palestinian people in the hope of helping them through this difficult time. As a representative organ of the international community, the United Nations should uphold the principles of justice and fairness and safeguard international order and peace. Erdan's actions, however, call into question the decisions and actions of the United Nations. It is hoped that in the future, the United Nations will be able to handle international affairs more justly and maintain world peace and stability.

In addition to the above, the Minister criticized the United Nations for becoming an insignificant body, hinting at dissatisfaction with the General Assembly resolution. In response, he made clear his contempt for Israel, which defied the authority of the United Nations with obvious arrogance and showed extreme contempt for it. It can be seen that he is seriously dissatisfied with the decision of the General Assembly. Israel's actions are tantamount to openly challenging global rules and order, demonstrating its arrogance and domineering heart. Therefore, the Minister for Foreign Affairs considered the status of the United Nations to be weakened and criticized Israel for such provocative actions as a manifestation of his unstoppable attitude.

Israel intends to designate the United Nations agency as a terrorist organization and demand to be evacuated, and it needs to pay 7.3 million before leaving

At present, more than 150 countries around the world have officially recognized the state of Palestine, including European countries such as Norway, Ireland and Spain, and they have established diplomatic relations with Palestine at the ambassadorial level. In addition, Brazil has made an important decision to permanently withdraw its ambassador to Israel. These moves demonstrate the growing number of countries that recognize Palestine's international status and support its membership in the United Nations. This growing trend further demonstrates the strong support of the international community for Palestine.

As is customary, Israel should perhaps rein in a bit. But emotions seem to be running high in Israel, and even the United Nations has not been spared. They even label the UN's affiliates as "terrorist organizations." It's really surprising.

On 29 May, at a key Israeli meeting, the vote was markedly biased in favour of a resolution labelling the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East as a "terrorist organization." This resolution has been adopted at a preliminary stage. It is expected that in future parliamentary sessions, there will also be a voting process for the first, second and third readings.

Israel intends to designate the United Nations agency as a terrorist organization and demand to be evacuated, and it needs to pay 7.3 million before leaving

The organization was founded in 1949 to help Palestinian refugees. It has been providing education, medical care, social services and other relief measures to refugees for many years, and has become one of the important international relief agencies in the Middle East. It is constantly working to provide assistance to people in need.

Unexpectedly, Israel went so far as to put the label of "terrorist organization" on it, expressing strong dissatisfaction with this, and claiming that this is a response to Hamas's activities, the so-called "anti-Israel acts", which seem to be providing shelter to Hamas.

The implementation of the new reform bill has been met with fierce criticism. Israel's actions are tantamount to adding fuel to the fire and will further escalate tensions in the Middle East. Such an act would only impede the peace process between Palestine and Israel. Even more worrying is the fact that humanitarian aid is being used as a political pretext, which should never be a reality.

Israel intends to designate the United Nations agency as a terrorist organization and demand to be evacuated, and it needs to pay 7.3 million before leaving

Israel's operation against UNRWA has not yet ended. At the same time, the Israel Land Administration also asked the agency to evacuate its premises in East Jerusalem on the same day and set a one-month deadline for evacuation. This series of operations is ongoing.

They claimed "sovereignty" over land in the area and issued hefty fines amounting to more than $7.3 million. Such a request for a fine comes from the punishment they have imposed on the agency for its infractions, and it is also the largest financial penalty that the agency has faced for working on Israeli soil in nearly seven years. It is important to note that this institution is not allowed by Israel to work on its soil.

Israel intends to designate the United Nations agency as a terrorist organization and demand to be evacuated, and it needs to pay 7.3 million before leaving

When did East Jerusalem become the land of Israel? Under the two-state solution, East Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Palestine and has sovereignty over the area. So, how did Israel get "ownership" of this land? This is indeed a question worth exploring.

The Israeli government opposes and rejects the so-called "two-state solution". At the moment, they even intend to designate certain UN bodies as "terrorist organizations", completely denying the legitimacy of the UN. Since they refuse to recognize the authority of the United Nations, we have to ask, where is Israel's legitimacy? Although Israel's founding was based on the 1947 resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, such an act has also raised questions.

Israel intends to designate the United Nations agency as a terrorist organization and demand to be evacuated, and it needs to pay 7.3 million before leaving

There have been many unfortunate encounters in modern history, such as the wandering Jewish people. Although they have endured lengthy displacements in the past and brutal massacres during World War II, fortunately, people from all over the world have reached out to them. Today, the Jewish people are settling down in the Middle East, but sadly, they are now targeting innocent civilians, including women and children. Such behaviour is unacceptable and causes us deep concern and contempt. Such acts constitute a grave violation of humanitarian and human values. The Jewish people have endured numerous hardships over the years, but now their actions are disappointing. We hope that they will re-examine their behaviour and return to humanitarianism, rather than pointing guns on innocent lives. We look forward to their peaceful coexistence in the Middle East and the creation of a peaceful and harmonious world with the people of all countries in the world.

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Recently, Guangming Network reported that the Knesset preliminarily voted to require certain organizations to evacuate within 30 days. These organizations are recognized by the United Nations as "terrorist organizations". Further information is being learned.

Israel has demanded the withdrawal of a specific United Nations organization and wants to designate it as a "terrorist organization," a report from Qilu Point on May 30, 2024. At the same time, in a report by Global Peng Shangguan News, they pointed to an important fact that nearly 150 countries have recognized the existence of a Palestinian state. What does this mean? This incident reflects a complex issue of international political relations, and will we be able to understand the impact of such acts and their impact on international relations? The recognition of the State of Palestine has clearly attracted global attention. This phenomenon not only represents the political position of countries, but also reflects the international community's pursuit of peace and justice. However, this also means that tensions between the regions are likely to rise further. In addition, Israel's move to demand the withdrawal of UN agencies and designate them as "terrorist organizations" has also been widely discussed. What exactly is the reason and purpose behind this action? Will it provoke more international conflicts and contradictions? We look forward to more information on this complex issue. Taken together, these events demonstrate the complexity and variability of international politics. We should keep an eye on and seek a peaceful solution in order to maintain stability and harmony in the world.

According to the latest reports, the Brazilian president has announced the permanent withdrawal of the country's ambassador to Israel, a message released on May 30, 2024 on the Straits Network.

Israel intends to designate the United Nations agency as a terrorist organization and demand to be evacuated, and it needs to pay 7.3 million before leaving

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